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What are the strategies for launching a business in the USA and what is needed for success?

What are the strategies for launching a business in the USA and what is needed for success?

What are the strategies for launching a business in the USA and what is needed for success?
  • How to Successfully Start a Business in the USA: Strategies and Recommendations
  • How to successfully organize a remote business in the USA?
  • How to obtain an investor visa for the USA: main requirements and benefits


Leading experts in the field of entrepreneurship, such as Grigory Finkelson, president of American Corporate Services, Inc., Andrey Samokish, responsible for business development in this organization, and Tuyun Kupiska, an immigration attorney from American Corporate Services Law Offices, Inc., emphasize the importance of implementing sound strategies for a successful business launch in the United States. It is crucial to understand which key steps can help avoid common pitfalls when starting a business. Three main strategies can be identified, depending on the stage your company is in.

Strategies for starting a business

Creating a startup

The first of the strategies is aimed atstartup creationIf you have an original idea, the USA offers great opportunities for its implementation. There are active accelerators, incubators, and numerous crowdfunding platforms that can serve as reliable sources of initial capital. However, to attract the interest of investors, you need to:

  • To present at least a working prototype.
  • Form a team.
  • Register a company in the USA with a real address and a bank account in an American bank.

Using the Amazon platform

The second strategy is suitable for entrepreneurs who have a physical product and want to increase their sales volume.AmazonAs the largest international e-commerce platform, it offers remarkable opportunities for logistics and warehousing. To get started, you will need:

  • A registered company with an address in the USA.
  • Trademark availability.
  • Professionally designed Amazon account.
  • Account in an American bank.

Relocating a business to the USA

The third strategy is intended for business owners who wish to relocate their operations to the United States. They need to:

  • Register a legal entity.
  • Open a corporate account at the bank.
  • Find a suitable office.
  • Form a team.

It is important for you to have a website in English with a US address and up-to-date contact information, as well as developed profiles on Yelp and social media. This will significantly increase the level of trust from potential clients.


It should be noted thatregistration of a legal entity— this is a mandatory step for anyone who has decided to start a business in the USA. This step will not only enhance your company's credibility among locals but also simplify the process of opening a bank account. Please note that this registration can only be conducted for companies registered within the USA.

Remote business registration

As for the possibility of remote business registration in the USA, it is absolutely feasible. You do not need to be physically present to set up a legal entity, obtain a tax ID, or create a bank account. An official registration agent, such as ACS, can be very helpful, as they provide services for business registration in the USA, tax planning, accounting, and document legalization. These services significantly simplify the process and make it more accessible for foreign entrepreneurs looking to start their business in the United States.

Organization of a remote business

To successfully organize a remote business, it is essential to carefully choose the state where you will comfortably operate. It is important to remember that laws and regulations vary significantly across different regions, so before making a final decision, it is advisable to thoroughly study the local tax regulations.

Additionally, it is necessary to decide in what form the company will be registered – it can either be a corporation or a limited liability company. It is also important to think of several possible names for the company, as there cannot be two organizations with the same name within one state.

To complete the registration, you will need to provide certain documents, including a copy of your passport and proof of address, such as a page with your registration or a recent utility bill. All other formal processes will be handled by the registration agent.

Opening a bank account in the USA

Let's consider the process of opening a bank account in the United States. There are two main options:

  • Personal presence in the bank
  • Remote account opening

In the first option, you will need to be in America with a complete set of necessary documents and open an account with the help of an agent. This method can be time-consuming and financially burdensome due to the need for travel, which is not always justified.

Remote account opening may be possible provided that all necessary information is provided. It is important to understand that a bank account can only be opened after the company is registered, a tax number is obtained, and a real physical address in the USA is ensured.

Current business sectors in the American market

What are the most relevant business sectors in the American market today? Based on our experience, we can highlight several in-demand areas, such as:

  • Outsourcing software development
  • Game development
  • Work in the field of artificial intelligence
  • Logistics
  • Freight transportation (tracking and moving)
  • Sales through the Amazon platform

Visa programs for business and immigration

When it comes to business in the context of immigration, it's worth paying attention to the most well-known visa programs, such as E-2 and L-1. These visas fall under the non-immigrant category but provide the opportunity to move to the States for three to four months.

The E-2 visa is intended for entrepreneurs who are ready to invest in their business.

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It is issued for two years, does not lead to a green card, but can be renewed an unlimited number of times as long as the business is successfully operated in the country.

Citizens of countries that have relevant agreements with the USA can apply for an E-2 visa. Among the former Soviet republics, this includes almost all countries except for Russia, Belarus, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan.

The legislation does not set a minimum investment amount.However, according to immigration attorneys, the total investment amount should be at least $100,000. It's also important to consider the additional requirements that need to be met when applying for a visa.

What are the strategies for launching a business in the USA and what is needed for success?

General requirements for an investor visa

A visa applicant must have at least a 50% stake in their own business and actively participate in its management. The company must be operational and profitable. Funding must come from legal sources and ensure the stable operation of the business in the United States.

Although the requirement to create jobs is not mandatory, opening new positions can positively impact the visa application process. One of the significant advantages of this type of visa is the ability for the investor to move to the U.S. with their family, who also gain access to the right to work and study.

The visa can be extended without limitations, and there is also the possibility of upgrading to higher visa categories, such as EB-1C or EB-5, which can eventually lead to obtaining a green card. The investor and their spouse will be able to obtain social security numbers. Additionally, the investor has the opportunity to work in their American business, while their partner can work without any restrictions.

L-1 Visa: Managing a Company in the USA

The non-immigrant L-1 visa grants the right to temporarily reside in the USA for the purpose of managing a company. This document is issued when a high-ranking specialist is transferred from a foreign company to an existing branch in the USA or when a new office is established.

The main requirement for obtaining a visa is that the applicant must hold a managerial position and have at least one year of work experience in that role within the last three years. The L-1 visa is not an immigrant visa and is issued for a period of up to 7 years.

Nevertheless, many business owners manage to obtain a green card during this time, as the L-1 visa is considered a "dual intent" visa, which implies the possibility of both immigration and temporary stay.

EB-5 immigration visa for entrepreneurs

The EB-5 immigration visa is designed for investors and entrepreneurs. With this visa, the investor and their family gain the right to live and work in any state in the U.S., and after five years, they can apply for U.S. citizenship. The likelihood of denial in this case is extremely low.

The main requirements necessary for obtaining a visa:

  • The presence of evidence for the legitimacy of investment sources;
  • The minimum investment amount is 500,000 US dollars.
  • Creating at least ten jobs.

Preparation for the visa application process

In general, to successfully obtain a visa, it is essential to prepare thoroughly, gather all necessary documents, and ensure compliance with all requirements. Investors and entrepreneurs looking to grow their business in the U.S. can take advantage of all the benefits offered by the immigration system of this country.

The opening of new business opportunities creates prospects for career growth and business development in the American market.


In conclusion, I want to emphasize that starting a business in the USA is not only an opportunity to realize your ambitions but also a serious step that requires careful preparation and a strategic approach. Based on numerous consultations with experts from American Corporate Services, I have concluded that there are various strategies that correspond to the stage of development of your business.

Business launch strategies

  • StartupsThey can take advantage of the favorable atmosphere for starting a business in the USA, but this requires having a working prototype and a team.
  • Amazonprovides outstanding opportunities for growth and expansion for entrepreneurs with real products.
  • For those who wantto move your businessIn America, it is important to establish a strong legal foundation.

Proper registration of a legal entity is a cornerstone that will open doors to financial opportunities and increase trust from clients. I have also confirmed that remote company registration in the USA is quite feasible and does not require the physical presence of the owner. Partnering with professional registration agents, such as ACS, can significantly simplify this process.

Key aspects when starting a business
  • Choosing the right onestatesfor business registration.
  • The right choicelike companies.
  • Understanding the localtax legislation.
  • Remote opening of a bank account.

Various sectors are in demand in the market, includingIT outsourcing,freight transportationande-commerce...that open up wide horizons for aspiring entrepreneurs. And don't forget about visa options like E-2 and L-1, which can be your gateway to the world of American business.

I hope that the strategies and tips provided will help you successfully navigate the journey from idea to a thriving business in the USA. Success in this endeavor largely depends on your determination and willingness to adapt to new conditions, while proper planning and implementation of the suggested steps will be the key to a successful start.


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