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How does the closure of airspace affect Russian airline passengers?

How does the closure of airspace affect Russian airline passengers?

How does the closure of airspace affect Russian airline passengers?
  • Ban on flights of Russian airlines in the European Union: what’s next?
  • How have visa rules for Russians changed in European countries?
  • How to prepare for a trip to Spain: important tips for travelers
  • What are the entry and visa requirements for Serbia, Slovenia, and Finland?

Ban on flights of Russian airlines in the EU

On February 28, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced a strict ban on flights by Russian airlines in the airspace of European Union countries. This ban includes not only commercial flights but also private ones. In response to this decision, non-EU countries such as Albania, Norway, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States also announced similar measures. The exception was Cyprus, which did not impose restrictions on flights by Russian planes.

List of countries with restrictions

The list of states that have taken measures to restrict Russian transits is quite impressive and covers both EU countries and a number of others. Among the state members of the European Union, the blacklist includes:

As for countries outside the European Union, these include states such as:

  • Albania
  • Anguilla
  • British Virgin Islands
  • United Kingdom
  • Gibraltar
  • Jersey
  • Iceland
  • Canada
  • Moldova
  • Norway
  • North Macedonia (only for flights to Russia)
  • U.S.
  • Ukraine (since 2014)
  • Montenegro
  • Switzerland (with restrictions for flights to Russia)

Rosaviatsia's response

Rosaviatsia responded to these restrictions with a mirror response, imposing flight blockades over Russia for 36 countries, including all European Union states and Canada. According to official data, carriers from these countries are now required to obtain special permits from Rosaviatsia or the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to operate their flights.

These measures create a list of countries to which Russian airspace is closed:

  • Austria
  • Albania
  • Anguilla
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • British Virgin Islands
  • United Kingdom
  • Hungary
  • Germany
  • Gibraltar
  • Greece
  • Denmark, including Greenland and the Faroe Islands
  • Jersey
  • Ireland
  • Iceland
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • Canada
  • Cyprus
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Sweden
  • Estonia

Available destinations for Russian air carriers

Nevertheless, not all countries have cut off aviation ties with Russia. Currently, there are direct flights to such destinations as Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India, Israel, Egypt, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Thus, it is possible to reach Europe and other regions of the world from the above countries.

Conditions of entry to EU countries

As far as entering the territory of the European Union countries and the Schengen area is concerned, Russians are not subject to severe restrictions. If Russian citizens have legal grounds for crossing the border, such as a valid visa or residence permit, they can freely enter EU countries.

It's important to note:The Schengen area consists of 26 countries, among which four are not part of the European Union: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

EU and member states

The European Union includes such states as Bulgaria, Croatia, Ireland, Cyprus, Romania and Bulgaria. In recent months, several European countries have decided to restrict the visual rights of Russian citizens.

Visa ban in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic was the first country to announce the introduction of a visa ban, which applies to all types of visas, including work and study visas. Later, similar measures were taken by Latvia and Lithuania, as well as Norway and Estonia, which also stopped issuing visas to Russians.

Situation with visa centers

Now many European countries are in no hurry to close their visa centers in Russia. Some of them, however, have made changes to the requirements for documents for visa applications.

Obtaining a Schengen visa

Today it is possible to obtain a Schengen visa (short-term visa type C) in consulates and visa centers of a number of countries.

Required documents in Hungary

For example, to get a Schengen visa at a Hungarian visa center, in addition to the basic package of documents, you need to provide the following confirmations:

  • An accommodation reservation that can be verified online.
  • In the absence of such an opportunity, it will be treated as a lack of proof of residence.
  • The exception to this would be if the confirmation is undertaken by the host party, be it the hotel or the travel agency that issued the voucher.

It is also worth noting that the consular fee for a short-term Schengen visa for business travel has changed; it now amounts to80 euros. The full list of required documents can be found on the official website of the consulate.

Greek visa regulations

Greece, in turn, offers the opportunity to obtain both a Schengen visa for short stays (up to 90 days) and a national long-term visa type D (for a period of more than 90 days).

When submitting documents at the Greek visa center, it is necessary to:

  • Pay the visa and service fees.
  • Provide the main documents, such as:
    • Filled out questionnaire.
    • Two photographs.
    • Valid passport.
    • Copies of pages with personal data.
    • Medical insurance.

Starting from March 1, when applying for Greek visas, it will be necessary to present tickets with layovers in countries where Russian citizens are allowed to travel (for example, Turkey, Kazakhstan, and others).

The application process for visas and biometric data is handled through the Global Visa Center World, and it is mandatory to make an appointment for submitting applications.

Visa opportunities in Spain

Spain also offers the opportunity for Russians to obtain visas. According to information from the Spanish Consulate General, individuals holding a valid Schengen visa with a duration of at least one year can apply for visas, provided they meet certain criteria.

These categories include:

  • Property owners in Spain and their close relatives (spouses, children, parents).
  • Close relatives of Russian citizens who have a residence permit in this country.

Thus, against the backdrop of global events, European countries continue to reassess their visa policies regarding Russian citizens, so Russians should pay close attention to the new rules and requirements being introduced.

How does the closure of airspace affect Russian airline passengers?

Important points for a trip to Spain

Family ties with citizens of European Union countries who plan to travel to Spain or seek to reunite with family members on Spanish territory involve a number of key points that require careful consideration. People who frequently visit Spain and hold a valid visa with a duration of more than one year should prepare evidence of their trips to the country over the past three years.

In addition to this, those who held Schengen visas that are valid for six months or longer and were issued between January 1 and March 31, 2020, are allowed to enter, regardless of whether they were able to carry out their travel plans due to the imposed restrictions. The main recommendation is that they should plan to visit Spain in the near future.

Simplified conditions for holders of Schengen visas

Citizens holding Schengen visas valid for one year or more can take advantage of simplified conditions to facilitate their travel to Spain. However, due to the current COVID-19 containment measures, it is crucial to update information regarding the necessary documents for vaccination or recovery confirmation before submitting a request. As the situation changes at varying speeds, it is important to stay in touch with official sources.

The situation with the Italian visa center

As for the situation with Italy, since March 1, 2022, the visa center of this country in the Russian Federation has resumed accepting applications for tourist visas. It is important to remember that prior registration is mandatory.

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Travelers must provide a location form (PLF) and one of the listed documents:

  • A valid vaccination certificateagainst COVID-19, which should be issued after the completion of the full vaccination or revaccination course. Please note that vaccination with the "Sputnik V" vaccine is not recognized by the Italian authorities.
  • Certificate of a past infectionwhere the end date of self-isolation will be indicated, which should not be later than 180 days from the date of issuance.
  • Negative result of the PCR test, valid for 72 hours, or an antigen test with a validity of 48 hours.

Tourists who do not have the aforementioned documents will be required to undergo a five-day quarantine, after which they will need to take a PCR test or a rapid test.

Closed airspace of Italy

It is also worth noting that the skies of Italy are closed to Russian airlines due to the imposed sanctions; however, there is a possibility to reach the country through Turkey, which opens up additional travel options.

Serbia as a travel destination

It has been noted that Serbia remains one of the few European countries that has not closed its borders and continues to accept international flights. This makes the country an attractive destination for travelers in the current situation, when it is difficult to find alternative routes.

Entry into Serbia

Entry into Serbia is only possible with a valid passport and proof of COVID-19 vaccination. Travelers must be vaccinated with two doses of Pfizer, Sinopharm, or Sputnik V, or one dose of AstraZeneca.

If you are not vaccinated, you need to provide a negative PCR test result for coronavirus, which must be taken no more than 48 hours before entering the country. The maximum stay in Serbia is 30 days.

Visa requirements for Slovenia

As for Slovenia, starting from February 28, 2022, it is mandatory to attach a valid airline ticket from a carrier operating flights to this country when applying for a visa. All other conditions for the visa application process remain the same.

Documents can only be submitted after making an appointment. More detailed information about the required document package, processing times, and visa fees can be found on the official website.

Visa restrictions in Finland

Finland is maintaining restrictions on crossing its border, including with Russia and several other countries, at least until March 13, 2022. However, the country is accepting visa applications from those planning important business trips and from holders of expired multiple-entry visas.

Property owners in Finland, including apartments and summer cottages, as well as their family members, can also submit documents such as visas. It is important to note that tourist visas are currently not being issued to new applicants. For more information on the various types of visas, it is advisable to refer to official sources.

Documents for entry into Finland

To enter Finland, it is necessary to provide one of the following documents:

  • Certificateupon completion of the full vaccination course with an authorized COVID-19 vaccine, provided that at least seven days have passed since the last dose was received;
  • Referenceabout a past illness of COVID-19 with a note indicating the receipt of one dose of an approved vaccine, which is also accepted as equivalent to a full vaccination course;
  • Digital certificateEuropean Union on the COVID-19 situation in the last six months.

These announced conditions apply to people born on or before 2006, and the "Sputnik V" vaccine is not recognized as legitimate.

Visa process in France

As for France, the visa application process is still ongoing. A notice about possible technical issues has been published on the official website of the country's visa center. You can find the complete list of required documents, processing times for applications, and visa fees on the relevant web resource.

The situation with visas in Croatia

In Croatia, visa centers are operating as usual. The acceptance of visa applications has not been suspended, and the consular institutions of Croatia continue to meet the requests of Russian citizens who wish to visit the country. Therefore, when planning a trip, potential tourists should closely monitor changes in rules and conditions to avoid unexpected circumstances.


In conclusion, I want to emphasize that the closure of airspace to Russian aircraft has been a significant step in the context of modern geopolitical relations. On one hand, this decision highlights the firmness of the political stance of many countries towards Russia, while on the other hand, it forces us to reconsider available travel routes and ways to interact with the international community.

The situation also opens up new opportunities for Russian citizens, who can choose alternative flight routes through countries that have not imposed bans. For example, Middle Eastern countries like Turkey and the UAE are still accessible, allowing Russians not only to continue traveling but also to maintain connections with international labor and business markets.

Important aspects

  • The closure of airspace highlights the political stance of countries towards Russia.
  • Availability of alternative routes for Russian citizens.
  • The need to consider potential visa restrictions that may arise.

Nevertheless, it is important to consider that visa issuance restrictions by some countries may pose a serious barrier to full interaction between Russia and Europe. Citizens who have the opportunity to cross borders should pay attention to visa requirements and the documents that may be needed for travel.

The future of interaction

In light of these events, we are witnessing how the system of international relations continues to change, and every step taken by both Russia and other countries has long-term consequences. It is important to stay informed and be ready to adapt to new realities in order to make the most of the available opportunities for travel, work, and living outside one's own country.

We are entering a new era where every decision in international politics affects the fates of millions, and our ability to navigate this unstable environment will be a defining factor for our future.


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