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How will the demographics and economy of Turkey change by 2050?

How will the demographics and economy of Turkey change by 2050?

How will the demographics and economy of Turkey change by 2050?
  • What are the prospects for demographics and ecology in Turkey?
  • How did Turkey achieve success in the development of forest resources and the economy?
  • What is the current situation in the real estate market in Turkey?
  • What is Turkey's current position in global social progress?
  • What are the results of the analysis of passports and socio-economic indicators of Turkey?

Demographic situation

Every year, the United Nations Population Fund (UNPF) analyzes the demographic situation and population forecasts. Experts rely on the results of the latest census conducted in 237 countries, as well as taking into account important indicators such as mortality rates, sex ratios, and other demographic parameters that allow for accurate predictions.

In the case of Turkey, the situation looks promising, which evokes positive emotions. According to forecasts, by 2050, the country's population could reach 95.8 million people, allowing it to rank 19th in global statistical rankings. As of now, by the end of 2023, Turkey's population is around 86 million, which certainly stimulates interest in real estate in the country.

Environmental analysis

The analysis of the state of the ecology is based on a report covering 180 countries around the world, which is reviewed every two years. This information is provided by leading experts from institutions such as Yale and Columbia Universities. The study examines the viability of ecosystems and the overall state of the nations' ecology, with a focus on trends in changes.

According to the latest index published in 2022, Turkey ranks quite low at 172nd place, indicating its position at the bottom of the ranking. Over the past ten years, the country has only managed to improve its scores by 0.5 points, highlighting the need for more proactive measures regarding climate policy, which local authorities have shown insufficient initiative towards.

Air quality recommendations

The World Health Organization (WHO) has also presented recommendations aimed at improving air quality. Experts emphasize that implementing these recommendations could extend the average person's life by 2.3 years, which could collectively add 17.8 billion years of life to all of humanity.

  • The air quality in large cities remains critically low.
  • Turkey ranks 45th from the bottom in a list that includes 131 countries.
  • The average annual air pollution exceeds the permissible level by eight times.

Nevertheless, life in Turkey turns out to be significantly more comfortable in terms of air quality than in countries like India or China.

Global forests and ecology

In addition, a report is published every five years that provides a detailed description of the current state of global forests and the dynamics of changes in this area. This information is also an important aspect of the overall ecological situation on the planet. The issue of ecology requires a comprehensive approach and proper attention, which allows for reliable data on the state of natural resources in various countries based on the latest research.

It is necessary to continue developing measures for environmental protection and improving the quality of life for residents of countries, taking into account the latest statistical data and expert recommendations.

Growth of forest resources in Turkey

Between 2015 and 2020, Turkey demonstrated significant progress in the development of its forest resources, implementing major reforestation projects in Europe. Currently, the country's forested areas cover about 20 million hectares. Moreover, the process of increasing green spaces continues, which in turn can have a positive impact on the environmental situation in the country.

Economic indicators of Turkey

The magazine "The Economist" also conducted a study that presents data on five key economic criteria — inflation levels and fluctuations, gross domestic product, jobs created, and stock market dynamics — for 35 high-income countries. The results confirmed that Turkey has managed to cope with recent economic challenges and maintained its 15th position in the global ranking.

Despite the fact that high inflation continues to be one of the serious problems, there has been progress in reducing it.

IMF report on the global economy

The report prepared by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) provides a detailed analysis of global economic trends, growth forecasts, and major challenges. According to the 2023 study, Turkey's economy continues on a stable development path. However, analysts anticipate a moderate slowdown in GDP growth rates, expecting figures of 4-3% in 2023 and 2024, respectively, compared to 5.5% in 2022.

Improvement of Turkey's positions in the global ranking

In the annual report, which covers the details of the analysis of countries based on four main criteria — economic indicators, level of governance, business efficiency, and infrastructure — Turkey has significantly improved its results, rising five positions to rank 47th out of 64 countries.

Tourism in Turkey

Moreover, in the field of tourism, Turkey ranks fourth in the world in terms of international arrivals and sixth in revenue from foreign tourists. These data, collected by the World Tourism Barometer, highlight the strong interest of foreign countries in Turkey's resorts and related sectors that provide hospitality services.

Real estate investments

For example, Kusadasi, located on the Aegean coast, has become an attractive destination for real estate investors looking to earn income from short-term rentals. If you are interested in information about new regulations governing this area, you can check out the latest materials.

The real estate market in Turkey

The Global Property Guide portal also regularly creates a ranking of changes in real estate prices based on official data from 62 countries around the world, which further confirms the interest in real estate investments in Turkey and the trends in this sector.

How will the demographics and economy of Turkey change by 2050?

The current situation in the real estate market in Turkey

In recent years, Turkey has confidently taken leading positions in the global real estate ranking, achieving an impressive 41.7%. This figure shows a significant increase compared to previous periods, especially against the backdrop of inflationary processes in the national currency.

Reasons for the rise in housing prices

The key factors driving up housing prices are:

  • Sharp increases in the cost of construction materials.
  • Increase in wages for workers in the construction industry.
  • Increase in utility rates.

All these aspects together contribute to a significant increase in the final cost of housing. It is also important to consider the shortage of land plots in sought-after areas, as well as the high interest from foreign investors, which further exacerbates the current situation.

Analysis of the global real estate market

Research on the global real estate market shows that countries are evaluated based on eighty different criteria, grouped into categories related to investments and their effectiveness. According to the analyses conducted, Turkey, with its high indicators of innovative development, ranked 39th in the global ranking in 2023, which is two places lower compared to the previous year.

Comparison with other countries

To better understand the context, it is worth noting:

  • Russia ranks 51st in terms of innovation criteria.
  • Georgia - 65th position.
  • Montenegro - 75th position.

Turkey's instability rating

As of 2023, Turkey ranks 52nd in the global instability index published by the Peace Foundation, which includes 120 countries. The assessment encompasses five groups of factors covering social, political, and economic aspects, as well as internal and external influences.

Dynamics of the position over the year

It is noteworthy that over the past year, Turkey has lost ten positions, yet it still demonstrates greater stability compared to its neighbors, such as Syria, Iraq, and Iran. This relative stability attracts wealthy Russians and foreign citizens looking for opportunities to move to Turkey and invest in its real estate.

Index of Lawfulness and Order

In the global index of law and order, which covers 141 countries, Turkey ranks in the middle positions, standing at 13th place alongside Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritius, and Lithuania. This indicates that the country has a relatively high level of perceived safety and a less negative experience in interactions with law enforcement agencies.

The problem of corruption in Turkey

Corruption is another aspect analyzed in the World Economics reports, which uses a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 indicates the complete presence of corrupt phenomena and 100 indicates their absence. In this context, Turkey scored 40 points, placing it in the category of countries with significant problems.

Comparison with neighboring countries

Turkey's neighbors in this index include countries like Thailand and Serbia, which adds to the overall picture of the current situation.

Social structure and achievements

In addition, the rankings related to the social structure of countries analyze achievements in public welfare and social progress from 2011 to 2023 in 170 states. This data highlights the current changes and developments occurring in several countries, including Turkey.


Thus, it can be stated that against the backdrop of the mentioned changes and trends, Turkey remains an attractive country for both investment and comfortable living.

General overview of the situation in Turkey

This analysis provides information that Turkey is at the global average level. In the current ranking, it occupies the 85th place, which is 17 positions lower compared to the indicators of 2011. The Social Progress Index is formed based on a variety of indicators, including wealth levels, economic dynamics, access to education and healthcare, as well as personal well-being and overall life situation. A total of 167 countries are included in the study.

Deterioration of social progress

Unfortunately, Turkey is ranked 95th among all countries and is showing a decline in its indicators. Since 2011, the country has dropped 23 positions. Experts have identified key issues in areas such as:

  • Personal freedoms
  • Public administration
  • Security questions

Prosperity index and financial equality

Regarding the prosperity index, the focus of the research is on financial equity.

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It analyzes household incomes for a specific year and the level of inequality according to the Gini index. This coefficient ranges from 0, which implies complete equality, to 1, where extreme inequality is observed. The analysis revealed that there is a significant income gap in Turkey. The country ranks 35th among 38 OECD countries, with an indicator of0.403It is considered insufficient. There is an opinion that a high level of inequality can slow down economic growth and provoke various types of conflicts.

The problem of poverty

In the context of poverty, it is measured by the share of people with incomes below the poverty line, which is set at half the average income per family in the country. The latest official data on poverty in Turkey dates back to 2020, when14.4%The population has found itself below the poverty line. It is interesting to note the relative and absolute indicators concerning the actual expenses of citizens. For example, studies show that:

  • In Switzerland14%The population has the status of being poor, but only0.4%less than 10 dollars a day.
  • In Turkey.25%Citizens live on a budget of less than 10 dollars a day.
  • In Georgia, this indicator reaches81%which highlights that a significant portion of the population is experiencing financial difficulties.

Quality of life

When it comes to the level of poverty in different countries, one cannot overlook the issue of quality of life. The ranking is based on11 criteria...from income to the balance between work and personal life in OECD countries. In this context, Turkey also has modest indicators, ranking...37th placeout of 41 possible. Nevertheless, it is worth emphasizing that in the last two decades, Turkey has made significant progress in improving the living conditions of its population. The achievements are particularly noticeable in the following areas:

  • Healthcare
  • Housing provision
  • Civic engagement

The role of passports and international relations

In conclusion, it should be mentioned that studies are periodically conducted to assess“the powers” of the passportof each country. This value is determined by the number of countries that its holder can visit without visa formalities. Such studies are important for understanding the overall context of social, economic, and political conditions in different states.

Results of passport analysis

This article discusses the results of a passport analysis, which placed Turkey in a tie for 37th position among 98 countries, alongside Montenegro. Holders of Turkish passports can visit 76 countries without any issues, while they can obtain a visa on arrival in 53 countries. However, it is hard to call the Turkish passport ideal for travel, as its visa-free options resemble those of Russian passports, which rank 38th in a similar rating. At the same time, Turkish citizens enjoy many advantages.

Advantages of Turkish citizens

  • Access to funds:Citizens of Turkey can use financial services and banking systems of European Union countries without significant obstacles.
  • Business visas:Turkish citizens have the opportunity to obtain long-term business visas for trips to the USA, which makes their mobility on the international stage more flexible.
  • Obtaining citizenship:Foreign investors can obtain Turkish citizenship by investing a minimum of $400,000 in real estate.

Employment in Turkey

In the context of employment for Turkey, the passport index indicators show important rankings based on three key aspects: investment attractiveness, economic opportunities for foreign specialists, and the quality of education. As of the end of 2023, Turkey ranks 49th among 64 countries, which is an improvement from the 58th position in 2019. However, the country faces several serious challenges, such as a lack of funding for education and a low level of women's representation in the labor market. At the same time, there have been noticeable improvements in the healthcare sector in recent years.

Education and PISA results

The global talent ranking based on PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) evaluates the skills of reading, mathematics, and natural sciences among 15-year-old students worldwide. This test is one of the largest and includes nearly 700,000 students from 81 countries. The data from this assessment show that the performance of the younger generation in Turkey is at an average level, ranking 39th in mathematics, 36th in reading, and 34th in natural sciences. Despite the average scores, there has been an improvement in results compared to 2018.

Gender equality in Turkey

When it comes to gender equality, a deep analysis of the situation in the country indicates serious problems. Based on four key criteria—economic activity, education level, health status, and access to opportunities, as well as political rights—Turkey ranks 129th out of 146 countries. This confirms that the opportunities for men and women in Turkey still differ significantly, highlighting the need for further reforms to achieve a more equitable society.


Thus, Turkey continues to move towards improving its position on the international stage, both socially and economically, but there is still a lot of work ahead.


In conclusion, it should be noted that the demographic, environmental, and economic data about Turkey highlight the importance of a comprehensive approach to the planning and development of the country. The population growth expected in the coming decades presents new opportunities, but it also creates additional challenges that require careful consideration.

It is clear that sustainable development requires improvements in the environmental situation, especially considering their low position on the environmental performance index. Air pollution issues further highlight the need for urgent measures to enhance the quality of life for the population. And while the increase in forest resources is a positive aspect, it reinforces the necessity of integrating environmental policy into the overall strategy for socio-economic development.

Economic challenges

From an economic perspective, Turkey is showing positive dynamics, but high inflation remains a serious obstacle to stable growth. It is important to consider that balanced development depends on the potential allocation of resources and investments in key sectors of the economy.

It is important to consider the following points:
  • Population growthcreates new opportunities and challenges.
  • Environmental situationrequires urgent measures and a comprehensive approach.
  • Economic dynamicsPositive, but inflation remains a problem.
  • Balanced development depends on the distribution of resources and investments.

In conclusion, it can be said that Turkey is at a crossroads: depending on the decisions made, it could become an example of successful transformation or, on the contrary, face new economic and environmental challenges. It is important for all stakeholders - from government bodies to private investors - to work together, creating coordinated strategies to ensure a sustainable future for the country.


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