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What are the features of the visa regime for foreigners in Canada?

What are the features of the visa regime for foreigners in Canada?

What are the features of the visa regime for foreigners in Canada?
  • Immigration to Canada: Opportunities and Features of the Visa System
  • What types of visas are there and how can they be obtained?
  • How to properly prepare documents for a visa to Canada?
  • How to prepare for moving to Canada: visas and requirements
  • How to Successfully Immigrate to Canada: Tips and Programs

Immigration to Canada

In Canada, there is a significant increase in the number of immigrants every year, which receives overwhelmingly positive responses from the citizens of the country. The government has developed a comprehensive immigration plan that covers not only skilled workers in demand in the labor market but also those seeking family reunification. In recent years, the number of immigrants accepted annually is around 200,000, with an additional 100,000 potentially moving to join their relatives.

Thus, Canada receives an average of about 300,000 new residents each year, which is approximately 1% of its total population.

Ethnic diversity

Canada is characterized by its rich ethnic diversity: there are 43 major ethnic groups living in its territory, and less than half of the population identifies as purely Canadian. Here, you can find migrants from the United Kingdom, Ireland, and France—countries that have historical ties to Canada—as well as a significant number of Germans, Italians, and Chinese.

Canada is home to the third largest Ukrainian community in the world, making up about 3% of the total population, with Poles being roughly the same percentage. Russian-speaking residents account for approximately 1.5%.

Options for long-term stay

For foreign citizens planning a long-term stay in Canada, there are several important options, including:

  • Education
  • Employment

By the end of 2019, Canadian authorities issued over 475,000 temporary work visas, and the number of students enrolled in educational institutions at all levels exceeded 800,000.

Visa regime

Regarding visa regulations, most foreign citizens are required to obtain a visa to enter Canada. Immigration visas and the ways to obtain permanent resident status have been regulated since 2002. Citizens of certain European countries, Caribbean nations, the USA, and a number of other states can visit Canada without visa formalities.

However, this does not apply to residents of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

Features of the Canadian visa system

The visa system in Canada has its unique features that differ from those in Europe. This necessitates taking into account that many visa applicants come from distant countries, such as Europe and Asia, which is why the validity of short-term visas can be up to 6 months.

Short-term visas

Short-term visas to Canada, known as visitor visas or temporary resident visas, represent a form of temporary residence. These visas allow foreigners to stay in Canadian territory for a specified period, but they come with a number of conditions and requirements for obtaining them.

Types of visas

In addition, there are other types of visas in the country, including:

  • Work visas
  • Student visas
  • Visas for retirees
  • Visas for business people
  • Visas for temporary residency

Visa extension

One should not forget about the possibilities of extending or changing visa types. For many people, the prospect of obtaining permanent resident status and Canadian citizenship is important; however, there are certain criteria and conditions for this, which can sometimes lead to rejections.


It should be noted,Having accurate information about the requirements and rules can increase the chances of successfully obtaining visas and legally staying in the country. Being aware of the reasons for possible visa denials will also be a significant aid for foreign applicants.

Immigrating to Canada opens up new horizons and opportunities, allowing newcomers to become part of a multicultural and multinational society where they can expect acceptance and support from local citizens.

Types of visas and their purposes

The type of visa you need to obtain for entering the country depends on the purpose of your visit. There are many categories of visas, among which you can highlight:

  • tourist visas
  • working visas
  • student visas
  • guest visas
  • business visas

If your intention is related to short-term studies, you will not need a special student visa. It is worth noting that visas can be either single-entry or multiple-entry, which means you can make several trips to the country.

Visa collection and application process

The visa fee remains unchanged, regardless of the type of visa you are applying for, and there is no need to specify which type of visa you are submitting your application for. All submitted documents are considered with a preliminary calculation for a multiple-entry visa, but sometimes immigration authorities may approve the issuance of a single-entry visa. Holders of a multiple-entry visa are allowed to stay in the country for up to six months within a ten-year period.

Where to apply for a visa

The visa application process is overseen by embassies and consulates operating in the places where foreign citizens reside, and one can also turn to specialized visa centers. The specific conditions for obtaining a visa depend on the applicant's nationality. For example:

  • Citizens of Russia, Armenia, and Uzbekistan should apply for visas at the Russian embassy in Moscow.
  • Citizens of Ukraine can submit an application to the embassy in Kyiv.
  • Residents of Belarus - in Warsaw;
  • Citizens of Kazakhstan are addressing Nur-Sultan.

In addition, there is the option to apply for a visa online, which simplifies the process.

Buying real estate in Canada

When it comes to purchasing real estate, it's important to understand that owning property in Canada does not automatically grant you the right to obtain permanent resident status or any privileges in visa processes. However, if your goal is to live in Canada, it may be worth considering buying an apartment or a house. You can find more detailed information on this topic in our article, and you should also subscribe to our Telegram channel, where we periodically publish unique materials about real estate, immigration, and investments.

Long-term visas and requirements

If your stay in Canada is planned for a period of six months to several years, you will be granted a long-term non-immigrant visa, which is essentially considered a permit to stay. Depending on the specific purposes of your visit, different visa categories may vary in terms, duration, and required documents. For example, if you plan to work or study, you will need to obtain the appropriate permit.

In addition, all foreigners arriving for an extended stay must undergo a medical examination at an accredited medical organization.

Documents for submitting an application

As for the documents required for the application, they are generally standardized. You will need:

  • foreign passport and internal passport (for children, a birth certificate is also required);
  • photos (usually two or three, depending on the type of visa requested);
  • medical insurance with a minimum coverage of $30,000, however, in certain cases, the amount can be significantly higher;
  • confirmation of sufficient funds for living (for tourists, this is usually at least $70 per day);
  • certificate of marital status;
  • certificate of no criminal record.
What are the features of the visa regime for foreigners in Canada?

Obtaining a visa for a trip to Canada requires the preparation of certain documents. These include a certificate from your place of work, as well as a receipt confirming the payment of the visa fee. If the documents are presented in a foreign language, they should be translated into English or French and notarized.

Preparation of documents for a long-term visa

To apply for a long-term visa, it is important to prepare a complete set of documents that can be submitted to the embassy or consulate of Canada in your country. You can also use the services of a visa center. Please note that you will need biometric data to complete the process.

Visa fees

As for the visa fees, their amount depends on the type of visa being requested. For example:

  • To obtain a temporary resident visa, a fee of100 Canadian dollars(approx.75 US dollars).
  • If you are planning to study in Canada, you will also need a study permit, the cost of which is150 Canadian dollars (113 US dollars).
  • A fee will be required for the work permit.155 Canadian dollars (117 US dollars).
  • The fee for obtaining a temporary resident visa is200 Canadian dollars (150 US dollars).
  • In addition, there is a fee for the visa center services in the amount of31.2 Canadian dollars (23 US dollars) and additionally a collection in4.04 Canadian dollars (3 US dollars).
  • It is also important to consider the fee for biometric registration —85 Canadian dollars (64 US dollars).

Visa processing times

Regarding the processing times for visa applications, no specific time frames are established. According to experts, when applying online, you can expect a response within a week, while if you go through a visa center, you might receive a response in about two weeks. However, there are situations where the visa processing can be delayed and take more than a month.

Assistance from visa centers

Visa centers provide valuable support in preparing your document package and check it for compliance with requirements, but they cannot guarantee visa approval. You can travel to Canada on various types of visas depending on the purpose of your trip.

Studying in Canada

If your goal is to obtain an education at a Canadian educational institution, you will need to apply for a study permit, which is issued based on proof of your enrollment in an educational institution. Typically, passing exams is required to obtain such a permit. Only accredited educational institutions can issue these documents.

The main documents that need to be provided include:

  • certificates
  • certificates of obtained education;
  • certificates of completion for language courses.

If a minor child is traveling with you, they will need either a guardian or must be under the supervision of one of the parents.

Work in Canada

If you are planning to go to Canada for employment, you will need a work visa, which is issued based on a permit from your employer. For this, you will need to provide two important documents:

  • a job offer from your potential employer;
  • an assessment of the impact on the labor market (LMIA) that the employer submits, demonstrating the need to hire a temporary worker without negatively affecting the current labor market.

In addition, you will need to provide documents confirming your employment history (recommendation letters from previous jobs) and your qualifications (diplomas, certificates, and sometimes licenses). Work permits can be either specialized, tied to a specific employer, or universal.

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If you decide to change employers, you will need to obtain a new permit.

Moving to Canada: Knowledge and Preparation

In the process of discussing the possibility of moving to work in Canada, it is important to pay special attention to the information provided on the official immigration service website. As for elderly citizens, it should be noted that there is no separate visa specifically designed for this category of people in Canada. Instead, there issupervisionwhich allows you to stay in the country for up to two years with the possibility of extension.

This visa can be obtained by the parents or grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents. The main requirement is that the hosting family members must provide financial support for the entire duration of the elderly person's stay in Canada.

Documents for obtaining a super visa

To obtain supervision, it is necessary to gather quite a large package of documents. First of all, you will need:

  • An official invitation from a child or grandchild;
  • Income verification, which may include pay stubs and bank statements;
  • Documents proving family relationships, such as birth or baptism certificates;
  • The presence of health insurance with a minimum coverage of 100 thousand dollars.

Business Visa: Opportunities and Requirements

There is also a categorybusiness visasintended for individuals planning trips to Canada for business purposes. These purposes may include:

  • Negotiating;
  • Signing contracts;
  • Participation in conferences;
  • Opening a business.

The main document required to obtain this visa is an invitation from a Canadian company, which must clearly state the purpose of the visit. You will also need to provide confirmation of your business intentions, such as:

  • Copies of contracts;
  • Conference schedules;
  • Business correspondence.

Temporary residence permit

It is also necessary to mention the temporary residence permit, known as"temporary resident permit"Despite the name, it may evoke thoughts of a residence permit, but this authorization is granted only in special cases. For example, when the applicant has been denied but is able to provide convincing arguments for reconsideration of that decision.

Extension or change of visa in Canada

If you are already in Canada and wish to extend your stay or change your visa type, you can apply for a new temporary permit. This may be relevant in cases where it is necessary:

  • Extend the duration of stay;
  • Change the terms of stay;
  • Switch from a student or work visa to another type.

You can submit the application either online or on paper, but it's important to do so at least 30 days before your current permit expires.

Success in obtaining a new permit

In practice, to successfully obtain a new permit, there must be valid reasons. These can include, for example, an invitation from an educational institution or employer. These documents will be necessary when changing jobs or educational institutions, as well as if you decide to switch from a tourist visa to a work or study visa.

Immigration to Canada

Canada offers a variety of immigration options, and while this country attracts many, it's important to note that the visa application process can be quite complicated and there is a risk of denial. If you are planning to move to Canada, you need to carefully study the various programs and also pay attention to the possibility of obtaining permanent resident status (PR). One popular route is the programs for entrepreneurs.

Programs for entrepreneurs

For example, in British Columbia, you can obtain permanent residency in 42 months with a minimum investment of $150,000. In Ontario, this process will take 48 months with a similar initial amount. Quebec offers a faster option—just 24 months, and there is a special visa for startups that allows you to obtain permanent resident status in just 12 months. The Atlantic Immigration Program provides the opportunity to get residency in six months, with starting investments starting from €2,000. Don't miss the chance to immigrate to Nova Scotia, where the waiting period is also 24 months, but the minimum investment is $115,000.

Long-term visas and education

If you are considering immigration through a long-term visa, keep in mind that such a permit does not automatically guarantee permanent residency. However, having a long-term visa can significantly simplify your situation if you decide to stay in the country on a permanent basis. This is especially relevant for foreign students and temporary workers.

Studying at a Canadian educational institution can be the first step towards obtaining permanent residency. In 2018, over 58,000 international students who graduated from Canadian universities received permanent resident status in Canada.

The path to permanent resident status

Students wishing to change their status to permanent residency must apply to participate in specialized immigration programs created specifically for them and for graduates of Canadian educational institutions. There is also a general program for selecting workers through the Express Entry system. Graduates can earn additional points for:

  • education;
  • accommodation;
  • language proficiency level.

Work experience in Canada will also benefit you, allowing you to increase your points both within the Express Entry system and through the immigration program for those who already have work experience in the country (Canadian Experience Class).

Obtaining citizenship

As soon as you obtain permanent resident status in Canada, the next step could be applying for Canadian citizenship, but for that, you will need to have lived in the country for at least three years out of the last five years.

Issues with document submission

Unfortunately, the application process for a visa is often fraught with difficulties, and refusals are not uncommon. Among the main reasons cited are errors in the documents, such as incorrectly formatted photographs. Additionally, refusals can occur due to a mismatch between the purpose of the visit and the type of visa requested. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully prepare all documents and clearly justify your intentions when submitting the application.


In conclusion, summarizing everything mentioned above, I would like to note that immigration to Canada offers numerous opportunities for foreigners. The country's visa regulations are designed to attract both skilled workers and those seeking new horizons for living. It is important to remember that, despite the complex procedures and document requirements, Canada welcomes every new resident who contributes to its diversity.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of people come to this country in search of a better life, and this number continues to grow. The diversity of ethnic groups living here creates a unique social fabric where traditions and cultures intersect. The process of obtaining a visa or residence permit may seem complicated and confusing, but with adequate preparation and understanding of the system, everyone has a chance for success.

Options for immigration

If you plan to stay in Canada for a long time, whether through studies or work contracts, this can be the starting point for your new life. Keep in mind that the immigration process requires attention to detail:

  • Choosing the right type of visa
  • Preparation of all necessary documents

Obtaining temporary resident status can be an important step towards permanent residency and even Canadian citizenship.

Main points

Ultimately, immigration to Canada is not just a legal process, but a pathway to a new life full of opportunities. Many people, like you, have already taken this step and successfully adapted to life in Canadian society. If you dream of living in this beautiful country, don't let bureaucracy hold you back. Explore all your options, gather the necessary documents, and perhaps you will be the next one to open the doors to a new world of opportunities that Canada has to offer.


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