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Studying the level of education in Portugal

Studying the level of education in Portugal

Studying the level of education in Portugal
Overview of the Portuguese education system

1. Structure/components:

The Portuguese education system consists of three levels - primary, secondary and higher education, each divided into several stages or cycles. Primary education lasts 4 years; secondary lasts 3; tertiary lasts 3-4 years depending on the degree being studied; postgraduate studies can last up to 5 years or even longer depending on research requirements; preschools are also available but are not compulsory in Portugal (except in some autonomous regions).

2. Levels of education:

1) Primary education: primary education begins at age 6 and lasts until grade 10, when students take final exams known as "exames nacionais" or national exams that determine their transition to secondary school.

2) Secondary education: secondary school comes in two types - general education (ensino geral), which includes scientific subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc., or vocational training (ensino profissional), which focuses more on practical skills such as mechanics, carpentry, etc.; both lead to higher education qualifications at the end of three years at the age of 15/16.

3) Higher education: Portugal currently has more than 30 public universities offering undergraduate degrees in various specialties such as medicine, law, engineering, etc., as well as several private institutions offering similar courses at different levels, from entry-level degrees and up, in fields such as business management or hospitality and tourism. Students can also pursue postgraduate studies, such as a Master's degree, if they wish to specialize further before entering the job market.

Challenges of the Portuguese education system

Despite the wide range of educational opportunities available within the country, it seems that there are still certain problems affecting teaching standards at all levels in schools in Portugal.

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These include inadequate teacher training, poor curriculum development, uneven distribution of funding between public and private institutions, outdated school infrastructure, and insufficient technological resources available in classrooms, such as laptops/tablets, and so on. In addition, due to high youth unemployment rates, many graduates are unable to find suitable employment after graduation due to lower salaries compared to other EU countries; this can be partly explained by the fact that employers do not recognize qualifications obtained outside their home country.

Solutions to improve the Portuguese education system

In order to address the existing problems associated with the current education system in Portugal, the government needs to implement numerous reforms aimed at improving the overall quality of teaching in all educational institutions, from primary to tertiary. This could include investing more in teacher training so that teachers have the necessary skills to deliver quality teaching/curriculum development; ensuring equitable distribution of funding between public and private schools; introducing modern technological equipment in classrooms, such as interactive whiteboards, etc.; encouraging employers to recognize foreign qualifications so that students have access to better employment opportunities abroad if they are not able to access the best opportunities in the country.


The level of education in Portugal suffers from various problems causing poor quality teaching in some areas, while others may not receive the funds / resources needed to improve the overall situation. In order to correct these problems, the government needs to implement reforms to improve the quality of teaching in all educational institutions, while encouraging employers to recognize foreign qualifications, allowing students more opportunities for employment after graduation, both at home and abroad.

Studying the level of education in Portugal


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