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Ground and underground transportation in Egypt

Ground and underground transportation in Egypt

Ground and underground transportation in Egypt
  • Transport in Egypt: types and features
  • Transport in Egypt: comfort or inconvenience?
  • Modern sources of comfortable travel in Egypt

Transport in Egypt

Egypt offers a variety of transportation options: land, underground, water, and air. In the capital, Cairo, there are many means of transport available for getting around.

Underground transportation

Cairo is represented only by the metro. The idea of building a subway was born long ago, but the actual began only in the 1980s. The first line ran from Helwan to El-Marg. Nowadays. Cairo metro includes three lines and 92 stations, covering the entire city. The third line is characterized comfort. There are plans to open a fourth line, indicating the expansion of the metro network.

The metro provides fast and convenient transportation, eliminating traffic problems. However, during rush hours, the trains can be overcrowded.

Ground transportation

Ground transportation includes an extensive network of roads connecting Cairo with other cities. For example, the Alexandria Road can be used to travel from Giza to Alexandria. There are also toll roads, tunnel under the Suez Canal, making it easier to get to popular destinations. Roads in Egypt are usually narrow but high quality, with right-hand traffic. Local traffic practices may seem shocking shocking.

Some foreigners in Egypt gradually get used to the local driving conditions and start driving themselves. According to the law, foreigners with an international driver's license can purchase a car and register it for three years. Renting is also an option, but it's important to weigh the pros and cons.

Public ground transportation in Egypt

In Egypt, public ground transportation offers a variety of convenient routes for travelers. One of the popular companies providing transport services is Go Bus, where tickets can be purchased online or at the station. They offer a wide selection of routes, prices, and levels of comfort on their buses.

Long trips and comfort

If you have a long trip from Hurghada to Cairo, Giza, or Luxor, it is recommended to pay for a more comfortable journey with air conditioning, Wi-Fi, and a toilet. City buses also offer an inexpensive way to get around, but their downside is overcrowding and slow movement due to frequent stops and traffic jams. Additionally, route numbers are indicated only in Arabic, which can make travel difficult for foreigners.

Features of city buses

Bus stops are provided, but drivers often stop anywhere along the route, which creates inconvenience for passengers. Also, fare payment is only accepted by the drivers and passengers need to keep their ticket for the rest of the journey. It is important to remember that foreigners should always have their documents, as buses may stop at checkpoints during the journey to check identification. identification.

Districts and starting points in Cairo

In Cairo, there are several places from where it's easy to get to almost any area of the city.

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These are Ramses Square and Abdel Moneim Riad Square.

Minibuses and their features

Minibuses offer quick trips, but they don't have route markings, so it's important to confirm the direction with the driver before the ride. Sometimes, foreigners may be taken to the wrong destination and be insisted upon transferring to another vehicle. Therefore, passengers need to be attentive.

Taxi as an alternative

Cabs are a more expensive, but quick and relaxing way to get around. However, the prices can be excessive for foreigners, so it is advisable to negotiate the fare in advance and ask for a meter. meter. There are no official cab stands in the city center, but you can stop almost any car on the road. on the road.

Overall, ground transportation in Egypt offers a variety of convenient routes for travelers, but it is important to be cautious and take necessary precautions.

Ground and underground transportation in Egypt

In Egypt, there is a variety of services for comfortable transportation for both tourists and locals. One of the most popular is Uber and Careem. Using these service apps is simple - you just need a local SIM card. When ordering through Uber, the price of the trip is known in advance, and the cars are more comfortable, equipped with GPS for optimal routing.

Alternative service in Sharm el Sheikh

There is no Uber or Careem in the city, but there is InDrive. Alexandria has a tram system with a 160-year history. Starting with horse-drawn carriages in 1863, the trams were soon electrified. There are two lines - the western and the eastern, with the latter being particularly popular due to its speed and convenience. Among the trams, you can find both old and new models.

Ancient railway network

The Egyptian railway network, one of the oldest in the region, was established under the influence of the British Empire. Modern trains offer seating in first and second class. Time savings and comfort are ensured by air conditioning in the carriages. The cost of travel is low, making train travel in Egypt convenient and economical.

The types of transportation presented in the article in Egypt – land, underground, water, and air – provide mobility and convenience for both local residents and tourists.

The metro in Cairois represented by 3 branches and 92 stations, providing residents and visitors to the city with a quick and affordable way to get to where they need to go. Automobile traffic is also developed, with a wide network of highways and the ability to get around the country by car.

City buses and minibuses are an affordable and inexpensive way to get around the city and its suburbs. However, it is important to pay attention to the route numbers and destinations to avoid misunderstandings.

TaxiDespite the higher cost, it remains a popular mode of transportation, especially for those who value speed and comfort. It's important to discuss the fare in advance to avoid misunderstandings with the driver.

All of the transportation infrastructure provided allows residents and visitors to Egypt to move around the country with convenience and without hassle, making travel more enjoyable and safer. The entire transportation infrastructure allows residents and visitors of Egypt to move around the country comfortably and hassle-free, making travel more enjoyable and safer.
