Property Abroad
How a foreigner can buy an apartment in Moscow: requirements and tips

How a foreigner can buy an apartment in Moscow: requirements and tips

How a foreigner can buy an apartment in Moscow: requirements and tips
  • Do you want to buyreal estate in Moscow? Learn the important points for foreigners!
  • How can foreigners purchase real estate and obtain citizenship in Russia?
  • How to avoid mistakes when buying real estate in Russia?
  • How to choose between propiska in Moscow and a house in the Moscow region?

Owning real estate in Moscow represents an important aspiration not only for Russian residents, but also for numerous citizens from the former Soviet Union. Although this investment may look attractive, potential owners should prepare in advance for a number of challenges that may arise on the way to realizing this dream.

Who is considered an alien?

First, it is necessary to clarify who exactly is considered a foreigner on the territory of the Russian Federation. Foreign citizens include all persons who do not possess Russian citizenship. Nevertheless, having the status of a foreigner is not a barrier to buying housing. In the capital and its suburbs there is an opportunity to purchase both apartments and houses for both local residents and citizens of other countries.

Features for foreign buyers

However, potential foreign buyers should take into account a number of peculiarities associated with this procedure. First of all, you will need to provide certifying documents that confirm the legality of your stay in Russia. Such documents may include:

  • tourist visa;
  • migration card.

In case your stay in the country is limited, you should contact the migration service, informing them of the purpose of your visit and the projected time of your stay in Russia. Usually, even with a valid tourist visa, you can buyreal estate.

What it takes to buy a home

The next important point is the need for your foreign passport to be translated into Russian and then notarized by a translator. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the territory where the purchase is planned must be accessible to citizens of other countries under Russian law.

Registration of purchase by power of attorney

If the above conditions become difficult, or the buyer is physically unable to be present during the transaction, there is the possibility of registration of the purchase of housing by power of attorney. For this purpose, it is necessary:

  • to notarize the power of attorney;
  • put the power of attorney through the apostilization process.

Apostille is a special stamp that indicates the legality of the document and the authenticity of the signature, and which is recognized by all countries that have signed the Hague Convention. A special feature for CIS citizens is that there is no need to legalize the power of attorney - it is enough to translate the passport into Russian and have it notarized, after which you can proceed to the transaction with the seller.

Areas where you can't buyreal estate

It is also important to consider those parts of Moscow in which foreigners are not allowed to purchase real estate. It should be remembered that the location of the real estate object must be open to foreign citizens. Citizens of other countries, including Belarusians, Uzbeks and representatives of other nationalities, do not have the right to purchase residential real estate or land plots in border zones or in territories with special status. These points should be taken into account if you are interested in any townhouse.

Preparation for purchasing real estate

It is important to realize that the process of buying an apartment in Moscow requires a responsible approach and strict adherence to legal norms, which will help avoid potential difficulties and misunderstandings in the future. Fortunately, there are many consultants and legal professionals on the Russian real estate market who are ready to assist you in purchasing a home. Thus, having gathered all the necessary information, you will be able to take a decisive step towards realizing your dream of owning your own home in one of the brightest and most dynamic capitals of the world.

Restrictions on the purchase of land plots

There are certain restrictions on the acquisition of land plots on Russian territory. These include land intended for agrarian use, protected areas, territories of the forest fund, as well as plots located within defense facilities.

Acquisition of real estate for foreigners

Now let us consider how foreigners can become owners of apartments in the Russian capital, Moscow. It is important to note thatpurchase of real estate in Russiadoes not give an automatic right to citizenship or residence permit. Foreign citizens do not have any privileges in this matter. In addition, even after the completion of the transaction, foreigners will not be able to register in the acquired apartment, as this right is reserved exclusively for citizens of the Russian Federation. Foreigners can only register as owners of real estate, which entails certain obligations.

Taxation for foreign citizens

As far as tax obligations are concerned, the process of acquiring housing in Moscow involves compulsory taxation. Foreigners are obliged to pay a tax ranging from 0.3% to 2% of the total purchase price. In the event that citizens of foreign countries decide to sell this housing, they must pay a tax of 30% of the profit received, which is defined as the difference between the price at which the property was purchased and the price at which it was sold.

The process of obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation

If you want to obtain Russian citizenship on the basis of permanent residence in Moscow, certain rules should be taken into account. Foreigners can become Russian citizens if they legally reside in the country and have a residence permit. Usually, to obtain citizenship, you will need to live in Russia for at least five years from the date of obtaining a residence permit. The whole procedure can take up to six years.

  • The existence of a stable income must be demonstrated.
  • You will be required to pass a Russian language exam.
  • There is a simplified citizenship process for those who marry a Russian citizen.
  • If the foreigner has a residence permit and becomes a parent in Russia, this can also speed up the process.

Simplifying the acquisition of citizenship

Having a business in Russia with an annual turnover of 10 million rubles (approximately $155,000) or paying taxes of at least 6 million rubles (approximately $95,000) may also be grounds for simplified citizenship procedures.Investments in the Russian economyThe $1.5 million can significantly accelerate the process. There are special conditions for highly qualified specialists to obtain citizenship.For foreigners with refugee statuswaiting periods can be reduced to one year, which greatly simplifies the possibility of obtaining citizenship.

Mistakes when buying a home

When foreigners buy a home, they often make the mistake of ignoring the real estate options in different parts of the city. This is mainly due to the fear of losing the familiar lifestyle and routine. Therefore, when choosing a new home, it is advisable to consider different options and neighborhoods to maximize your needs and find the most suitable living solution.

How a foreigner can buy an apartment in Moscow: requirements and tips

In this context, it is worth paying attention not only to the location of the plot, but also to the state of its infrastructure, the development of the social sphere and the possibilities for further use of the land.

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One of the common mistakes made by buyers is to apply standardized templates for sale and purchase contracts. Such templates often ignore key details of the transaction.

For example, the format of a typical agreement may not mention the date on which the previous owner will be required to vacate the premises. Moreover, such contracts usually do not contain clauses on the seller's liability if there is a double sale of the property or unpaid utility bills. You should also ensure that the contract includes provisions regarding heirs' rights and spouses' rights to the property. A well-drafted contract takes into account all the possible circumstances of a particular transaction.

Mistakes when evaluating a seller

Another serious mistake is not paying enough attention to the seller. Checking the seller's information and ownership history can be done through a real estateagency. A contract for real estate services ensures that the interests of both parties are protected.

Foreign parties to a transaction should be cautious about different categories of sellers:

  • lonely elderly people,
  • retirees,
  • antisocial citizens,
  • the owner's authorized representatives.

Risks associated with real estate developers

The tendency to rely on the reliability of developers offering apartments on the primary market in Russia can lead to negative consequences for foreign clients. An attractive price can hide the threat of a long construction period, and there are many cases where foreigners participating in housing programs have lost both money and the opportunity to own real estate, simply because they chose an unreliable construction company.

Artificial hype

It is important to note that some construction firms artificially create excitement around their offers. They actively generate interest in their apartments by emphasizing the attention of potential buyers on tempting prices. In their attempts to finalize the deal as quickly as possible, buyers may miss important details.

Disadvantages of real estate developers

In addition, developers often try to hide their shortcomings. For example, when advertising apartments in Balashikha, they may claim that a train ride to Moscow takes only a few minutes, but the reality is that there are only three trains from this neighborhood to the capital in the morning and three in the evening.

Risks of refusing insurance

Failure to insure can cause serious problems for the foreign buyer, especially in the secondary market. There may be hidden risks and in case of problems such as property damage or legal disputes, the buyer will be left to fend for himself.

Recommendations for buying real estate

Thus, when buying real estate in Russia, you should carefully investigate all the details of the transaction, thoroughly study the contract and do not rush into a decision. Having an experienced intermediary to help you understand the intricacies and protect you from possible trouble will greatly increase your chances of successfully acquiring an apartment without negative consequences.

Checking the history of a property can be a real challenge, as negative aspects often only come to light after the deal is finalized. If the buyer has insurance for the purchase, this allows him to recover at least part of his investment in case of problems.

Striving for propiska in Moscow

It has recently become known that about 10% of Russian citizens seek to obtain a propiska in Moscow or the Moscow region. The registration procedure in the capital can be carried out either independently or with the help of private agencies. In this case, it is obligatory to have either documents confirming the ownership of the housing, or proof of kinship with the owner of the apartment, or his consent to the registration of a new tenant.

Advantages of Moscow residence registration

The advantages of Moscow residence registration are really quite significant. The first thing worth highlighting is the possibility of getting a better-paid job. Although employers do not officially confirm this, they most often give preference to local residents. Also important to note:

  • Access to educational facilities for children;
  • Opportunity to receive medical services in 24-hour clinics;
  • Free admission to cultural and entertainment venues such as zoos and museums.
  • Children under the age of 3 can expect free medical care.

Rights of adult Muscovites

As for adults registered in Moscow, they can take advantage of lower tax rates, which significantly reduces tax expenses, and they also receive benefits for transportation fees and subsidies for utilities. For pensioners with permanent residence registration in Moscow, there are:

  • Additional pension supplements;
  • Free medical care;
  • Travel discounts.

Comparison of propiska

However, it should be noted that all of the above benefits apply only to holders of Moscow residence registration. Residents of the Moscow region cannot count on the same benefits, but they have access to certain benefits, such as certain quotas for medical care and exemption from certain tax payments that Muscovites have.

An apartment in Moscow or a house in the Moscow region

Taking into account what is preferable - an apartment in the Moscow metropolis or a house in the Moscow region, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze the pros and cons of each option. A dwelling in the capital provides many additional opportunities:

  • Access to prestigious schools for children;
  • Opportunity to take advantage of a developed network of medical facilities;
  • Convenient transportation.

On the other hand, a house in the suburbs also has its own advantages, such as:

  • Larger areas;
  • Opportunity to enjoy the outdoors;
  • Often the best environmental background.

Each person must decide for himself or herself what is more important for him or her: the comfort of city life or the tranquility of a country dwelling. Ultimately, the choice will depend on personal priorities and life circumstances of each individual.


Buying housing in Moscow, despite its difficulties, can be a wonderful opportunity for foreign citizens seeking to improve their living conditions. I understand that in the process of such a purchase there are many issues related to legalization, necessary documents and restrictions that must be taken into account. However, with proper preparation and attention to detail, it is possible to successfully navigate these challenges.

It is important to remember that every process is not only a set of requirements and procedures, but also an opportunity for personal growth and integration into a new environment. Making a home purchase can be an important step towards building a new life in Russia. Even though real estate does not provide direct advantages in obtaining citizenship, this step can create a solid foundation for further actions and premeditated steps towards obtaining residency status.

Openness to new opportunities

I also encourage foreigners to be open to discussing investments in other parts of the city. Perhaps by choosing less familiar but promising locations, you can significantly increase your living space and gain advantages that would be unavailable in more popular and expensive neighborhoods.

Tips for avoiding mistakes

Finally, my advice concludes with the importance of trusting professionals in the real estate market. Contacting experienced lawyers and agents will help you avoid common mistakes that can have negative consequences.Understanding all these nuances- The key to a successful purchase and an easy moving process.

Ultimately, your determination and attention to important details will help make your dream of owning your own home in Moscow a reality.


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