Property Abroad
How does the free healthcare system in Portugal work for foreign citizens?

How does the free healthcare system in Portugal work for foreign citizens?

How does the free healthcare system in Portugal work for foreign citizens?
  • How did Portugal achieve success in healthcare and the accessibility of medical services?
  • Why should one consider private health insurance in Portugal?

Healthcare in Portugal: Leading Positions

In recent years, Portugal has made significant strides in healthcare, establishing itself as a leader in this sector. The citizens of the country are known for their longevity, with most living to 80 years and older. Additionally, foreigners have recently found it easier to access the national healthcare system.

In a recently compiled European medical index, Portugal has significantly improved its position, moving up from the previously held 25th place into the top ten. As of today, this country has surpassed nations such as the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, and Ireland in key aspects related to the quality and accessibility of healthcare. At the same time, it is important to note that healthcare funding in Portugal is at a level lower than in most European Union countries.

Free medical care

Special attention should be paid to the topic of free medical assistance. Access to the free healthcare system in Portugal is only available to residents. This means that medical services are open not only to citizens but also to legally residing foreigners in Portugal. Under certain conditions, this category also includes those who are unemployed, including retirees and people who are dependents.

National Health System of Portugal (SNS)

The National Health System of Portugal (SNS) is a key government organization that regulates all aspects of healthcare. To become a patient at a public clinic, you need to register with the local governing body in your area of residence — junta de freguesia. After obtaining the necessary documents along with a visa and residence card, you should go to the local healthcare facility known as centro de saúde.

Here you will be provided with a unique patient account number (número de utente), which is used in the system for accessing free medical care. It is important to remember that contributions are mainly paid only in special situations, for example, when visiting emergency services or seeing a family doctor, with amounts ranging from 5 to 20 euros.

Availability of medical services

Even the smallest towns in Portugal can boast the presence of public clinics and hospitals, ensuring access to medical services for the population, regardless of the region of residence.

Private health insurance

In addition, the country has a quite effective system of private health insurance that operates alongside the public healthcare system. Some doctors can work in both sectors simultaneously, which expands the range of medical services available to patients. This creates a competitive environment that contributes to improving the quality of healthcare and increasing access to modern treatment methods and technologies.

The private healthcare system offers greater flexibility and choice, which is highly valued by people seeking quick and quality service.


Thus, Portugal's medical system not only demonstrates impressive quality standards but also opens up opportunities for a wide audience, including foreign residents.

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Government support, combined with a developed infrastructure, makes the healthcare system in the country accessible and effective. Portugal's achievements in this area deserve positive recognition.

By providing access to high-quality healthcare, Portugal is strengthening its position as one of the best countries for living and health.

Expenses related to the services of private general practitioners, specialized specialists, and medical institutions in Portugal can be covered by a private health insurance policy.

The cost of a consultation with such a doctor ranges from 40 to 50 euros, and it's much easier to make an appointment. Unlike public hospitals, the waiting time in private clinics is usually minimal, allowing patients to quickly receive the necessary treatment. Moreover, there is often a chance to meet with English-speaking specialists, which is especially relevant for foreigners who do not speak Portuguese.

Advantages of private health insurance

Although many expats can access free medical services, a significant number of them still prefer to take out private health insurance policies.

  • The reasons for this choice are not only personal preferences but also discrepancies between certain aspects of public healthcare and their expectations.
  • A similar trend is observed among the Portuguese themselves, about 20% of whom also choose private insurance policies.

This approach provides expanded access to services that are not included in standard government healthcare programs and helps obtain consultations from private doctors.

What is included in the insurance package?

The basic health insurance package usually includes services such as:

  • hospitalization
  • surgical operations

More active plans may include:

  • visits to specialized doctors
  • conducting analyses and tests
  • physiotherapy procedures
  • childbirth and dental practices
  • ophthalmological assistance
  • prosthetics
  • other specialized services

The cost of health insurance

Prices for private health insurance in Portugal range from 20 to 50 euros per month, depending on the client's age and the extent of services. A basic insurance plan will cost around 400 euros per year, while a more comprehensive "all-inclusive" option can start from 1000 euros and above for annual coverage.

Medicinal products

As for medical drugs, the public health insurance in Portugal will partially cover the cost of prescription medications, and the remaining amount must be paid by the patient. The level of compensation depends on the subsidy rate for different medications.

The greatest support is given to pharmaceutical products recognized as essential by the Ministry of Health. In Portugal, medications are classified into four categories:

  • Class A— 90%
  • Class B— 69%
  • Class C— 37%
  • Class D— 15%

There are also special recipes for citizens over 65 years old that help reduce medication costs by 40-100% of their price.

Medical tourism in Portugal

In the field of medical institutions in Portugal, there is a significant development of medical tourism, which attracts not only citizens from European countries but also patients from the USA, China, and the CIS countries.

The highly developed healthcare system and the large number of qualified specialists make the country an attractive place for foreigners seeking quality medical care.

How does the free healthcare system in Portugal work for foreign citizens?


In conclusion, I would like to emphasize the high standards of healthcare in Portugal and the accessibility of medical services for both locals and foreigners. In recent years, the country has managed to elevate its status on the international stage, achieving impressive results in the healthcare sector. The system of free healthcare available to residents makes Portugal attractive to many who are considering relocating.

Private health insurance also plays an important role, offering residents more flexible and quicker options for accessing medical services. If you are looking for high-quality medical care, most patients will be pleasantly surprised by the opportunity to receive treatment in modern clinics that meet the highest international standards.

Important aspects of medical services in Portugal:

  • Availability.The free healthcare system is available to foreign citizens with resident status.
  • Private health insurance.It offers quick access to treatments and the option to choose specialists.
  • Quality.Modern clinics meet international standards.

It is important not to forget the significance of prevention and regular medical check-ups, as health is not only about treating illnesses but also about the ability to prevent them. Systematic attention to one's health, as well as awareness of the available medical services in the country, makes Portugal not only a place to live but also a place where one can receive high-quality medical care.

Therefore, if you are planning to move to Portugal or simply want to take advantage of its medical services, I can confidently say that this choice will be wise and justified. Portugal is an example of a country that understands the importance of maintaining the health of its citizens and guests, and does everything possible to make these services accessible to everyone.


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