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Horizontal cities: a new concept in urban planning or a utopia?

Horizontal cities: a new concept in urban planning or a utopia?

Horizontal cities: a new concept in urban planning or a utopia?
  • Horizontal cities: the future of urban planning or a step backward?
  • Horizontal cities: harmony of nature and urban life?

World population

The Earth's population has long surpassed the threshold of 8 billion people, and this growth shows no signs of slowing down. This trend, in turn, has a significant impact on urban planning approaches.

Horizontal cities

In this article, we will delve into the concept of horizontal cities, also known as single-story cities. There is an opinion that the time has come for cities with low-rise buildings, which have developed infrastructure, to start actively emerging instead of high-rise buildings.

Choice for cities

Rapidly developing cities face a choice: to increase their height or to expand horizontally. Vertical development involves the construction of multi-story buildings and skyscrapers, which allows for more efficient use of limited space. In contrast, purposefully designed horizontal cities offer a more comfortable option, where residents enjoy more space, privacy, and a harmonious environment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Both styles have their pros and cons, but this time we will focus specifically on horizontal cities. Let's take a closer look at their concept, explore how they contribute to economic development, and familiarize ourselves with successful examples of such infrastructure implementation.

Expert opinion

Having the opportunity to discuss this issue, we invited the co-chair of the Confederation of Horizontal Cities, Olga Blagoveshchenskaya, who shared her experience. During our conversation, we will explore the essence of the concept of one-story cities and their differences from the familiar multi-story developments.

Cyclicality of settlements

Olga emphasizes that there is a cyclical movement in the world: initially, people strive to move to urban centers, but then this process begins to change. Today, we observe how horizontal cities, with their developed infrastructure, are gradually displacing the familiar apartment buildings. These settlements offer their residents more open space and fresh air, which helps reduce stress and increase the overall level of comfort.

Quality of life

A significant aspect of this concept is the availability of all necessary resources for life within the city, as well as adherence to high construction standards. Equally important is the fact that the cost per square meter in such cities should be comparable to or even lower than that of high-rise developments.

Advantages of horizontal cities

Now let's take a detailed look at the main advantages and disadvantages of designing and constructing single-story cities. One of the main benefits is that, unlike high-rise buildings, horizontal cities do not require the cutting down of parks and disruption of the natural landscape, which allows for:

  • Natural reliefs are preserved;
  • Living conditions are improving for residents;
  • The aesthetic qualities of the urban environment remain at a high level.

Modern trends

Even in modern cities with high-rise buildings, there is a trend towards incorporating natural elements into architecture, including landscaping and the use of natural materials like wood for construction and interior design.

New Horizons of Urban Development

Thus, horizontal cities represent a new vision of urban development, centered around improving the quality of life, preserving natural resources, and creating a cozy environment for residents. This concept could serve as an alternative to traditional urban expansion and set the tone for the emergence of a harmonious, balanced, and comfortable living space.

The harmony of nature and urban life

In cities designed with horizontal development, nature becomes an integral part of everyday life, significantly impacting the psycho-emotional state of the residents. These places offer everything necessary for comfortable living and provide quick access to major urban centers, with travel times not exceeding one hour.

Advantages of individual housing

One of the main advantages of this type of housing is the possibility of personalization.

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Imagine that instead of a typical high-rise building, you could have an individual home that meets all your needs and preferences. However, this approach also has its downsides:

  • In some countries, there is a lack of sufficient practical experience to successfully implement such concepts in practice.
  • High construction costs can significantly reduce competitiveness.
  • The lack of necessary infrastructure forces local residents to spend a lot of time traveling to other places for work or leisure.

Financial mechanisms and infrastructure

To successfully create horizontal cities, it is essential to work thoroughly on financial mechanisms that can support these projects. An important aspect of such construction should be the development of infrastructure that takes into account the interests of all age groups, including youth aged 10-15 years.

“Yes, such rentals may be more expensive than standard ones, but they have their advantages,” experts note when discussing common models of shared living.

Positive impact on society

Horizontal cities have a positive impact on the atmosphere among their inhabitants. What are the consequences of such projects for the local economy and ecology? The answer is clear: the overall impact is negative.

  • Firstly, organizing these spaces requires special attention to standards, which will significantly increase the number of workspaces.
  • Secondly, the opening of such cities will contribute to the development of small businesses and innovative industries, which will lead to the formation of genuine community networks.
  • Thirdly, such large-scale projects attract modern specialists and the latest technologies.

Environmental standards

Horizontal cities can be referred to as gardens, as special "green" standards are developed for them, concerning both environmental safety and energy efficiency of buildings. Such agglomerations positively impact the psycho-emotional well-being of citizens, providing the opportunity to spend more time outdoors with family.

Historical context of garden cities

The idea of garden cities emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as a response to the rapid development and overcrowding of cities. It involves the creation of planned communities with low population density, where buildings are primarily single-story or small, surrounded by green spaces.

Such approaches open up new opportunities for life and work, providing the chance to create a harmonious focus on nature and the surrounding world, which in turn helps reduce stress levels and improves the quality of communication among residents.

Horizontal cities: a new concept in urban planning or a utopia?


In conclusion to our article, I want to emphasize that the development of horizontal cities represents an interesting and promising approach to addressing issues related to rapid population growth and the need to create a comfortable urban environment. We are on the brink of significant changes in urban planning, and with each passing year, there is a growing awareness of the importance of creating communities that will necessarily take into account the interests and needs of citizens.

The concept of one-story cities, aimed at preserving natural conditions, improving quality of life, and ensuring access to essential services, is becoming increasingly relevant. Horizontal cities not only explore new spaces but also rethink the very idea of urban lifestyle, offering residents comfort, space, and, equally importantly, the opportunity to live in harmony with nature.

Advantages of horizontal cities

  • The individuality of living space.
  • Creation of new jobs.
  • Support for the local economy.
  • The opportunity to spend time with family outdoors.

On the other hand, it is important to remember the challenges facing horizontal city projects.Lack of experienceIn some countries, the implementation of these models can lead to a number of problems, including —insufficient infrastructureandfinancial instabilityOnly a comprehensive approach that includes planning, investment, and attention to the needs of all population categories will lead to success.

Environmental aspect

Additionally, the environmental aspect that is at the heart of the garden city and horizontal city concepts remains relevant. We all live in the context of global climate change, andcreating sustainability,eco-friendlyandcomfortable spacesbecoming an integral part of our future.


Thus, horizontal cities open new horizons for urban development. They offer hope for creating a comfortable life, fostering synergy between humans and nature, while ensuring sustainable economic growth in the face of modern challenges. It is important for this movement to continue, and for us to work together to make our cities places where it is pleasant and easy to live.
