Property Abroad
How we got our green card and moved to America: the story of our success

How we got our green card and moved to America: the story of our success

How we got our green card and moved to America: the story of our success
  • How to win a green card and change your life?
  • How to overcome fears when moving to a new country?
  • How has life in America influenced language learning and family socialization?
  • How to create a comfortable living and relaxation space in the USA?
  • Immigration to the USA: Reality, Stereotypes, and Educational Opportunities
  • How do accessible transportation and insurance improve the lives of people with disabilities?
  • Why is it worth staying abroad and not returning to your homeland?
  • Real estate in Miami: luxury apartments and villas from Square Estates LLC
  • How to choose the perfect apartment in Miami?

One day, while we were idly spending time at home and accidentally browsing videos on YouTube, we came across an interesting film about a young man who lived in the United States. He worked as a long-haul truck driver and earned over $6,000 a month, which seemed incredible to us, especially considering our limited knowledge of the English language. But it wasn't just his income that impressed us; the screen was filled with images of well-kept and beautiful streets, excellent roads, and friendly people he encountered at every turn.

The key point in our solution

A critical moment occurred on our path that directly influenced our decision to move to America. In October, when the application period for the green card lottery began, my partner decided to try his luck. This process is completely free and only requires filling out a special form. I, being skeptical, refused to participate, considering it a pointless endeavor. Nevertheless, my friend submitted his application, and soon we realized he was right. In May, when no one was thinking about the lottery anymore, we received a notification: we had won!

What do you need to know about the green card lottery?

  • Every year, a lottery is held for obtaining a green card.
  • Applications are accepted from October to November.
  • Anyone who is 18 years old or older can participate.
  • You should submit the application only through the official website of the U.S. Immigration Service.
  • Contacting intermediaries can cost around 1500 dollars.
  • The chance of winning does not increase when using third-party resources.

Our experiences and doubts

Although we weren't officially married at that time, despite having been together for four years, I had my doubts. I even thought that my partner might decide to go to the USA alone. But soon my fears were dispelled when I learned that I also had a chance to get a green card if we got married. The main requirement was that our wedding had to take place within the next month.

Visa application process

After that, we had to answer a few questions from the consul, and the visa would be in our pocket. Right after the official registration, we filled out the application as a married couple and provided all the necessary documents:

  • passports;
  • birth certificate;
  • certificate of our marriage;
  • my husband's military ID;
  • medical certificates with vaccination records;
  • results of examinations from accredited clinics.

Important interview date

In September, we received a notification about the date of our cross-interview, which was scheduled for April 23. It had been about a year since we won the green card until this important event. This day became crucial for our future! We brought photos that captured significant moments of our life together over various periods — they served as proof that our relationship truly existed and developed up until the moment we won.

Preparation for the interview

We were told that the consul conducting the interview would repeat the same questions and compare our answers to verify the authenticity of our story. We realized that the outcome of this meeting was of great importance and tried to gather our thoughts to confidently go through the entire process. Throughout our lives, we had prepared for this significant moment, and we felt a growing sense of hope and anticipation within us.

Moving to a new country

We were worried that our conversation might touch on the topic of "our" song or favorite movie. For Americans, having common musical preferences is the norm. However, we didn't have that experience, so we decided to create it for ourselves. After a long wait of five hours, we were invited to meet with the consul... and we entered together. The consul turned out to be very welcoming and asked us which language we preferred to communicate in. We admitted that our level of English was insufficient and chose Russian. The conversation went smoothly. When we were asked how long we had been together before winning the lottery, we answered instantly in sync. The consul smiled and asked us to show some photos. The second and final question was about how we met. Upon hearing our answer, he congratulated us: "Congratulations! Soon you will receive your visas and can start preparing for your trip." We had six months left to prepare. The fear of the unknown shifted to excitement about the upcoming move.

Emotions and fears

The first days after the interview filled us with joy – our friends and relatives were genuinely happy for us. However, soon thoughts of anxiety began to creep in: how will we settle in a country we have never been to, and what awaits us ahead?“Caring”Acquaintances said that for Russian-speaking immigrants, only positions as cleaners, caregivers, and loaders are available. We have often considered giving up on this idea, but the desire to move to America turned out to be stronger.

Choice of destination

We decided to move to California because some of our acquaintances won the green card two years ago. However, the high rental prices made us cautious: a one-bedroom apartment cost around2000 dollarsWe had about6000 dollarsSome suggested renting a room, but the thought of living in a shared apartment at 27 and working as a cleaner without days off filled me with fear.

Family support and final choice

Thoughts about the future were frightening, but our parents supported our decision. In the end, we concluded that we could always go back if things didn't work out. Moreover, that same year our friends also won the lottery and had already moved to Orlando. This encouraged us to choose Florida. Firstly, the rent there varied from800 to 1000 dollarsAnd secondly, it's warm all year round and there's the ocean.

Inspiration and useful information

There are many inspiring immigration stories that can help make a decision. Here are a few topics that might be interesting:

  • Moving to America with small children.
  • The advantages of living in New York City.
  • Reasons why people are leaving New York City.
  • Methods for quickly learning English after moving.

Level of English language

At the time of our move, my level of English left much to be desired, even though I had studied it in school and university. My husband was much better at the language, as he had completed a two-year course, which yielded results.

How we got our green card and moved to America: the story of our success

Moving and learning the language

Shortly after we moved to America, my husband started actively learning English, while I, even though I've been living here for five years, still haven't learned to speak it. This is because in our work we communicate with management, where the preference is for the Russian language. Additionally, my friends and neighbors also prefer to speak Russian, and I lack opportunities for practice.

Our work

My husband and I work at the same company that specializes in online sales of technical devices. I test various gadgets such as headphones, smartwatches, and tablets, while my husband repairs this equipment and checks its quality. We have been working at the company for five years, and we have no plans to change jobs, as we feel very comfortable in a team that is mostly made up of immigrants from post-Soviet countries.

Work schedule

Our work is organized quite conveniently: we work five days a week, eight hours a day. Saturday and Sunday are days off, and if there is a need to stay late, overtime is paid at one and a half times the regular rate. Unfortunately, I can't disclose specific amounts due to contract conditions, but I can note that from the very first years, we felt financial security and were able to save money for a down payment on a home.

Creating an Instagram account

Six months ago, I opened my Instagram account dedicated to life in the USA. This decision came to me after our trip when I had a ton of amazing photos that I didn't want to just keep in archives. I realized that interesting content should combine not only visual appeal but also useful information.

First publications

My first post was about a neighbor who works as a cleaner. I was quite surprised that, despite earning a minimum wage, she could afford to rent a place and have a car, while living quite comfortably. After learning more about her financial situation, I wrote my first post with the intriguing title "What Can You Really Afford on Minimum Wage in the USA?".

Audience reaction

The audience's reaction was immediate: subscribers began to actively sign up, and comments and personal messages started pouring in. This made me realize that many people are interested in learning about life in the USA. Over the past six months, I have been able to better understand my audience, which is curious about various aspects of life in America — from cultural differences to prices for goods and services, as well as the nuances of moving.

Life in Miami

As for living in Miami, this famous resort is perfect for everyday life. Here, in addition to tourist attractions, people lead their usual daily lives. Like many Americans, we have barbecues by the ocean on Sundays. We have a couple of favorite restaurants with live music, and my husband often plays sports, including beach workouts and volleyball with friends.

Cultural life and entertainment

In Miami, various festivals, exhibitions, and concerts are constantly taking place, enriching the city's cultural life. The nightlife here is also vibrant, with numerous clubs offering entertainment for every taste. The main advantage of living in Florida is the ability to enjoy summer year-round, which makes our existence here particularly pleasant.

Creating a comfortable space for relaxation

Currently, many households in the USA are equipped with pools and barbecue areas, allowing people to spend time with friends without having to leave their homes. This creates the perfect conditions for socializing and relaxation. Many people who migrate to the United States are interested in which cities are best suited for comfortable living, work, and entertainment.

Searching for housing in the USA

When we first arrived here, we had the option to rent a place, but soon we realized that it would be better to buy our own home. Our search for housing began on the Craigslist platform, which is similar in functionality to the Russian site "Avito," where users can post ads for both selling and job searching.

Tips for cohabitation

If you want to find Russian-speaking neighbors to live with, I recommend using Facebook groups using the query "rent in Miami". Trulia and Zillow are also popular platforms in the US, where you can check out offers to rent and buy apartments. However, I would recommend renting through realtors, as in Florida this is often done at no extra cost - the commission of the specialists is covered by the landlords.

Acquisition of an apartment

After spending three years in this country, we decided to buy an apartment using a mortgage. We needed to make a down payment of 25% of the total cost (or 5% for private houses), have a good credit history, and also two years of stable employment in the same place. We met all the specified requirements and successfully went through the loan approval process.

The perfect neighborhood for living

During our time living here, we found the perfect neighborhood where many people speak Russian. We purchased an apartment for $90,000, taking out a 30-year mortgage at an interest rate of 5.25% per year. Our monthly payments amount to $515. The down payment was $23,000, and we also spent an additional $7,000 on closing costs. It's also worth noting that the maintenance of our home costs us $415 a month.

Adaptation and assimilation

Adapting to life in a new country turned out to be easier than we expected. It's worth noting that America exists thanks to immigrants who bring new ideas and create successful startups. The locals are always polite and courteous in their interactions; no one would dare speak poorly of other countries, including the homeland of the person they are talking to.

Communication with locals

When asked "how are you?", it is often followed by the clarification "where are you from?", which can be heard from both a shopkeeper and a doctor in a hospital.

Obtaining citizenship

As for the process of obtaining citizenship, anyone who has completed the necessary steps becomes a full member of American society. Russian-speaking immigrants are divided into three groups:

  • First group:Those who arrive with good language skills and the necessary qualifications that allow them to find jobs in offices at respectable positions.
  • Group Two:People who have a limited knowledge of the language and lack specialized skills, but are eager to learn and develop.
  • Third group:people who overcome difficulties and work hard for their future.

Immigration and training

In most cases, immigrants arriving in the U.S. seek to enroll in English language courses and pursue vocational education at colleges. This allows them to obtain an American diploma, which, in turn, significantly simplifies the employment process.

On the other hand, diplomas issued in CIS countries are often not accepted by American employers. However, there is a possibility for official verification of such documents.

Categories of immigrants

There is also a category of migrants who come to the United States with limited language skills, sometimes even without an education, and often without any desire to learn. In particular, such people can be found quite frequently in New York.

As a consequence of the collapse of the Soviet Union, many of these people moved to the U.S., but in thirty years have not been able to master the English language. They prefer to live among their compatriots, work mostly in Russian-speaking communities, and regularly visit "Russian stores.

Nevertheless, I personally noticed that among Russian-speaking immigrants in America, there is not as much cohesion as is commonly believed.

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Sometimes there are reports that they may deceive each other and often show hostility.

My own experience interacting with Russians in the US neither confirmed nor disproved the information about such problems: my husband and I have not encountered anything like that.

Stereotypes about Americans

There are many stereotypes about American life, among which the prevailing opinion is that there are a lot of people with disabilities in society who are insincere and prefer fast food.

In particular, there is a widespread opinion that US residents do not show sincerity, and their smiles are formal, which, in fact, is the result of misunderstanding.

Although there are situations when Americans aren't really interested in how you're doing, it makes me happy when passersby and neighbors greet each other with a smile and wish each other a good day. You can see this in stores, on the streets, or in any other service area – such friendliness creates a positive atmosphere.

Kindness in public places

For example, when you enter a store, you will inevitably encounter a smiling salesperson who cheerfully jokes and comments on your purchases. Personally, I find this friendliness much closer and more pleasant than obvious coldness and rudeness.

American diet

There is also a widespread belief that all Americans eat exclusively fast food. In practice, this is markedly exaggerated.

  • Cheap establishments like McDonald's, Burger King, or KFC are most often visited by people with low incomes, as the prices there are quite low.
  • Most people prefer high-quality organic products, often cooking at home or ordering from restaurants.

People with disabilities

Before moving to the United States, I heard that there are a lot of people with disabilities on the streets. This is true: you can meet them quite often in public places, which is in sharp contrast to most countries where the conditions for such citizens leave much to be desired.

In America, people with disabilities can easily go outside, visit stores, cinemas, bars, and restaurants thanks to well-designed infrastructure.

  • Everywhere there are smooth sidewalks,
  • Clear ramps and other amenities make their lives much easier and more comfortable.

The advantages of accessible transportation for people with disabilities

I have noticed many times how people with disabilities get to public transportation, with buses equipped with special mechanisms. The ramps are extended and the step is lowered, so that passengers can enter independently without assistance. This clearly illustrates the state's care for such citizens.

The importance of health insurance in the USA

The importance of health insurance in the United States is undeniable. The cost of medical services here is simply astronomical, and without proper insurance, one will face enormous financial expenses. For example, a simple cast will cost...six thousand dollarsand tests can cost many times more. For those who go to the hospital without insurance, the bills can sometimes range fromtwenty to forty thousand dollarsIn some cases, it is possible to split this amount into smaller payments.

People with low incomes sometimes have to turn to medical institutions and, citing their financial difficulties, negotiate to pay off debts fortwenty or fifty dollarsmonthly.

How to avoid financial difficulties

The most reliable way to avoid financial difficulties is to have health insurance. Often, such policies are provided by employers, but some individuals must take care of obtaining them on their own. Insurance prices vary and depend on:

  • income level;
  • the number of children in the family;
  • the coverage conditions offered by the insurance company.

For families with children and low incomes, insurance in most cases does not exceedone hundred dollars a monthThere is an opportunity to obtain free insurance for families with very low income. At the same time, childless couples may face higher rates — starting fromthree hundred dollarsand above for the policy.

Overall level of security in the country

As for the level of safety in the USA, my personal experience has been quite positive. I bought a home in a quiet neighborhood, so I don't feel afraid to go outside even at night. Police officers rarely appear in public places, and traffic inspectors only stop cars in cases of clear violations. Usually, law enforcement officers patrol the roads and check vehicles by their license plates to confirm the validity of insurance.

I have respect for law enforcement agencies, as corruption among them is virtually non-existent. The same can be said about medicine: small gifts, even in the form of candies, can lead to serious trouble.

Positive aspects of life in the USA

Speaking about the pluses of living in America, one can enumerate the positive aspects for a long time, especially considering their significant superiority over the disadvantages. I am sincerely attached to this country, it has become a second home for me, and all the local habits and traditions have already become close and understandable. Among the obvious pluses are a high level of income, well-developed infrastructure and polite, responsive citizens. I am also pleased with the cleanliness and well-maintained natural landscapes.

For example, in Florida, the climate allows for wearing light clothing even in winter, which is very pleasant. And, of course, it's worth noting that here you can always find a variety of fruits and vegetables that are available at reasonable prices and maintain high quality throughout the year.

Modern winter treats

In our time, especially during the holiday season, products like cherries and watermelons have become an integral part of the New Year's table. However, life in these countries has its downsides.

The power of nature

First of all, there are the occasional major hurricanes. In the last four years, only one of them reached such strength that it really instilled fear. However, modern high-rise buildings have good stability and are able to withstand even the strongest natural misfortunes. Evacuations are usually only for private sector residents, which greatly reduces the danger to life in cities.

The high cost of dental services

Another important point is the high cost of dental services. For example:

  • Treatment of the nerve and crown placement - about1700 dollars.
  • Installing a dental implant - approximately4000 dollars.
  • A regular filling - about500 dollars.
  • A complicated tooth extraction can cost up to750 dollars.

This makes many of my acquaintances seek dental care back home, where prices are significantly lower. Additionally, dental insurance here is also quite expensive, and there's no point in paying for it if a person doesn't have ongoing dental issues.

Distance to loved ones

In addition, we cannot forget the distance to relatives and old acquaintances - they are a considerable distance away. We may never return to our homeland. Fears that we will be left without friends and support in a foreign country have proven to be exaggerated: even in our home country, apart from our loved ones, very few people care about our well-being.

I disagree with the statement "you are useful where you were born"; here, far from the familiar, we have been able to make many new friends and establish great relationships with colleagues and neighbors. If it weren't for my connection with family, I wouldn't go back to my homeland, not even for a day.

Why there's no point in going back

From the very beginning, we realized that going back home makes no sense. So why return?

  • For a tiny salary and pension payments that definitely don't provide a decent standard of living?
  • For fear of losing your job right after graduation?
  • For the meager benefits for large families and single mothers?
  • For the sad state of the roads, uncomfortable benches, and abandoned playgrounds?
  • For the inaction of the courts in cases of poverty?
  • For terrible infrastructure?

This is just ridiculous.

Investments and the possibility of a new life

It is also worth noting that currently statistics show that foreigners can easily obtain a residence permit in the USA through investments. For example, real estate in popular locations like Miami is of great interest to buyers. There is an opportunity to purchase:

  • Penthouse with an area of 330 square meters for1,838,193 euros.
  • Townhouse for6,115,048 euros.

I am ready to assist with the purchase of both residential and commercial real estate in sunny Miami, working with both primary and secondary markets. If you have any questions about the offers that interest you or the overall market situation, please feel free to reach out to me!

Real estate in Miami from Square Estates LLC

The owners of Square Estates LLC offer a wide selection of real estate in sunny Miami, which is located in the United States. One of the most attractive properties is a luxury apartment, the price of which is2,574,757 euros.

This housing has an area of250 square metersincludes4 bedroomsand3 bathroomsThe extraordinary Armani Casa tower will rise right on the ocean shore, offering308 residences, distributed across56 floors.

Buyers can choose apartments with2, 3, or 4 bedroomsEach of which guarantees stunning views of the surrounding nature. This project will be the first Armani residential tower in the country and will be managed by renowned developers:

  • Dezer Development
  • The Related Group

The architectural design of a unique building is carried out by highly qualified specialists, which adds extra value to the project.

Unique villa in Miami

The second interesting property in the portfolio of Square Estates LLC is a magnificent villa in Miami, which is offered for2,573,837 eurosThe area of this elite housing is320 square metersand includes:

  • 5 bedrooms
  • 4 bathrooms
  • 5 parking spots

If you have any additional questions about this property or the market in general, feel free to reach out to real estate professionals. I have the experience to help you find both residential and commercial properties in sunny Miami, whether in the primary or secondary markets.

Additional real estate options

The company also offers apartments priced at473,571 euroswith an area80 square meters, which include2 bedroomsand one bathroom. For those looking for more compact housing options, apartments are offered at a price445,985 eurosand an area of65 square metersconsisting of:

  • 2 sleeping places
  • 1 bathroom

If you are looking to purchase a more spacious property, consider the villa priced at4,781,692 eurosThis residence has an area of550 square metersand includes:

  • 7 bedrooms
  • 6 bathrooms
  • 8 parking spaces
Interesting suggestions

In addition, apartments are available with an area of73 square metersfor358,627 eurosDon't forget about the apartments priced at734,725 euros, which have an area100 square metersand they offer:

  • 3 bedrooms
  • 2 bathrooms

If you are interested in the possibility of purchasing real estate in Miami or the southern part of Florida, I, Dmitry Baranov, am an experienced real estate broker and I am ready to help you find your ideal option. You can call me at the phone number+1.305.302.9776I will be happy to answer all your questions and assist with every aspect of the purchase.

Buying an apartment in Miami

In the United States, in picturesque Miami, an apartment with an area of 350 square meters is for sale at a price of 344,937 euros. This offer from Square Estates LLC includes 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, making it ideal for large families. We can arrange an online viewing of this property and assist with mortgage processing.

If you have any questions about this apartment or the real estate market situation in general, feel free to reach out to me. I would be happy to assist you in finding and purchasing both residential and commercial properties in the amazing Miami and its surroundings. My name isDmitry BaranovI am a professional broker in this field, my contact number is +1.305.302.9776.

Other offers in Miami

There is another enticing offer in Miami! An apartment is for sale for €1,098,870, with a total area of 160 square meters, featuring 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. We can also arrange an online viewing, and you will have the option to take advantage of financing.

If you are interested in this apartment or want to discuss the current state of the real estate market, feel free to reach out to me. I am always ready to help you with purchasing property in our sunny city. You can contact me at +1.305.302.9776, my name isDmitry BaranovI am your trusted real estate broker in Miami.

A large apartment with elite amenities.

A 280 square meter apartment is also available for sale at a price of 3,860,296 euros, which includes 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. It is available for online viewing, and you can complete the transaction remotely, as well as take advantage of financing options.

If you have any questions, I would be happy to help you with them. I want to remind you that buying residential or commercial real estate in Miami is not just a job for me — it's a calling. My phone number is +1.305.302.9776.Dmitry BaranovI'm available (I work with all messengers).

Real estate in Manhattan

In Manhattan, on the famous Billionaire’s Row, there is a unique apartment with an eye-catching price tag of €13,241,607. The area is 300 square meters, featuring 3 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. An online showing is available, and there is an option to conduct the transaction remotely.

This apartment is located in the One57 residence, designed by the renowned architect Thomas Juul-Hansen. It exudes glamour and offers the perfect conditions for comfortable living in New York City.

Other real estate options in New York City

  • Apartment 35d in New Yorkcosting 2,298,890 euros.

    It covers 134 square meters, includes 2 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms. The unique urban panorama and designer renovation make this property particularly attractive.

  • House on Long Islandfor 1,011,512 euros.

    The area of this house is 362 square meters, featuring 12 rooms, including 6 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. The house is located on one of the most desirable streets in South Merrick, in close proximity to award-winning schools.

This is a charming pre-revolutionary house in colonial style with a magnificent area exceeding 3,900 square feet. Unique architectural details, including moldings, high ceilings, and spacious rooms, make it truly exceptional.


I am always ready to answer your questions and offer the necessary assistance in the real estate sector in Miami and its surroundings. With youDmitry BaranovYour reliable real estate broker, contact number +1.305.302.9776.


In concluding my story, I want to share what we experienced after receiving our visas and taking those initial exciting steps on new soil. Change always stirs up a whirlwind of emotions. By the time we practically experienced moving to America, inspiration and doubt were battling within us. That long-awaited moment had come, but ahead of us lay unpredictable challenges that we had no idea about.

First impressions

The first few weeks in a new country were a real challenge for us. To be honest, everything around felt somewhat unreal — the culture, the language, even the bread smelled different! But all the difficulties we faced were, I believe, just an inevitable part of any new beginning. I tried to actively learn English, immersing myself in the environment and seizing every opportunity to talk. At first, of course, it was difficult, and my vocabulary left much to be desired, but every time I managed to communicate, I felt a little more confident.

California is our new home.

California, where we decided to go, amazed me with its beaches and sunny days. Every time I stepped onto the ocean shore, I realized I had made the right choice. The people we met here inspired us with their stories. Many immigrants had gone through similar trials, and their successes served as an example for us. Yes, we were not alone — there were entire communities that warmly welcomed newcomers.

Overcoming fears

The internal fears about lack of money or difficulties in adapting gradually began to fade as we started finding jobs and settling in. As we entered a new rhythm of life, we began to notice that the opportunities here are truly limitless. The flow of inspiration never stopped, and I realized that every "yes" brought with it a new adventure. The chance to learn and grow, to rethink my experiences — all of this made life brighter and more interesting.

The results of our experience

Looking back, I realize that all these experiences, fears, and even failures have made us stronger. We learned at every step, even when it was difficult. Learning to let go of old fears and disappointments became an important stage in this journey. We have been through a lot, but the most important thing is that we have stopped fearing new challenges and understood that life is only life when we are ready to move forward, despite the obstacles.

Our story

Our story is not just about moving to another country, but about overcoming ourselves, finding new horizons, and believing in new possibilities. Life in America has become a true adventure for us, one that we enjoy every single day. We understand that regardless of what happens, it is important to keep moving forward, to pursue our dreams, and to live life to the fullest.


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