Property Abroad
What is the experience of living and relocating to Switzerland? Interesting facts and tips

What is the experience of living and relocating to Switzerland? Interesting facts and tips

What is the experience of living and relocating to Switzerland? Interesting facts and tips
  • What life is like for a Russian woman in Switzerland: from moving to obtaining citizenship
  • How to obtain Swiss citizenship: complexities and conditions of the process
  • Taxes, health insurance and real estate in Switzerland: what is important to know?


Today we are going to discuss the life of a woman who has long since moved and settled in Switzerland. We've got a lot of fascinating information about how you can make the move, what steps you should take to obtain Swiss citizenship, the cost of living in this unique country, and much more.

Interesting facts about Switzerland

  • Switzerland is made up of 26 cantons, and each has its own constitution and laws.
  • Four languages are officially used in the country: French, German, Italian and Romansh.
  • Emigration is a key factor in Switzerland's population growth.

Irina shared many aspects of life in Switzerland, emphasizing that the process of obtaining citizenship here is quite complicated and there is no full confidence in a successful outcome.

About Irina and her journey to relocation

Irina is originally from the Russian capital, Moscow, where she worked for many years in the field of cosmetic products. She currently works in a famous historical hotel in Zurich as a spa specialist. In 2014 her family moved to the outskirts of Zurich and since then they have been enjoying life in this wonderful country.

Irina had always felt an affinity for Switzerland, and when her husband had the opportunity to get a job transfer, they decided to take the chance.

Difficulties of moving

The process of moving was quite complicated. First, Irina's husband obtained a work visa, which is issued only to those specialists who are really needed in Switzerland. At first, employers look for suitable candidates in the countries of the European Union, and only then do they turn to applicants from countries that are not part of this Union (including the USA).

The visa quota changes every year, and when her spouse applied, it was approx.3,500 people.

Visa application process

Irina's employer needed to convince the local authorities that this particular specialist was badly needed. To do this, the company had to prepare a detailed business plan, which was attached to the submission.

  • Irina's husband had to demonstrate his readiness to adapt to the new environment and speak German.
  • It was also an important condition that his salary should be in line with the level accepted for local workers.

Document collection

The process of collecting documents was a real challenge: the amount of paperwork required was quite extensive. Initially, the documents were submitted by Irina's husband, and then they waited for a response. This waiting was very tense, as in such situations unexpected turns happen quite often.

It is impossible to remember exactly how long the wait took, but eventually her husband was able to obtain a visa for entry. The whole journey from preparation to the receipt of the necessary documents took as long astwo years.

Work in Switzerland

When it comes to employment in Switzerland, the conditions for foreign workers have become somewhat more loyal. There are many ways to move to this country, and one of them is to study at a university. Once you have obtained a study visa, you can also work legally.

Switzerland thus opens its doors to those wishing to start a new life, offering many opportunities for young people and professionals from other countries.

The study period is an important stage after which your visa will expire. If you do not have a job at this time, you will have to leave the country. One way to improve your life is to get married. After five years of marriage, you can apply for citizenship.

My partner got a job in a Swiss firm, which also helped him to get a foothold in the country. For those who are financially able, there is the possibility of obtaining a residence permit for paying a special tax. This tax can range from450,000 eurosdepending on the canton chosen, as Switzerland is divided into 26 different regions. However, both the investor himself, his spouse and minor children can apply for a visa. In order to maintain this status, a specified tax must be paid each year.

The process of obtaining citizenship

When it comes to naturalization in Switzerland, foreigners face certain difficulties. There are three main ways of obtaining naturalization:

  • First option- if you have one or both parents with Swiss citizenship. However, birth on Swiss territory is not a basis for automatic citizenship.
  • Second option- is marriage to a Swiss citizen for more than three years, provided you have lived in Switzerland for at least five years, which makes the process much easier.
  • The third option- is to have lived in Switzerland for at least ten years. You can then apply for a passport based on your place of registration.

Difficulties of the procedure

The citizenship procedure is quite complex and depends on the specifics of each canton and local community - decisions are made at the individual community level. At the beginning of the process, the local authorities carefully check that you are integrated into the community and that you comply with the laws.

If this part is in order, your documents will be sent to the State Secretariat for Migration to verify your security. You will then have to pass an exam in one of the official languages and answer questions about the country and its organization. Some cantons also hold general meetings to discuss whether the applicant is worthy of a Swiss passport.

Time and financial costs

Such a process requires a significant time and financial commitment - two to four years - as well as tangible costs. The fees may vary, but it is likely that you will have to spend several thousand francs. It is also important to bear in mind that there is no guarantee of success in obtaining citizenship: there have been cases of rejection even for those who have lived in Switzerland for many years.

For example, one woman who lived here 25 years in naturalization was denied due to ignorance of local customs (e.g. shvingen). An attempt to challenge this decision was also unsuccessful.

Housing conditions and standard of living

In Switzerland, a large proportion of the population lives in rented accommodation due to the high standard of living that must be paid for. Prices for food, restaurants and hotels in Switzerland are much higher than in neighboring countries.

The average family in Switzerland earns aboutCHF 10,000per month (which is roughly equivalent to the same amount in euros).

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At first glance, this is quite a high salary, but after paying taxes, fees and insurance premiums, there is not much money left on hand for a comfortable life.

What is the experience of living and relocating to Switzerland? Interesting facts and tips

Taxes in Switzerland

In Switzerland, the personal income tax rate is 11.5% at the federal level. However, at the level of cantons and municipalities, tax rates can vary significantly depending on the region of residence, resulting in an overall tax rate on income ranging from 22.5% to 45%.

Medical insurance

All residents are required to have basic health insurance. The minimum monthly cost of this insurance is about 300 Swiss francs (CHF). This basic insurance is usually aimed at relatively healthy people who rarely need medical care.

It is important to remember that every insured is faced withfranchiseThe higher the deductible is chosen, the lower the monthly payments are. The higher the deductible, the lower the monthly payments. For example:

  • the maximum deductible can be up to €2500;
  • the minimum deductible is only €300.

If you choose the lowest deductible level, the cost of monthly premiums can rise to €415-420. If your medical needs include things like eyeglass replacement, massage or other procedures, it's worth considering additional insurance packages, which can significantly increase monthly costs, easily exceeding €700.

The insurance will cover 90% of medical costs, leaving the remaining 10% to be borne by the insured. Every year, the cost of health insurance rises; in 2022, it increased by 7.1% in the canton of Zurich. Also keep in mind that you can only change your insurance company once a year, which makes choosing the right one especially important. As a result, medical costs for a family of two can range from $1000 to $1500 per month.

Real estate in Switzerland

As far as the real estate market is concerned, only certain categories of people are allowed to buy real estate in Switzerland:

  • Swiss citizens;
  • European Union citizens with a B or C category residence permit;
  • foreigners with other categories of residence permits (subject to bank approval).

This rule is governed by a statute known as the“lex koller”. Foreigners can invest in real estate located in resorts, but the duration of their stay is limited by local regulations. During the construction process, the price of a two-bedroom apartment can reach around €500,000, while in finished buildings the value increases to €800,000.

When applying for a mortgage loan, a 20/80 ratio is often applied:

  • 20% is paid by the buyer himself;
  • 80% is provided by the bank.

Interest rates on such loans range from 1.5% to 2.8%. Part of the down payment may be covered by pension savings. Property tax is 1.3% of the property value annually.

Housing rental

Renting is a common practice among the Swiss population. In Zurich, renting a two-bedroom apartment starts at €2500 per month. However, finding suitable accommodation can be difficult due to the limited supply: there is high competition for quality apartments.

Prospective tenants are required to provide:

  • dossier;
  • motivation letter;
  • references from the employer and the previous landlord.

The people of the country have a rule of thumb that“everyone here tries to behave in a way that doesn't disturb others.”. Foreigners make up approximately 30% of the total population of Switzerland, so communication with locals does not cause difficulties. In general, the rules of coexistence in society are aimed at respecting each other's interests, which contributes to harmony in the life of the country.


Concluding our story about life in Switzerland, I would like to share my reflections on how difficult and interesting it was to adapt to this country. Everyone who is considering moving here should realize that life here requires not only material expenses, but also considerable effort to fit into the local society.

Looking back, I realize that the choice we made in favor of Switzerland was not just a choice to move to a map - it was a choice to live in a country with a unique culture, diversity of languages and traditions. I remember the first time I saw the picturesque Swiss mountains and realized why my heart has always longed to come here.

Many people who are thinking about moving expect everything to be simple and painless. But, as my family's experience has shown, the process of obtaining a visa and citizenship can be very complicated and time-consuming. Every nuance - from writing a business plan to proving civil liability - requires a serious approach and a clear understanding of Italian, French or German standards of life.

But despite all the difficulties, I am not complaining! Making new acquaintances, learning the language and integrating into the community is a joy and opens up horizons. I never thought about how important it is to feel part of a new community, to learn from the people around you. Watching how Switzerland cares for its people and maintains high standards of living makes me realize more and more why I chose this country.

Why you should consider moving to Switzerland

  • Unique culture:Switzerland offers a diversity of languages and traditions.
  • High standard of living:The country adheres to strict standards, which makes life comfortable.
  • New Opportunities:Moving can open doors to new career opportunities and introductions.

Remember, Switzerland is not just a country with high prices and strict rules. It is a place where you can realize your dreams, meet like-minded people and create a new life. Moving is a journey worth taking if you are ready for change and open-mindedness to embrace a new culture.

I wish everyone reading this article courage and luck in achieving their goals. May your path be as rich and interesting as ours. Life in Switzerland can be challenging, but it is definitely worth the effort you will put into your new life.


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