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What are virtual states and why do they attract people?

What are virtual states and why do they attract people?

What are virtual states and why do they attract people?
  • What are virtual states and who creates them?
  • Libertarians in Croatia: freedom or legal disputes?
  • Decenturions and Virtland: New Horizons of Virtual Citizenship?
  • The future of microstates: How Rhodesia changed and the space kingdom emerged?

About the author:Yulia Ershova, content editor. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Virtual states

Virtual states, also known as micronations, are conceptual entities that proclaim their independence and attempt to mimic various characteristics of real countries. However, the global community largely does not recognize them, observing with interest the activities of their leaders and citizens. Typically, these entities do not have their own territory and often exist only on social media or official websites.

Some of these entities are trying to claim rights to lands that belong to no one, or declare as their own plots of property, uninhabited islands, or reefs.

Who creates microstates?

The number of people striving to create their own state is impressive. These attempts involve not only social activists but also wealthy individuals, scholars, and ordinary citizens. For example:

  • The organization Greenpeace has created two microstates: Waveland and the Republic of Glacier.
  • Billionaire Igor Ashurbeyli is behind the Asgardia project.

We are pleased to present you with a list of unusual microstates, where many passionate citizens have gathered.

Bir Tawil

One of the most famous such territories is Bir Tawil, located on the border of Sudan and Egypt. This area serves as a classic example of terra nullius. Jeremiah Heaton, an American who founded his own monarchy, claims that he created this state for his daughter, who dreams of becoming a princess.

Opposite the official neighbors, who still do not recognize the rights of the royal family, this piece of land belongs to that very family. Hiton believes that this uninhabited area will become a testing ground for the implementation of modern agricultural technologies.

The conflict over Bir Tawil

Nevertheless, Bir Tawil is also claimed by:

  • Russian businessman Dmitry Zhikharev with the idea of creating his own Middle-earth.
  • Indian citizen Suyash Dixit.

A Russian traveler even accused his rivals of manipulating documents. The confrontation between the three self-proclaimed monarchs could escalate into a conflict: "If they manage to reclaim the land, we will find ourselves in a state of war!" Dixit states, adding with a smirk that this issue could be discussed over a cup of coffee.

Become a part of Northern Sudan

Those interested in becoming part of the project in Northern Sudan can submit applications until September 19, 2020. There is a special registration form designed for involvement in the project. Initial membership is free, but other participants and investors will need to make monthly payments ranging from $29 to $99.

Only those involved in agriculture, scientific research, or medical studies will be able to obtain passports. It is expected that the process of legalizing passports will be possible in the next three to five years.


Liberland is yet another space that belongs to no one. By creating this microstate, Czech activist Vít Jedlička raised a flag in 2015, thereby proclaiming this land as Liberland.

These microstates, reflecting the unique interests and ideas of their creators, continue to attract the attention and interest of various enthusiasts eager to become part of this unusual activity and perhaps reconsider the understanding of the essence of statehood.

Libertarians in Croatia

In northern Croatia, in a picturesque area along the Danube River, there is a unique land stretching about seven kilometers that is controlled by libertarians. One of the main principles of their ideology is the motto "Live as you wish, and let others do the same." However, despite their pursuit of freedom, the actions of the libertarians have not received the blessing of the local authorities.

Arrests and legal disputes

Since the creation of this community in 2015, its members, including leader Vitez Jedlicka, have become victims of arrests: the number of detainees has reached one hundred. Although none of them remained in custody for more than two weeks, they continue to file lawsuits. The judicial authorities have established that their claims to this territory have no legal basis, and the dispute over ownership of this forest area remains unresolved for the arbitration court.

Features of Liberland

According to the founder, Liberland aims to be the freest state in the world. In this small state, there is a system of voluntary taxation, and the number of government officials is kept to a minimum. Citizens are granted almost complete freedom of speech and access to information. Everyone has the right to engage in any activity, provided that their actions do not harm others.

Key economic aspects:
  • The use of bitcoins in the economy.
  • The ability to apply for a passport online.
  • Issuance of identification and debit cards for those who are not citizens.

Support and development

One of the main supporters of the creation of Liberland is Patrick Schumacher, representing the architectural firm Zaha Hadid Architects. He is assisting Jedlička in developing the infrastructure for the new state. It is unclear whether Jedlička initially aimed to attract public attention to promote Liberland, but he succeeded in doing so. Today, the population of this autonomous republic exceeds 500,000 people from a hundred different countries.

The process of obtaining citizenship

To obtain citizenship of Liberland, you need to submit an application via email.

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However, it should be noted that passports will not be issued to those associated with communist or Nazi movements, as well as former criminals or individuals without a higher education.

Requirements for candidates:
  • The manifestation of respect for everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs.
  • Respect for the inviolability of private property.

Other innovative projects

We should not forget about other innovative projects, such as the idea of creating a Bitcoin state by Nikolai Evdokimov, the founder of the Cryptonomics Capital fund. In 2018, he established an organization for the wealthiest individuals with the aim of uniting the 30 million richest citizens of the world. Currently, this project operates exclusively in a virtual format, but there are plans to acquire three islands in Malaysia soon to expand its activities.

The future of Liberland

This new state formation can no longer boast a small number of officials, as around 50 ministries are planned to be created by 2025. Those wishing to become part of this state are offered the opportunity to acquire citizenship by purchasing project tokens. Interestingly, the more tokens a person holds, the greater weight their vote carries in elections.

These ideas highlight the growing interest in new forms of governance emerging from cryptocurrencies and digital technologies.

What are virtual states and why do they attract people?

Citizenship of Decenturion

Every participant in this initiative has the chance to receive annual payments of 25,000 US dollars. Both individuals and companies can join the project.

For such citizens, there are no tax obligations, and all resources are distributed among the decurion members without any additional costs. In turn, the state promotes the enrichment of its citizens by investing in startups. Nikolai Evdokimov oversees these investments through his own investment fund.

However, the question still remains whether this project can be considered a financial pyramid.

How to become a citizen?

To become a citizen of the state of Decenturion, interested individuals need to purchase the DCNT token (ERC20), which is available at a price of $0.5 (as of July 2, 2019), and additionally pay for the passport delivery, which will cost $50.

As soon as the number of registered citizens reaches 30 million, the acceptance of new applications will be halted.

Virtlandia is the first virtual state.

Virtland, proclaimed the first virtual state since 2008, has long claimed this title. Although the founders and leaders prefer to remain anonymous, the concept of creating an ideal one-sided democratic state has attracted the attention of many people.

Questions regarding life in Virtland are actively discussed in the media, and citizens are given the opportunity to consult online at the medical center. Additionally, Virtland is known for organizing the world's first cyber meeting, aimed at defending the constitution of an unrecognized state.

Among the citizens of Virtland, you can even find well-known public figures, such as WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Requirements for obtaining a passport

The main requirements for those wishing to obtain a passport of Virtland include reaching the age of 18. The process of applying for a passport begins with filling out a form on the official website or registering in a specialized network.

The service for processing applications costs 5 euros.

Conflict in Antarctica

As for the conflict in Antarctica, it began quite a long time ago. In 1959, the UN member countries signed an international treaty that declared Antarctica a world heritage site, intended solely for peaceful purposes.

A lot of time has passed since then; the ice masses have noticeably decreased, threatening to flood some Pacific islands, while many countries have begun to explore this coldest continent.

Micronations in Antarctica

Nevertheless, no international agreements have stopped the rulers of microstates, as Antarctica has long been marked on maps under fictional flags of various kingdoms and duchies, such as:

  • Vestarkotia
  • Flandrensis
  • Finsmund

The Republic of Rhodesia and its conflicts

For example, the Federated States of Antarctica assert their rights over the entire continent. In the summer of 2009, the Republic of Rhodesia declared war on Finzmund, as a hidden clause regarding a hundred-year occupation of Rhodesian lands was included in a carelessly signed friendship treaty.

The cyberattacks of a disgruntled leader of Rhodesia led to the downfall and complete disappearance of the cunning kingdom of Finsmund from the geographical map of the world.

The disappearance of Rhodesia

In 2009, it became clear that attempts to challenge Rhodesia's actions in the context of the Great Unification of micronations were unsuccessful. In the autumn of that same year, Rhodesia officially ceased to exist, and its territory was soon declared a neutral zone.

Passport of a citizen of Antarctica

It is noteworthy that one can legally obtain a passport as a citizen of Antarctica if their work is related to research on this cold continent. Jorge and Lucy Orta, renowned artists, initiated a project called "Antarctic Village Without Borders." These documents are issued to only a limited number of people, as there are strict criteria for candidates.

Although such a passport is not an officially recognized document, it can serve as an interesting souvenir. There is an opinion that Antarctic passports could be legitimized if the G8 countries develop a secret project aimed at resource exploitation and colonization of the continent.

Requirements for candidates

The requirements for obtaining an Antarctic passport are quite strict:

  • Age:Women should be at least 35 years old, and men should be at least 40.
  • Reputation:Candidates should not have any offenses, including minor violations.
  • Qualification:It is necessary to be a highly qualified specialist in a sought-after profession.
  • Willingness to relocate:It is necessary to be prepared for possible relocations.

The applications are reviewed by special commissions, and the passport processing will cost a symbolic amount of 4 euros.

Cosmic Kingdom

Additionally, it is worth noting the remarkable initiative of recent years related to the creation of a space kingdom, aimed at protecting our planet from asteroids. In 2016, Russian billionaire Igor Ashurbeyli first presented the concept of such a project.

The desire to explore outer space has fascinated people for centuries, but the approach to interplanetary exploration for all interested parties, contrary to existing international treaties, has become a new idea. The leader of this new microstate believes that the current agreements on the exploration of near-Earth space are outdated, and it is time to create new rules that align with modern realities.

Goals of the Space Kingdom

Ashurbeyli sees this as progress in the field of international law and astropolitics. The space kingdom is geared towards cooperation with the governments of Earth and plans to create a special fleet to protect the planet from threats posed by asteroids. However, not everyone will be able to become a citizen of this new structure.

Igor Ashurbeyli carefully selects candidates by using IQ tests to determine if they meet the high standards set for the residents of the new kingdom.

How to become a citizen of Asgardia

To become a part of Asgardia, you need to register on the official website of the kingdom and make a payment of 100 euros to obtain a passport. This creates a unique system where the boundaries of traditional statehood are blurred, opening up new opportunities for everyone who is ready to participate in space exploration and the creation of a new society beyond Earth.


In conclusion of my research on virtual states and microstates, I want to emphasize how diverse and fascinating this phenomenon of modernity is. Each of the mentioned entities—be it Liberland with its libertarian principles or Bir Tawil, where a conflict among three claimants to the land is unfolding—illustrates people's desire to create new forms of social organization and self-expression.

These mini-states often serve not only as experimental grounds for political and economic ideas but also as places where people can realize their dreams and ambitions.

New forms of social organization

  • Liberlandwith his libertarian principles.
  • Bir Tawilwhere the conflict between three contenders for the country is escalating.

Despite the fact that most of them are not recognized by the international community and exist on the border of reality and fiction, they create a unique space for discussing issues of identity, autonomy, and civil rights.

Modern technologies and globalization

It is also important to note that, although these projects are often perceived as a joke or dystopia, they are based on the realities of modern technology, globalization, and changes in the perception of statehood.

In the age of information technology, when communication mainly occurs through digital platforms, these microstates can serve as a catalyst for change, encouraging people to reconsider traditional notions of the state and its role in society.

Inspiration for reflection

I hope that exploring this fascinating phenomenon will inspire readers to reflect on how we perceive power, belonging, and unity. Behind these virtual constructs lie not only the dreams of their creators but also deep sociocultural processes that are changing our understanding of what a nation is in the modern world.

It is possible that in the future we will see new forms of statehood emerging from such experiments, which will make our world even more diverse and fascinating.
