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Changes in legislation affecting real estate transactions!

Changes in legislation affecting real estate transactions!

Changes in legislation affecting real estate transactions!

📜 Changes in legislation impacting real estate transactions! 🏠📝

Dear friends, we would like to share some important information that may affect your housing transactions! 🚨 There have been recent changes to the laws governing the real estate market, and knowing about these changes will help you make a more informed choice. 👍

1️⃣ Tax Changes: One of the key things to pay attention to are changes in tax laws related to housing transactions. Changes in tax rates, tax deductions, and taxation when selling or buying a home can affect your budget.

2️⃣ New rules for processing transactions: Legislation may provide for new rules and requirements for processing housing transactions.

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For example, changes in the order of registration of documents, establishment of mandatory inspections or compliance with certain procedures.

3️⃣ Consumer Protection Laws: Special attention is paid to protecting the rights of home buyers and sellers. New laws may provide additional safeguards, terms of liability or dispute resolution procedures.

4️⃣ Changes in building regulations: If you are planning to buy a new building, pay attention to possible changes in building regulations. New rules and regulations may affect the quality and timing of construction, as well as the rights of buyers.

5️⃣ Rental Housing Laws: If you are interested in renting a home, it is a good idea to research changes in the laws governing rental relationships. This may include the length of the tenancy, early termination conditions and the rights of tenants and landlords.

Be sure to follow the updates in the legislation and, if you have any questions or need help with a housing transaction, contact our experts! 📞 We are always ready to provide you with up-to-date information and professional support.


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