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Study of average salaries in Portugal

Study of average salaries in Portugal

Wages are the money a person receives for work done. It is usually based on an agreement between the employee and the employer. In Portugal, wages are usually determined by factors such as the type of job, sector of employment and the experience of the worker. In this article, we will look at wages in Portugal with a focus on average wages, high income wages and low income wages.

Average salary in Portugal

Overview of average salaries in Portugal

The average monthly salary in Portugal is €1,547 ($1,839), according to Eurostat statistics for 2020. This figure is slightly below the European Union (EU) average of €1,624 ($1,952). The highest paid in Portugal are employees in the finance and insurance sectors, with an average salary of €2,737 ($3300). On the other hand, employees working in accommodation and food services earn an average of €885 ($1072) per month.

Factors affecting average wages in Portugal

Several factors determine how much a person receives as a salary in Portugal. These include:

  • type of job or sector of employment;
  • Experience;
  • level of education;
  • location;
  • pol;
  • ethnicity;
  • The power of collusion between employers and employees.

Most occupations require some education or training before they can be hired into, which can affect wages.

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In addition, some occupations may have higher wages than others because of the demand or specialized skills needed to perform their duties effectively, which can also affect the wages of workers in those occupations, such as doctors, who often have higher wages than other professionals because of the high level of education and specialized skills needed to perform their duties effectively.

Moreover, regional differences may also play a role in determining wage levels, as some regions of a country may offer higher paying jobs than others due to local economic conditions or access to resources that make certain industries more attractive than others, such as tourism, which is more prevalent in coastal regions where people can easily visit attractions such as beaches or historical sites, compared to inland areas that do not necessarily have a

Finally, bargaining power between employers and employees can also affect wages because if employers do not have competition for quality labor, they may offer lower wages, whereas if competition increases, they may be forced to offer higher wages in order to gain access to quality labor, which over time will increase a worker's earning potential.

High-income wages in Portugal

Overview of high-income salary ranges in Portugal

High-income earners are defined as those earning an income above 75% of the median income (€3306/$4000) per month, according to Eurostat statistics for 2020. According to the same source, high-income earners make up about 5% of the population, while the middle class makes up about 33%. High-income earners tend to belong to sectors such as finance and insurance (€4133/$5000), information and communication (€3996/4800), professional scientific and technical activities (€3835/$4650) and many others, but there are also those whose salaries exceed the typical range of these sectors, such as senior managers and CEOs who earn significantly more than the sector average due to their specialized position in the company structure.

Factors affecting salary ranges in high-income Portugal

Several factors play a role in determining the range of high-income salaries in the Portuguese economy. These include the type of job or sector of employment; experience; level of education; location; gender; ethnicity; and the bargaining power between employers and employees discussed above, with some exceptions depending on the occupation in which a person works. For example, salaries for management positions are significantly higher compared to other occupations because these individuals have the necessary skill set to oversee the operations of the entire organization, so they are the most sought after candidates for said positions. In addition, some cities in the country offer higher pay opportunities than others for various reasons including access to resources, the state of the local economy, competition among employers looking for top talent, and so on....

Overview of low-income salaries in Portugal

Overview of low-income salary ranges in Portugal

Low-income people make up approximately 17% of the total population, according to Eurostat's 2020 statistics, while the rest of the population falls into the middle category and makes up 48% of the total population respectively. Low-income people typically earn less than 75% of the median income per month, which translates to €1,494 / €1,825 per month at the current exchange rate, according to the aforementioned source cited in the previous article.


(a) Summary of the article's findings: this article explored various aspects related to wages in Portugal, including a review of information on average monthly wages, as well as a detailed breakdown of what influences high and low earnings across all sectors of the Portuguese economy.

(b) Recommendations for further research: further research should focus on understanding the impact of public policy on the setting and regulation of minimum wages in the country, as well as analyzing the impact of any changes in this area on future income potential in the region.


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