Property Abroad
Education in the United Kingdom: schools, universities, and boarding houses

Education in the United Kingdom: schools, universities, and boarding houses

Education in the United Kingdom: schools, universities, and boarding houses
  • Education in the United Kingdom: Opportunities and Attracting International Students
  • Preparation for studying in the UK

Education in the United Kingdom

The education system in the United Kingdom offers a variety of opportunities for children of different ages. Here, one can obtain higher education, prepare for admission to a British university and school, as well as acquire basic skills and knowledge. The differences between the British education system and public and private schools make this country particularly attractive to international students.

Foreignreal estate buyers in London

About 10% of foreign property buyers in London purchase homes for their children to study at local higher education institutions. Most of them prefer to rent an apartment during their studies first, and then, if they decide to stay in London, they buy property. This interest also exists in secondary education, as many foreign families move to England specifically to educate their children in local schools. They usually also rent housing, and then, if they decide to stay, they purchase it.

The significance of education in the UK for Russian speakers

However, for foreign buyers with a Russian language background, education in the UK is not only a luxury but also a top priority. The education system consists of five main stages, starting from preschool education. After finishing high school, a student can choose whether to continue their studies or start working.

Preschool education in the United Kingdom

In preschool education in the UK, there are nurseries where children learn basic skills such as reading, counting, and initial writing skills. It is important to note that all preschool educational institutions are fee-paying. However, there is an opportunity to save through special childcare vouchers provided by one of the parent's employer.

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The UK also offers a benefit of 15 hours per week, funded by the government, which can be used in nurseries.

The cost of kindergarten

The cost of a child's stay in a London nursery can be up to £100 per day, while in the Midlands and Northern England, the average price is around £50 per day. Nursery fees are paid a month in advance and are non-refundable or non-adjustable if the child is sick or absent for other reasons.

Education after primary school

After primary school, children aged 7 to 13 must take the Common Entrance Examination to gain admission to secondary school, where they study from ages 14 to 16. They then take exams to obtain the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) - the British certificate of full secondary education.

Preparation for studying in the UK

For students wishing to apply to a British university, it is important to prepare in advance. For example, studying at a boarding school is more expensive than at a regular private school. In 2019, the average tuition fee at a primary boarding school was £8,406 per term. Tuition at regular schools is 30-40% cheaper, and at day private schools without boarding, the price is even lower.

University education

The university preparation program for the A-Levels lasts for two years, during which students study subjects necessary for their chosen field. There is also the option to choose the International Baccalaureate (IB) program.

University enrollment

In the CIS countries, to enroll in a specific faculty, it is usually required to study certain subjects in school. However, in England, you can apply for humanities programs with almost any combination of subjects.

Education in the United Kingdom: schools, universities, and boarding houses


In summary, I would like to note that the education system in the United Kingdom offers a wide range of opportunities for obtaining quality education, starting from preschool age and continuing through higher education.

As a foreign buyer of real estate in London, it is important to understand the nuances of the education system and the ways to prepare for admission to British schools and universities.

Pensions, regular private schools, and preparatory programs for university admission offer a variety of teaching methods and conditions for student development. For foreign families moving to England, children's education becomes not just a luxury, but a necessity for life.

The British education system offers flexibility in choosing subjects and courses, making it attractive to students from all over the world.


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