Property Abroad
How are apartments in Israel arranged and what do you need to know about housing?

How are apartments in Israel arranged and what do you need to know about housing?

How are apartments in Israel arranged and what do you need to know about housing?
  • Which apartments are the most popular in Israel and how to apply for a mortgage?
  • What are the unique features of real estate in Israel?
  • What are the specifics of dwelling and installing a mezuzah in Tel Aviv?
  • How do windows and traditions shape life in Israel's apartment buildings?

Types of apartments in Israel

In Israel, apartments with three and four rooms make up the bulk of the housing stock. These units tend to be quite impressive in size, providing at least three rooms and a total area of at least eighty square meters. Construction of such housing units began between 1950 and 1970, and such standards have been maintained since then.

In the following years, apartments with four and five rooms were also built to meet the demands of local residents, for whom a large family with many children is an important aspect of life. Sometimes even a three-room apartment may not be large enough for the needs of parents with several children.

What does an apartment labeled 3.5 rooms mean?

When an ad reports an apartment marked 3.5 rooms, it means that there is a “dining area” - a small area of about four to five meters that is either attached to the kitchen or acts as a separate area from the living room and serves as a place for a dining group.

Standard layout of a two-bedroom apartment

A typical two-bedroom apartment usually looks like this: the front door leads into a large living room, from which you can move on to two bedrooms and a kitchen. Larger apartments are often designed on a similar principle. Variants of the layout can also be found in private houses and villas, but such buildings are not so common.

Popularity of small-sized apartments

Studios, one- and two-bedroom apartments are still the most popular on the real estate market, although the number of such offers is very limited. These types of housing are often chosen by single people or childless couples. Compact apartments are often located in the coastal areas of Tel Aviv, and their cost is often higher than the price of multi-room apartments in residential areas, despite the fact that their area may be only 25-50 square meters.

Preferential mortgage loans for emigrants

More recently, newly arrived immigrants in Israel have been given a unique opportunity to take advantage of preferential mortgage loans, which are intended for the purchase of housing or land for construction. This preferential program, known asmashkantaoffers more favorable terms than traditional mortgage loans. The loan term varies from 15 to 30 years, and banks can cover up to 75% of the value of the property. Interest rates on such mortgages usually do not exceed 3%.

State support

State support under this program includes repayment of 15% of the cost of the purchased apartment within fifteen years, which is about 1% per year. If the purchased property was not sold during this period, no repayment is required. However, in case of sale, 17% of the amount received from the sale must be repaid.

Conditions for obtaining a mashkanta mortgage

To obtain a mortgagemashkantanewcomers must have their own funds in the amount of 25 to 50% of the total value of the transaction, as well as the presence of official income. According to legislative norms, monthly mortgage payments should not exceed 45% of the borrower's total income.

  • Consequently, with a net income of 10 thousand shekels (about 3.1 thousand dollars), the maximum mortgage payment would be about 4.5 thousand shekels (about 1.4 thousand dollars).
  • In addition, new repatriates can take advantage of additional benefits when paying real estate acquisition tax.

Features of real estate in Israel

Nowadays, there are many characteristics related to real estate and housing layout in Israel. One of the most notable aspects is the absence of a traditional hallway in most Israeli apartments. Residents, upon ascending the stairs, go straight into an expansive living room where they leave their outerwear and shoes. The absence of a separate hallway space is intended to optimize the use of living space, as the extra meters do not increase the value of the property. This approach allows owners to save on the cost of square meters.

The centerpiece of the living room

The living room is central to the daily lives of Israelis. This is where they spend the most time, making bedrooms generally compact - often around 10 square meters. Bedrooms function as a simple night shelter, which is a characteristic feature of residential properties in Israel.

Bomb shelters and security

In addition, bomb shelters, known as mamad, are an important feature of housing complexes. About 40% of Israeli apartments are equipped with such protective spaces, which serve as shelter in the event of rocket attacks. In some apartment buildings, residents organize joint shelters located in stairwells, known as mamak.

These defenses have strict construction requirements:

  • Reinforced concrete walls
  • Solid steel doors
  • Shatterproof glass for windows

Installing bars on the windows is not allowed, as it may make it difficult to exit in case of emergency. The minimum area of a mamad must be 9 square meters and the ceilings must be at least 2.5 meters high. These shelters must be provided with electricity and means of communication.

Bomb shelter legislation

Since 1993, every new building has been required by law to have a mamad. However, currently only about 800,000 of the more than 2 million apartments in Israel meet this criterion. The availability of bomb shelters becomes particularly important in the southern regions of the country, such as Sderot, Ashkelon and Nativot, which are often targeted by rockets.

Culture and Mezuzah

Another notable detail of Israeli dwellings is the mezuzah attached to the doorjamb. It is a small scroll made of parchment or kosher animal skin, which is rolled up into a tube and kept in a special case. In Jewish tradition, the mezuzah is usually placed on the top of the right jamb of the front door. The Hebrew word “mezuzah” refers to the doorjamb itself.

Inside the case, attached to the doorjamb, is a parchment with the text of the Shema prayer, which contains 15 verses from the Torah. This piece is not only a religious attribute, but also a symbol of Jewish identity, representing the protection of the home and its inhabitants.


Thus, architecture and living conditions in Israel have unique characteristics and traditions that distinguish them from housing in other countries. This reflects cultural heritage and responds to modern challenges related to security and comfort. Housing in Israel is not just a place to live, but a space in which people face real risks and skillfully adapt to them, creating conditions for a safe and fulfilling existence.

How are apartments in Israel arranged and what do you need to know about housing?

Installing the mezuzah

An important point is that the installation of the religious attribute known as the mezuzah requires the services of a qualified soifer who is a writer. Usually, the mezuzah is installed in residential properties, including rented apartments, and it takes no more than eleven days to complete this action.

Recommended real estate
Buy in Montenegro for 107000€

Sale house in Comfort 115 916,00 $

4 Bedrooms

95 м²

Buy in Montenegro for 229000€

Sale house in Comfort 248 083,00 $

7 Bedrooms

344 м²

Buy in Montenegro for 255000€

Sale house in Comfort 276 250,00 $

6 Bedrooms

325 м²

Buy in Montenegro for 650000€

Sale land in Comfort 704 166,00 $

1 м²

Buy in Montenegro for 170000€

Sale house in Comfort 184 166,00 $

4 Bedrooms

88 м²

Buy in Montenegro for 350000€

Sale house in Comfort 379 166,00 $

3 Bedrooms

220 м²

In various commercial properties or temporary buildings, this element is not used, as there the emphasis is on practical arrangement.

Finishes and interior features

In many residential buildings and apartments, you may notice the absence of windowsills or the presence of narrow surfaces that are not designed for flowers. Most often plants are placed on the floor or on external windowsills. Plaster or paint may be used instead of wallpaper to finish the walls due to the hot and humid climate of the region. The pigments on wallpaper quickly lose their brightness in the sunlight, and can also swell. In very rare cases, the walls are decorated with decorative bricks.

Real estate prices

Real estate prices in Tel Aviv are quite varied, for example, apartments can cost approx.2 309 544 €. Shower facilities are often favored by the locals, and in most houses only showers or showers with floor drains can be found. This is due to the scarcity of fresh water, which is only replenished during the rainy season from October to March. This situation certainly affects utility rates, and the possibility of taking a bath is seen as aluxury.

Floors and coverings

Most often the floors in apartments are equipped with ceramic tiles, which are resistant to high temperatures and high humidity, as well as to frequent gusts of wind and sand. The use of other types of finishes, such as linoleum, parquet or laminate, is less common. Carpeting is almost never used. The average cost of apartments in Tel Aviv can be in the neighborhood of1 732 158 €.

Bathrooms and windows

In multi-room apartments (three rooms or more), there are usually two toilets, one with a shower and the other with a separate toilet. In apartments with four or five rooms, sometimes even three bathrooms can be found. The windows in these living spaces have different sizes:

  • Living rooms are usually large, sometimes panoramic.
  • In bedrooms - single leaf versions are used.
  • The bathroom may have small windows for light-dependence.

Curtains and balconies

Usually, curtains are not used in such houses; they are replaced by dense blinds and mosquito nets of the external type. In new buildings, electric blinds are most often installed, while in older apartments mechanical or corded designs are used.

As for balconies, apartments usually have two:

  • One sunny and elaborately decorated, designed to take in the surrounding scenery.
  • The other is utilitarian and small, providing space for a washing machine and some storage.

Access to the technical balcony is usually from the kitchen or bathroom.

Windows in apartment buildings

In residential apartment buildings, windows are often located on both sides of the building, which allows for through ventilation. This solution contributes to the creation of a comfortable indoor climate.

Panoramic windows in Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv is home to amazing panoramic windows that not only serve as a decorative element, but also offer spectacular views of the surrounding area, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of the city.

Sukkot holiday

Every year for a week the people of Israel leave their cozy apartments and homes to celebrate one of the significant and colorful holidays - Sukkot. This holiday is filled with the story of the Jews' escape from Egyptian slavery.

According to legend, while wandering in the Sinai desert, G-d protected the Israelites with “clouds of glory” that sheltered them from the scorching sun, which became the symbol of the holiday and the inspiration for the erection of shalachas, or sukkahs.

Sukkah as a symbol of tradition

The sukkah is not just a tent; it is a manifestation of unity with tradition and a remembrance of the wanderings of the Jewish people. It symbolizes giving up comforts for spiritual growth.

There are cases when shawls are placed even on the balconies of apartment buildings, which emphasizes the importance of this custom. However, the shawl must meet certain requirements:

  • The bitchin' design is created by hand.
  • The tent should be in the open air without a canopy.

It is the place where families gather, guests are received, and nights are spent when the weather is good. If the weather worsens, it is permissible to return home, but you must go to the sukkah every day and spend time there, including eating.

Dimensions of the sukkah

When installing a sukkah, you need to consider its dimensions:

  • The width and length should be at least 70 centimeters.
  • The height should be a minimum of 80 centimeters and a maximum of 10 meters.

The roof of the shawls should be tightly covered with plants so that during the daytime there is more shade than sunlight in the shawl. At night, the stars should be visible through the gaps, creating a special atmosphere.

Creative decoration of the sukkah

The sukkah serves not only as a place for socializing, but also as an object that is often decorated with various elements:

  • Fruits.
  • Photographs.
  • Beautiful curtains.

The Sabbath and its observance

Shabbat, the day of rest in Judaism, is accompanied by many strict rules regarding various activities. Previously, these prohibitions were limited to agriculture, including work such as reaping and plowing.

In recent years, these restrictions have been extended to everyday activities. It is now forbidden:

  • Turn off the power.
  • Laundry.
  • Use the phone.

To simplify compliance, elevators in Israeli homes operate automatically on the Sabbath. There is no need for passengers to press buttons, as the elevator stops at each floor by itself.

Special refrigerators

In addition, homes have refrigerators with a “Shabbat mode” button. This feature turns off lights and sensors that may be triggered when the door is opened, helping to keep Shabbat prohibitions.

Such measures clearly demonstrate respect for the traditions and religious practices popular among Israelis.


Analyzing the features of Israeli housing, I came to the conclusion that the variety of apartment formats and unique planning solutions reflect not only the practical but also the cultural aspects of life in this country. Three- and four-room apartments are the standard, which speaks to the importance of family values and a large family-oriented lifestyle. The very notion of a “dining corner” demonstrates how important a space for shared meals and socializing is.

Equally interesting is the issue of safe spaces - mamad - which have become essential elements of modern Israeli apartments. This confirms that even in the design of housing, local architects take into account the unique challenges and threats faced by residents.

Financial accessibility

It is also worth mentioning the financial accessibility provided to returnees through the programmashkanta. The terms of this mortgage enable many new residents not only to purchase a home, but also to adapt to a new country, despite the economic challenges. This shows that despite the difficulties associated with immigration, the Israeli state is committed to supporting its citizens.

Space optimization

In addition, the absence of a hallway in most apartments is a vivid example of practical space optimization - this solution makes it possible to make the most efficient use of every square meter. The living room becomes the center of life, the place where family gatherings and meetings with friends are held.

Spiritual symbols

And, of course, we shouldn't forget aboutmezuzah- A symbol of spirituality and tradition that is present in every home. It serves not only as an amulet, but also as a reminder of the rich cultural heritage of the Jewish people.

Thus, housing in Israel is not just a place to live, but a whole complex that incorporates cultural, social and historical aspects of life. I hope that this article has given you a better understanding of the uniqueness of Israeli housing and its relationship to the realities of local life.
