Property Abroad
Changes in the housing policy of the UAE: from "people's houses" to luxury villas

Changes in the housing policy of the UAE: from "people's houses" to luxury villas

Changes in the housing policy of the UAE: from "people's houses" to luxury villas
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Bedouins, historicallymigrating through the desertnow havecozy homes in the UAE.processthe forced displacement of Bedouinsto urbanized areas has been initiatedSheikh Zayedat the end1960s.The goal was to createof the modern of the state.

The first steps towards modernization

First, they were built.houses of the Shabi type"people's houses," consisting ofconcrete blocks, were differentsimplicity in stylebut there werefunctional.But soon they became visibledisadvantagesthis construction -insufficient confidentialityon account oflow fencesandmixing of private and public spaces.Residentsfaced withthe lack of separation female and male areasanda shared bathroom for guests.

Reaction of the authorities and changes in the structure

The authorities responded to the issues.Changes have been made to the house design.There were establishedpartitions, addedwindows to the inner courtyard, laid outzigzag pathsto ensureprivacyresidents.By themselves residentsalso startedreorganizing space in homes, making it morefunctional: themseparated the kitchenand addedadditional bedrooms and a living room,separating the entrances for family and guests.

Adaptation of Sha'bi houses to modernity

Today in the UAE, you can still findhouses in the Sha'bi stylebut their design wassignificantly adapted to modern standards and tastes.The owners have roomsanddecorative elements,We refreshed the design.:The walls are painted in bright colors., andThe gardens are landscaped.

Increase in the standard of living of residents of the UAE

In recent decadesThe standard of living for residents of the UAE has significantly increased.Manymoved into larger and more comfortable villas and houses.Former Sha'bi-type houses nowTemporary housing is available for tenants from South Asia., which, however,affects the reputation of the areas.

Modern UAE villas and Bedouin heritage

Today we can observeluxurious villas in the UAE, locatednear the developed cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi.It's got everything fromLuxury attractionstogolf clubs and yacht clubs.These villas reflectthe new life of the Bedouinwhich are nowaccustomed to the comforts of modern life in the urbanized areas of the UAEbut at the same timeThey have preserved their unique culture and traditions.

The magic number 40Migrants living in labor camps form entire neighborhoods.Entry for outsiders is closed.Unfortunately, many migrants live in dormitories, forming entire neighborhoods.Entry to the area is prohibited for outsiders.Housing is usually providedat the employer's expense.

We see a clear distinction betweentraditions of the pastandmodern living conditions.New villas and houses have been preservedthe spirit of Bedouin traditions, combiningcomfort and mobilityin a new environment.

Living conditions for workers in the UAE

They turned out to be far less luxurious than many thought. The dormitories offer accommodation for four to six people in a room, with shared kitchens and bathrooms. To ensure that the workers' lives are comfortable, it is important to assess their needs in advance.

Modern apartments in the UAE

Residents of the UAE can enjoy modern apartments offered to expats for rent or sale in the style of Dubai Real Estate.

Examples of apartments in different neighborhoods of the UAE

Investors are attracted by the best sea views and the opportunity to relax by the shore, which is why the sale of apartments in various areas is becoming increasingly popular and profitable.

Business Bay area

It offers an elite residential complex where you can enjoy luxury and comfort.

Comparison of living conditions

Comparing the living conditions of ordinary citizens and sheikhs, you can see how amazing UAE homes can be. Villas in the UAE are impressive in their spaciousness, including dozens of rooms, swimming pools and exotic animals.

The lifestyle of Arab sheikhs

Their lifestyle is infused with luxury, wealth, and comfort, unattainable for ordinary working people.

Changes in the housing policy of the UAE: from "people's houses" to luxury villas

Photo: Wikipedia, SB (UAE)

Until recently, Dubai did not have an addressing system. Until 2015, houses in the city did not had neither addresses nor zip codes. This was due to the rapid growth of the city, as well as a lack of time to develop an address system.

Instead of addresses on the mailing labels of envelopes or packages, there were special instructions for finding the house or a schematic map. Local landmarks were used as reference points. For example, "the blue door on the first street to the left after the white mosque" or "the house with the golden door - the third one on the right after the blue mosque."

New addressing system in Dubai

The situation changed a few years ago when the city administration began assigning a Makani number to all existing buildings. The Makani number consists of ten digits and is the official geo-addressing system of Dubai. To use this system, a navigation app called "Makani Dubai" was developed, which can be downloaded from both Google Play and the App Store. The Makani number is displayed in the lobby or at the entrance of the building. If there are multiple entrances, there will be corresponding multiple numbers.

Utility services in the UAE

In the Arab Emirates, local residents do not pay for water and electricity. Almost 85% of all residents are newcomers, and they pay utility bills. However, the government pays residents' bills for energy and water bills only within the established consumption limits. The residents themselves have to pay the residents themselves have to pay for overconsumption.

Residents of the Emirates do not need to pay for heating, only for air conditioning. Since frosts in the country are not very common and precipitation is rare, mainly occurring from November to May, the cooling system is more relevant. It resembles a centralized heating system. Each district in every city has its own centralized cooling facility, which is part of the overall system.

This cooling system is more cost-effective than using individual air conditioners, as the centralized system generates a large volume of condensate. This condensate is used for landscaping and greening urban areas. The water collected through special pipes is used for irrigating green spaces.

Payment for rent in the UAE

In the UAE, tenants usually pay for housing a year in advance.

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However, it is now possible to negotiate payment for three months. In the outskirts of the cities, you can find options with monthly payments.

Rental payments are only made via pre-dated bank checks. If tenant writes 12 checks for each month, the rent will be higher, and with one payment (payment for the year) the owner will probably lower the price. It is important that the dates on the checks are future dates. After the date on the check. it can be presented to the bank and collected from the tenant's account. In the UAE, issuing unsecured checks is a criminal offense.

All rental agreements, whether short-term or long-term, must be registered in the state system. In Dubai, this is EJARI, and in Abu Dhabi, it is Tawtheeq. This guarantees that the apartment will not be rented to multiple people at the same time.

There is no message to translate.

New opportunities for unmarried couples

Cohabitation without official marriage has now become possible in the Dubai Marina area, which is in high demand for rental housing. Previously, unmarried couples were limited in their ability to live together due to legal restrictions, but with the changes made by Sheikh Khalifa, this has become possible, and punishment is now only provided for unlawful sexual relations.

Tactical protection

Open displays of affection remain unacceptable in the United Arab Emirates; however, Arabs have created various architectural solutions to ensure comfort in the hot climate. For example, roofs made of palm leaves and walls made from a mixture of coral and shells had low thermal conductivity, which helped keep homes cool.

The story of the fight against heat

Before air conditioners were invented, residents had to find ways to cope with the heat. One such method was wind towers, which helped cool the air using wet fabric and gusts of wind. Narrow streets and wind tunnels also contributed to creating a cooler environment, lowering the temperature by a few degrees.

Modern achievements

Modern architects in the UAE are actively using advanced technologies to construct energy-efficient buildings. energy efficient buildings. They emphasize natural light, which helps to save energy. Skylights and reflective surfaces are used to maximize the use of daytime These innovations not only provide comfort in hot conditions, but also reduce the cost of air conditioning.

The message appears to be in Korean, not Russian. It translates to "reference" or "consideration" in English.
  • New opportunities for living with a partner
  • True solutions for combating the heat
  • Energy conservation in rented housing
Sources of information:
  • Open Edition Journals
  • Propertyfinder
  • Roskvartal
  • Internations
  • Subtleties
  • Stepfeed

In conclusion, I want to emphasize that the history of housing policy in the UAE is a unique example of the transformation of the people's way of life as a result of bold reforms. Moving away from traditional nomadic customs, they have created an astonishing cultural mosaic landscape where the traditions of the past coexist with modern trends. Today, magnificent villas stand alongside labor camps, highlighting the diversity of this remarkable country. It can be argued that the variety of housing conditions reflects the diversity of cultures and identities of the people, making the UAE a truly unique place to live and observe the evolution of society.


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