Property Abroad
'Greece's climatic symphony: a guide to atmospheric features and changes in a Mediterranean paradise.'

'Greece's climatic symphony: a guide to atmospheric features and changes in a Mediterranean paradise.'

Климатическая симфония Греции: путеводитель по атмосферным особенностям и изменениям в средиземноморском раю.


Greece, the land of ancient culture and great myths, has not only a rich heritage but also a unique atmosphere.

The geographical location of Greece

Greece, located on the south-eastern coast of Europe, is surrounded by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. This geographical feature is a key factor in the country's unique weather conditions.

The influence of geography on climate

The atmosphere is primarily determined by the presence of seas and mountains. The Mediterranean Sea acts as a natural temperature regulator, creating mild winters and hot summers. Mountain ranges such as the Pindus and Olympus contribute to the diversity of meteorological zones in the country.


Analysis of regional humidity is a key element in understanding the geoclimatic characteristics of Greece. The high humidity levels in the Mediterranean region form moderate conditions favorable for agriculture and natural ecosystems.

Marine breeze

Marine breeze, the wind directed from sea to land during the day and in the opposite direction at night, has a noticeable effect on coastal areas. This pleasant breeze creates a comfortable and relaxing environment.

Marine currents

Marine currents also play a role in shaping the weather conditions of Greece. Changes in them can affect local marine ecosystems, influencing'

Mediterranean Climate

An environment characterized by mild winters and hot summers forms the basis of Greece's Mediterranean climate. This weather regime influences vegetation, agriculture and the daily life of the locals.

Mountainous regions

Mountainous regions, both central parts and islands, offer a variety of climatic conditions depending on altitude. They influence water resources and also form unique ecosystems.

Subtropical climate

Subtropical climates can be found in some regions of Greece.

  1. They are warm and humid. These''characteristics create unique conditions for vegetation and animals adapted to high temperature and humidity.

  2. The influence of the Mediterranean Sea. Sea breezes and moist air masses create moderate temperatures and maintain humidity, which is favorable for vegetation and agriculture.

  3. The vegetation.

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These conditions also favor fruit and vegetable crops that thrive in warm and humid conditions.

  • Animal adaptation. A variety of species such as lizards, birds and butterflies find their place in the unique ecosystem of subtropical areas.

  • Seasonal changes in''temperature. Warm winters and hot summers create a stable climate, making these areas attractive to tourists and residents.

  • The importance of moisture for plants. Important for agriculture and keeping the ecosystem sustainable.

  • The presence of exotic plants. Palm trees, citrus trees and other tropical plants may be a common sight in the subtropical regions of Greece.

  • These features of the subtropical regime make these regions unique and important for understanding the general climate of Greece.


    The Mediterranean winter is characterized by mild temperatures, making it attractive for'

    Temperature rise

    A trend analysis shows a gradual increase in temperature in recent decades. This has impacts on the environment and human activities, requiring measures to mitigate negative impacts.

    The increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events

    Greece has witnessed an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall and heat waves. This poses risks to ecosystems and human well-being.

    The decrease in rainfall creates''Challenges for agriculture and water supply. It is necessary to develop strategies to adapt to changes in water resources.

    Sea level rise

    Sea level rise is becoming a serious problem for coastal areas. This calls for the development of sustainable coastal management plans and infrastructure.

    Comparative Table of Climate Zones in Greece

    Each zone contributes to the unique climate of this wonderful country.

    Climate zone

