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Examining the changing climate of the United States of America

Examining the changing climate of the United States of America

Examining the changing climate of the United States of America
Climate is a measure of the average weather conditions in a particular area over a period of time. The climate of the United States varies considerably, from tropical in Hawaii to arctic in Alaska. UNITED STATES. There are four distinct seasons and its climate can be divided into several different regions such as the Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, and West Coast.

Causes of climate change in the United States

Climate change is a global phenomenon caused by natural factors as well as human activity. Natural factors include fluctuations in solar radiation (energy released by the Sun), volcanic eruptions, and changes in the Earth's orbit around the Sun (known as Milankovitch cycles).

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Human activities that contribute to climate change include burning fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal; deforestation; and raising livestock, which produces methane gas. These activities increase emissions of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and water vapor, into the atmosphere, which trap heat, preventing it from escaping back into space, causing global temperatures to rise over time.

Positive and negative impacts of climate change on the United States

The effects of climate change are both positive and negative for different segments of society in the United States, depending on their location within the relevant climate. In general, however, climate change affects both wildlife habitats and sea level rise, extreme weather events such as droughts or floods can damage crops, resulting in reduced food production; higher temperatures can cause heat-related illness or death; air pollution increases respiratory illnesses; ocean acidification can threaten marine ecosystems; impacts on infrastructure due to sea level rise or extreme

Decisions on climate change in the U.S.

The U.S. has taken various steps in both the short and long term to address this issue at both government levels through regulations such as amendments to the Clean Air Act under President Obama's administration that set limits on carbon dioxide emissions from power plants, while many states have adopted renewable energy portfolio standards requiring a certain amount of electricity. from renewable sources such as wind or solar power has also been

Examining the changing climate of the United States of America
