Property Abroad
How can Russians obtain residency abroad? Options and requirements.

How can Russians obtain residency abroad? Options and requirements.

How can Russians obtain residency abroad? Options and requirements.
  • How can Russians obtain residency through investments abroad?
  • What are the main requirements for immigration to Italy and France?
  • How to obtain a residence permit in Europe: France, Germany, Portugal?

As of today, only four countries are available to Russians that offer the possibility of obtaining a passport through investment. These countries are Grenada, Montenegro (where the temporary program will be in effect until the end of 2022), Turkey, and Vanuatu. When it comes to obtaining an investment residence permit, the options are broader: Spain, Portugal, and Cyprus offer such opportunities.

Advantages of a temporary residence permit

A temporary residence permit (TRP) is an excellent option for those who want to bypass traditional visa barriers. Holding such a status allows for free movement across the countries of the European Union and territories that have signed the Schengen Agreement. Additionally, having a TRP can significantly ease the process of acquiring real estate abroad. This status can also protect bank accounts opened in EU countries, which has become particularly relevant since February 24, when many Russians received notifications from European banks about the need to close their accounts or provide a residence permit from one of the EU countries.

Ways to obtain a residence permit

There are several ways to legalize your stay in other countries. One of the popular methods is obtaining a residence permit through investment, as evidenced by the existence of programs known as"golden visas"Initially, five countries with such programs were proposed in the EU, but now their number has been reduced to three: Spain, Portugal, and Cyprus continue to offer these opportunities.

  • Investments in Spain:at least 500 thousand euros
  • Investments in Portugal:minimum 280,000 euros
  • Investments in Cyprus:at least 300 thousand euros

The programs offered by Greece and Latvia for Russians have already ended.

Financial independence

In addition, there is the possibility of obtaining a residence permit based on financial independence without the need for investment. The main requirement is to demonstrate financial viability, which is usually confirmed by having a legal annual income. Such sources can include rental income, dividends, or payments from self-employment. For example, in France, salary can also be used as proof of financial independence.

Residence permit opportunities for business and education

Starting a business or obtaining an education can also be beneficial for acquiring a residence permit. Countries that offer residence permits based on financial independence criteria can be divided into those that require more than 180 days of residence per year (for example, Portugal) and those that do not have such restrictions (for example, Italy, France, and Germany).

Changes in the procedures for obtaining a residence permit

As for the changes in the procedures for obtaining a residence permit after February 24, they are minimal. The main changes have affected the waiting times for appointments to submit documents and their subsequent review.

Requirements for obtaining a residence permit in Italy

For those who are considering obtaining a residence permit in Italy, it is important to fulfill several conditions. First of all, it is necessary to confirm your financial independence. The minimum annual income for one person is30 thousand eurosfor a family of three (spouse and child) –90 thousand euros.

It is important to note that this income must be legal and passive (for example, it can be pension, rental payments, or dividends) and must be verified for the last two years. It is worth mentioning that, unlike French practice, income from employment in Italy cannot be taken into account.

Requirements for immigration to Italy

The second key requirement for immigration is having a permanent place of residence. This can be either purchased property or a long-term rental. It should be noted that the legislation does not specify particular parameters regarding the cost or size of the housing for one person.

In practice, it is believed that real estate with a higher value and larger area indicates greater respect for the immigrant. For example, a one-bedroom or a two-bedroom apartment would be suitable for a family of three, and a budget of around 1000 euros per month would be sufficient for renting.

Motivational essay

The third point is the necessity of writing a motivational essay. In it, you need to justify your choice of Italy as a place to live and discuss your future plans. This document package is submitted specifically for the purpose of obtaining a visa at the Italian consulate in the applicant's country of permanent residence.

However, you must make an appointment in advance, which can take four to six months. Moreover, the time period for reviewing submitted materials has been lengthened from three to four weeks to two months.

Immigration visa

Upon successful completion of all procedures, an immigration visa type D will be affixed to the passport, valid for one year. To activate this visa, you must enter Italy and register at the local police station at your permanent residence address.

In this process, documents confirming the availability of housing and sources of income will be needed again, as well as the completion of biometric identification. After successfully submitting all the documents, an ID card will be issued.

Permanent residence

It is important to mention that specific requirements for permanent residency in the country are not defined; however, the status can be revoked if the holder of the residence permit leaves Italy for more than six consecutive months.

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The immigration status is updated according to the 1+2+2 scheme.

  • After five years of legal residence, the procedures for obtaining a permanent residence permit begin.
  • In ten years, you can apply for citizenship.

Immigration to France for financially independent individuals

As for immigration programs to France for financially independent individuals, the income requirements are lower: only 25,000 euros per person per year is sufficient. Legal sources of income are taken into account, such as:

  • Interest on investments
  • Royalty
  • Rental payments
  • Pensions
  • Salary

Housing options

Housing can be viewed as either a rental option for 12 months or a purchase. While the law does not specify minimum thresholds for renting or buying, having your own property can significantly increase your chances of receiving a positive decision from immigration authorities.

Children and education

Another important condition of the program is the presence of minor children who must be enrolled in educational institutions in France. This circumstance will be taken into account when extending immigration status.

Timeframe for obtaining a visa

It is possible to obtain a visa in your home country, and the processing times for documents and the issuance of a type D visa in France are significantly shorter. The wait for an appointment to submit applications is about two months, and the actual visa processing takes only two to three weeks, which is a faster option compared to other countries.

How can Russians obtain residency abroad? Options and requirements.

The immigration process to France

Upon arriving in France, it is necessary to go through the visa registration procedure at the immigration office. After that, you can contact the prefecture to obtain a residence permit, which will open the doors to traveling to other European countries.

Tax residencyIt depends on the individual's desire, as it is granted to those who have been in the country for more than six months. A temporary residence permit is issued for a period of one year, but there is a possibility for its indefinite extension.

After five years of residence in France, foreigners can apply for permanent residence and later for citizenship. For more detailed information on this program and the conditions for applicants, a special link is available.

Residence permits in Germany

Now let's look at obtaining residence permits in Germany for wealthy individuals. This program is aimed at financially independent citizens. There is no need for investments in the country's economy or the purchase of real estate.

Although the legislation does not set strict requirements, the main thing that will be required from candidates is to provide documentation that confirms the presence of:

  • Passive incomeat least 5,000 euros per month per person;
  • Significant capitalwhich must amount to at least one million euros, including stocks, real estate, and other assets.

Moreover, in order to meet the program's requirements, the applicant must secure housing in Germany. Ownership is not necessary; a long-term rental agreement is sufficient. In this case, it will be required to provide a bank account from which the rent payments will be made.

The preparation of all necessary documents, their submission to the German consulate, as well as the subsequent review and receipt of a type D visa takes about six months. Personal presence of the applicant at the German consulate is required for the issuance of a national visa.

Obtaining a residence permit in Germany

Immediately upon arrival in Germany, the immigration service processes and issues the residence permit. Initially, this residence permit is valid for one year, after which it can be extended twice for two years each time.

After five years of living in Germany, foreigners can apply for permanent residency, and after seven years, for citizenship. More detailed information about the program and requirements can be found at the provided link.

Residence permit in Portugal

We cannot fail to mention the possibility of obtaining a residence permit in Portugal for financially independent citizens. In order for wealthy foreigners to move to Portugal, they need to:

  • Rent housingfor a long term or to purchase real estate;
  • Transfer certain funds to your accountfrom 8000 euros per year) for the principal applicant.

Additionally, within the framework of this program, it is important to consider that one must be present in the country for no less than183 days in a yearAs a result, holders of such status become tax residents of Portugal. For more detailed information about this program and the conditions for applicants, you can refer to the provided link.


In conclusion, it can be summarized that obtaining residency and passports through investments is a relevant and quite interesting topic for many Russians, especially in light of recent events. We see that today there are only a few countries that offer such opportunities. Grenada, Montenegro, Turkey, and Vanuatu are the countries where investments can be exchanged for citizenship. Investments in real estate in Spain, Portugal, and Cyprus also open doors for obtaining residency.

Alternative to visas

Moreover, the opportunities to obtain residency based on financial independence in countries like Italy and France broaden the horizons for Russians looking to settle abroad. In my opinion, such an alternative to visas, like residency permits, will provide not only freedom of movement but also the creation of comfortable living conditions — especially important in the context of global uncertainty.

The process of obtaining

When considering such programs, potential applicants should take into account all the nuances, including:

  • Requirements for financial viability
  • Living conditions
  • Waiting period for consideration of documents

It is important to note that the process of obtaining a residence permit may take longer than before; however, for many, this is a worthwhile investment in the future—ensuring their safety and stability.

Prospects and hopes

Decisions about moving are made not only based on financial capabilities but also from the desire to create a new life away from the stresses and instability observed in one's homeland. Therefore, I hope that for those seeking change, these programs will provide a great opportunity for a fresh start. I wish everyone success on this challenging but important journey.


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