Property Abroad
How can foreigners obtain a residence permit in Armenia?

How can foreigners obtain a residence permit in Armenia?

How can foreigners obtain a residence permit in Armenia?
  • What are the key aspects of Armenia's immigration policy?
  • How do foreigners obtain a residence permit in Armenia?
  • How to get a residence permit in Armenia and its advantages?

Key aspects of Armenia's immigration policy

In this paper we will analyze important aspects of Armenia's immigration policy, focusing on the role of foreign nationals, visa requirements, as well as different categories of residence permits and procedures for their issuance.

The impact of foreigners on society

Foreigners in Armenia play a key role in the development of both the social and economic life of the country. Armenia is known for its extensive diaspora, which is one of the most significant in the world, with between 7 and 8 million Armenians living outside their homeland. Within the state, the population is about three million, with more than 30% of them concentrated in the capital Yerevan, where about one million residents live.

This demographic arrangement, combined with historical ties to the Armenian diaspora, probably accounts for the ease of migration processes for ethnic Armenians wishing to return to their homeland.

Changes after the pandemic

The situation on the migration front changed after the COVID-19 pandemic: in 2022 Armenia became a sought-after destination for many Russians. The emergence of a new flow of emigrants had a strong impact on the real estate market, which was reflected in a significant increase in prices for renting and buying housing.

Visa regime

The Armenian visa control system is characterized by its liberality. Citizens of some countries can easily visit Armenia and stay on its territory for up to 180 days per year without the need to obtain a visa. These countries include:

  • Russia
  • Ukraine
  • Belarus
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Uzbekistan

We would like to add that it is enough to have only an internal passport.

Obtaining a residence permit

Let us now dwell in detail on the process of obtaining a residence permit. Foreigners wishing to settle in Armenia can apply for both temporary and permanent residence permits. The grounds for obtaining it may include:

  • Study
  • Labor activity
  • Entrepreneurial activity
  • Reuniting with loved ones
  • Armenian origin
  • Other important reasons

A temporary residence permit is issued for up to one year with the possibility of extension for a similar period. The cost of issuing a temporary residence permit is as follows105 thousand dramswhich is roughly equivalent to215 U.S. dollars.

Labor permits and migration

It is important to note that foreigners coming to Armenia to work can also obtain a residence permit for up to one year on the basis of a labor permit. However, for citizens of EAEU states, such as Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, it is not required to obtain a labor permit, which greatly simplifies the process of migration and adaptation.


Thus, Armenia is becoming an increasingly attractive destination for foreigners wishing to live and work in the country. The conditions for obtaining temporary and permanent residence permits, as well as the relative accessibility for citizens from different countries, make Armenia a godsend for those looking for new opportunities and prospects in life.

Obtaining a residence permit in Armenia

An important step for foreign citizens wishing to apply for a residence permit in Armenia is to register on a special platform of the Migration Service. This requirement is the first step towards obtaining a permanent residence permit.

Residence permit for students

Students studying in Armenian educational institutions may also apply for a residence permit. They are granted a temporary status, which is valid for one year, with the possibility of extension until the completion of the study program. It is important to remember that this status is automatically revoked in case of expulsion from the educational institution.

Opportunities for entrepreneurs

In addition, foreign businessmen can count on obtaining a residence permit. Armenia offers a system of favorable conditions for investors, which creates additional opportunities for starting a business. For foreigners wishing to establish their own entrepreneurship or acquire an existing business, there is an opportunity to obtain a local residence permit.

  • There is no minimum investment threshold.
  • It is important that the new venture works and makes a profit.
  • The purchase of residential real estate does not entitle you to a residence permit.
  • Investing in income property allows you to gain status.
  • Executives of large companies can expect special residency status.

Residence permit for freelancers

Freelancers and remote workers may be able to obtain a residence permit as digital nomads. To do so, they need to become tax residents of Armenia and declare their income, which legalizes their stay in the country.

Family reunion

Foreigners wishing to reunite with their family may be granted a special residence permit. This status is available to relatives of Armenian citizens, as well as to foreigners with permanent or special status.

  • These relatives include spouses, parents, and children.
  • Also brothers, sisters, grandparents and grandchildren.
  • A temporary residence permit can only be obtained by the foreigner's immediate family members - spouses and parents, as well as their children.

Rights of ethnic Armenians

Moreover,ethnic Armeniansare entitled to a residence permit, permanent residence, special status or even citizenship. However, in order to do so, it is necessary to provide documents confirming their connection with the Armenian people.

  • Certificates of parentage.
  • Presence of Armenian first and last names.
  • Knowledge of Armenian language.

Thus, there are various ways for foreigners to obtain a residence permit in Armenia, depending on their situation and intentions.

How can foreigners obtain a residence permit in Armenia?

The documents required to obtain a residence permit include a number of mandatory components. First of all, you will need 35 by 45 millimeters color photos. Also, do not forget your passport, its copy and a notarized translation into Armenian.

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To successfully obtain or extend residency status in Armenia, you should provide proof of your circumstances. Do not forget to enclose a medical certificate and a receipt confirming the payment of the state duty.

Gyumri and the advantages of obtaining a residence permit

As for Gyumri, the second largest settlement in Armenia, this city is famous for its rich cultural heritage and active life. It should be noted that obtaining a residence permit in Armenia opens up a number of advantages. In particular, you will be able to enter the country without a visa and not be limited in the time of stay on its territory. You have the opportunity to engage in legal activities - be it work, study or business. Also, you will be able to sponsor your family members to obtain a residence permit.

Additional privileges

Other privileges available to you include the ability to use the health care system, receive education and various social services. In addition, it is important for men to remember that having a residence permit exempts them from compulsory military service.

Permanent residence status and special passport

Armenia has a special status for permanent residence and citizenship. This status implies the issuance of a special passport and can be granted to both ethnic Armenians and foreigners who are engaged in economic or cultural activities on the territory of the country. This status can be granted for a period of up to ten years. Special passports were quite common among Armenians before the introduction of dual citizenship, as they allowed them to retain their first citizenship.

Nowadays, many foreigners choose to obtain a special passport, not wishing to fully formalize Armenian citizenship. One of the priority advantages of such status is exemption from military service. Holders of a special passport have the right to freely enter and leave the country without a visa, and can live, work and study in Armenia, engaging in any legal activity, without obtaining additional permits.

Rights of owners with a special passport

In addition, the special passport allows the holder to register rural and other plots of land in his or her own name, without the need to establish a legal entity. The process of obtaining a special passport can be carried out either abroad at consular offices or in the country itself through the passport and visa department of the police.

Issuance of a special passport

To obtain a special passport outside Armenia, one should apply to the nearest embassy or consulate. On the territory of the country, the application is submitted to the Prime Minister. Usually the process takes about two months. The state fee for issuance of a special passport is 150 thousand drams, which approximately corresponds to 310 US dollars.

Permanent status for foreigners

Foreigners who decide to stay in Armenia on a permanent basis can apply for permanent resident status, which grants them many rights and privileges similar to those of citizens of this country. This is possible if there are certain grounds that facilitate their integration and adaptation to life in Armenia.


In conclusion, it should be noted that the Republic of Armenia is a very attractive destination for foreigners wishing not only to spend time in the country, but also to consider permanent or temporary residence options. In recent years, especially after 2022, the dynamics of migration have changed and the flow of people seeking to settle in Armenia has increased significantly. Thanks to a loyal visa regime and a diverse choice of grounds for obtaining a residence permit, the country has become accessible not only to tourists, but also to those seeking new opportunities to work, study or do business.

Advantages of obtaining a residence permit

It is important to note that the possibility of obtaining temporary and permanent residence status covers different categories of foreigners:

  • Workers:Foreign workers can obtain a residence permit on the basis of work permits.
  • Students:Those studying in Armenian educational institutions can extend their residence permit for the period of their studies.
  • Digital Nomads:Freelancers can become tax residents and declare income to obtain a residence permit.
  • Ethnic Armenians:Are entitled to more simplified conditions for obtaining a residence permit.

Perspectives for foreigners

I see Armenia as a country with great potential, which, despite its difficult historical circumstances, continues to open up to the world. It is only important to follow the changes in legislation and be ready for new opportunities. This is a time of change, and anyone who dares to take a step towards the new can discover something truly unique in this small but promising country. Come to Armenia and perhaps you will become part of its diverse and vibrant people.
