Property Abroad
Work experience in China: classical dance teacher

Work experience in China: classical dance teacher

Work experience in China: classical dance teacher
  • Teaching dance in China: my challenges and successes
  • Labor migration: process and obstacles
  • Immigration opportunities in today's world
  • How to obtain residency or citizenship around the world?
  • Immigration programs and options for investors in various countries
  • Intercultural aspects in China
  • Work in China for Russian speakers: opportunities and realities
  • Life in China: Financial Aspects and Adaptation
  • Cultural characteristics of China

I never planned to move to China, but I was offered a job as a classical dance teacher at universities in this country. I accepted the offer since I already had experience working with children of different ages in Russia, although I had not taught students before. Thus, for the past four years, I have been teaching Russian folk dances in the city of Heihe on the Chinese Amur.

This city is located on the banks of the Amur River, just across the bridge from the Russian city of Blagoveshchensk. However, upon moving to China, there were significant issues with the paperwork. Doctors were unable to certify medical certificates in foreign languages. The main documents required for the move included a diploma with an apostille, medical certificates in English and Chinese, as well as a certificate of no criminal record and a passport.

My employer took care of the work visa, but in order to obtain it, I first had to get a work permit in China and only then submit the documents for the visa at the Russian consulate. Unfortunately, due to heightened security measures, I could only submit the documents in Moscow.

I decided to take a risk and send the original passport and work permit via courier. I was lucky, and a week later I received the complete set of documents. During this entire period, I was living in Blagoveshchensk and was very nervous because I was in an unfamiliar city. Nevertheless, now I am happy to work in China and share my dance knowledge with my students.

**My choice of working abroad was due to the need to send documents through different countries and the shadow of the of uncertainty about visa refunds. I saw less risk in formal employment, but I still had no guarantee of a visa. I still had no guarantee of a visa. Working at a foreign university was made more difficult by the increasing requirements for of documents, which sometimes created difficulties. Each situation is unique: the requirements depend on geographical location, type of job, and even political conditions. The best way to get information is to contact directly to the consulate, the employer, or through a specialized agency.** ** **When I started working in China, I faced a lot of problems. a lot of problems. Even local doctors could not provide medical certificates in foreign languages. When the first time I visited China, I didn't know any Chinese at all - my level was zero. Although my job promised me an assistant translator, many colleagues quickly started learning Chinese. The university provided free courses for professionals, but there were also commercial online options for those who could not attend lectures. Я preferred not to take the free classes, relying on an assistant and learning phrases from everyday conversations.** ** **Now I am able to discuss everyday topics in Chinese, explain material to students, and and interact with salespeople. But I still need to be able to communicate fully without an interpreter.
Work experience in China: classical dance teacher

In the modern world of globalization

There are a huge number of opportunities for people looking to obtain residency or citizenship through various immigration programs. Many professionals and entrepreneurs are seeking ways to relocate in order to broaden their horizons. For example, several of my colleagues working in different departments have learned a foreign language and moved to another country thanks to specialized courses.

A wide range of countries and conditions

Immigration programs offer a wide range of countries and conditions for relocation. In the USA, there are opportunities to obtain a long-term L-1 visa for businesspeople and an EB-1 green card for professionals. Europe also offers its programs, including Finland, Latvia, Portugal, Spain, Germany, and other countries.

Unique requirements and capabilities

For example, Finland offers residence permits for startup entrepreneurs with the possibility of expedited status, while Grenada offers citizenship through investment. In Bulgaria and Cyprus, one can obtain a residence permit or permanent residency by purchasing real estate. Italy and France also attract investors and entrepreneurs with high standards for financial investments.

The variety of opportunities in other countries

The UAE and Canada also offer residency visas and permanent residency for investors and entrepreneurs. In the Czech Republic and Estonia, there are programs for students and entrepreneurs that provide residency based on business management or financial investments.

Thorough examination of the conditions

All of these programs have their own unique requirements and terms and conditions, which you should carefully review before applying. They offer an excellent chance for those who dream of international mobility and new business and professional opportunities. new business and professional opportunities.

In the Czech Republic, you can obtain a residence permit by investing from 3,500 euros; the processing time is six months. Citizenship in Vanuatu costs 130,000 dollars with the possibility of obtaining it in just one month. Georgia offers a residence permit when purchasing real estate from 100,000 dollars. Thailand offers Thailand Privilege for 18,000 dollars for a duration of two months. Spain grants a residence permit for 28,800 euros for financially independent individuals; the processing time is six months. The UAE provides a Dubai residence permit when purchasing real estate from 204,000 dollars within four months. Saint Kitts and Nevis offer citizenship for 250,000 dollars in two months. Greece grants a residence permit in two months for investments starting from 250,000 euros in real estate. Turkey provides citizenship when purchasing real estate from 400,000 dollars within three months. In Paraguay, you can obtain a residence permit for 3,000 euros in two months. Austria issues residence permits for the ultra-wealthy for 3,000,000 euros within four months. The UK issues a residence permit for 2,220,000 euros in a couple of months. Canada provides permanent residency for entrepreneurs under the British Columbia program in 42 months with an investment of 150,000 dollars.

Cyprus offers citizenship for 2,650,000 euros in six months. The Canadian program in Quebec offers permanent residency in 24 months. Italy provides a residence permit for financially independent individuals for 31,000 euros in two months. Switzerland grants a residence permit for self-employed top managers in five months for 9,300,000 euros. Greece offers a residence permit in three months with investments starting from 400,000 euros in securities or deposits. The UK issues an innovator visa in just three months starting from 55,000 euros. Antigua and Barbuda offer citizenship for 100,000 dollars in three months. The USA provides a long-term O-1 visa for talented individuals for 5,000 dollars in three months. Poland grants a residence permit to entrepreneurs in seven months starting from 50,000 euros. France offers a residence permit for financially independent visitors for 15,000 euros in five months. Portugal provides a residence permit for investments in just five months starting from 200,000 euros. Hungary offers a residence permit for investments and property purchases in four months starting from 250,000 euros. In Spain, one can obtain a residence permit by purchasing property in just two months starting from 500,000 euros. The USA offers the opportunity to obtain a residence permit through the EB-5 program in just 31 months starting from 900,000 dollars. Bulgarian citizenship can be obtained through investments...

  • Czech Republic: from 3500 euros, 6 months
  • Vanuatu: $130,000, 1 month
  • Georgia: from 100000$, 2 months
  • Thailand: $18,000, 2 months
  • Spain: €28,800, 6 months
  • UAE: from $204,000, 4 months
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis: $250,000, 2 months
  • Greece: from 250000 €, 2 months
  • Turkey: from $400,000, 3 months
  • Paraguay: €3000, 2 months
  • Austria: €3,000,000, 4 months
  • United Kingdom: €2,200,000, 2 months
  • Canada (British Columbia): $150,000, 42 mos.
  • Cyprus: €2,650,000, 6 months
  • Canada (Quebec): Permanent residency in 24 months
  • Italy: €31,000, 2 months
  • Switzerland: 9300000€, 5 months
  • Greece: from €400,000, 3 months
  • United Kingdom: from €55,000, 3 months
  • Antigua and Barbuda: $100,000, 3 months
  • USA: $5000, 3 months (O-1 for talented individuals)
  • Poland: from 50000€, 7 months
  • France: €15,000, 5 months
  • Portugal: from €200,000, 5 months
  • Hungary: from €250,000, 4 months
  • Spain: from 500000€, 2 months
  • USA: from $900,000, 31 months (EB-5 program)

Immigration programs offer entrepreneurs and investors a variety of opportunities to obtain residence permits and citizenship in different countries around the world. For example, Canada has a special program for businesspeople that allows one to become a resident in two years with investments starting from 512,000 euros. The province of Ontario also has its own permanent residency program, where residency status can be obtained in four years with a minimum investment of 150,000 dollars.

Germany is another attractive option for entrepreneurs. Here, you can obtain a residence permit for investors within a year with investments starting from 100,000 euros. Additionally, in Canada, the startup visa opens the possibility of obtaining permanent residency in just 12 months. Israel offers immigration programs for ethnic Jews, allowing them to acquire citizenship in six months with investments starting from 1,000 dollars.

Andorra also offers a residence permit for investors, which can be obtained in just three months with investments starting from 600,000 euros.

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Estonia and Cyprus provide startup visa and citizenship programs for investors with various conditions and timelines.

Malta, Dominica and Saint Lucia have their own unique citizenship and residency programs. residence permits. For example, citizenship in Malta requires an investment of 250,000 euros, while citizenship in Dominica can be obtained in two months with an investment of $100,000 or more.

There are also programs for financially independent individuals, retirees, and businesspeople who wish to obtain residency or citizenship. Germany offers residency for financially independent individuals within six months with investments starting from 60,000 euros. Slovenia provides residency for entrepreneurs within four months with investments starting from 50,000 euros.

Italy offers programs for investors, allowing them to obtain residency in just three months with investments starting from 250,000 euros. Bulgaria, on the other hand, provides residency for retirees, which can be obtained in four months with investments starting from 2,870 euros.

When moving to another country, there are many factors to consider regarding housing and living conditions. For example, in China, employers sometimes provide accommodation in the form of dormitory rooms for foreign employees or students. If housing is not provided, you will have to search for an apartment on your own.

Renting an apartment in China can be quite affordable, around 10,000 yuan per year. For this amount, you can find fairly comfortable housing with quality renovations. It's important to consider that in China, buildings are often demolished and new ones are constructed, so housing is often modern.

In addition, you should take into account the peculiarities of living in different countries. In the south of China, there may be In the south of China, there may be no heating, resulting in high humidity in the apartments. Therefore, when planning When planning immigration or temporary residence in another country, it is important to consider all aspects related to housing and living conditions. living conditions.

Winter period in China

In the winter period, temperatures in China usually range from +3 to +5 degrees Celsius, and it's important to note that central heating is not always available. Therefore, if you do not intend to live in this country permanently, buying property here may not be justified. For Russians, the prices for apartments in China are generally quite high. For example, a friend of mine recently bought a one-bedroom apartment for her daughter, spending six million rubles on it. For Chinese people, this price is considered quite acceptable, which can be explained by the specifics of their income and the real estate market.

Life in China

Currently, this apartment is being rented out, but in the future, my acquaintance plans to move to China and send her child to a local school. However, there is a legal requirement that states in order for your child to attend school in China, you must reside in the city for at least three years. In case of disputes between foreigners and Chinese citizens, Chinese law will most often side with the locals.

Intercultural aspects

When first meeting Chinese people, you may get the impression of some bias against you. This could be due to the fact that Russian tourists often behave aggressively or provocatively, which creates a negative perception. However, over time, if you show respect for local traditions and follow the rules, you will be able to change the opinions of those around you about yourself.

Relations with the local population

It should be noted that Chinese people can sometimes display a certain arrogance, especially if they have high financial means. This can manifest as a sense of superiority over others. In China, foreigners always remain "the others," and in conflict situations, even with valid claims, foreigners may be presumed guilty by default.

The Russian-speaking community in China

Nevertheless, there is a significant number of Russian-speaking citizens in China, especially in border cities such as Heihe, Shuifenhe, and Shenzhen. If your goal is to communicate with fellow countrymen and live among Russian speakers, it is worth paying attention to these cities and their Russian neighborhoods.

Isolated neighborhoods and online communities

There are also places where foreigners are hardly seen, mainly remote regions that are far from major metropolitan areas. In such cases, it can be helpful to join online communities where you can find support, communication, and useful advice from other Russian-speaking people living in China.

Work in China

Many Russians coming to China find work in the field of teaching English, although this often happens outside of official procedures. According to local regulations, only native speakers are allowed to teach English, which makes such jobs mainly accessible to English-speaking individuals.

Work in China for Russian speakers: local opinion

Despite the restrictions, Russians continue to come to China, drawn by the opportunity to earn well.

What professions are available for Russians in China?

From the perspective of official employment channels, Russian speakers in China most often find jobs as teachers in educational institutions or as specialists in technical fields.

How to search for a job in China?

Opportunities for job searches are varied. There are a number of themed job search sites job search.

Diplomas and qualification confirmation

The need for diploma verification is standard practice. Specialists who graduated from institutions where the study program lasted 5 years may face difficulties in finding employment in China due to the Chinese system's misunderstanding of their status.

Working day

The workday starts early, at 8 AM, and often ends late, at 8 PM, with a two-hour lunch break from 12 to 2 PM. This is typical for Chinese educational institutions, where it is also customary to have a dinner break starting at 5:30 PM.

Salary and cost of living

My current salary, around $750 a month, is considered average by local standards. The cost of living in China varies significantly depending on the location. In megacities, similar to Moscow, prices are high, while in smaller towns they are closer to those in the Russian provinces. Salaries, accordingly, also vary.

Reviews from my friends who moved to big cities for a better life show that high salaries often go towards rent, transportation costs due to long commutes to work, and expensive groceries.

Thus, even if they earn more, in the end, they have less left.

Life in China: What Expenses to Expect?

The initial assumption of austerity in China turned out to be wrong. Spending varies by region: transportation and food prices vary. Let's say that public transportation in my city in my city is 1 yuan and lunch in a cafe is 10 yuan. Prices are higher in metropolitan areas, but you can save money by cooking at home. A visit to a supermarket costs about 200 yuan, but you can buy groceries for 50-60 yuan.

Medical Services and Chinese People

Medical services are expensive, and surgeries can cost up to 10,000 yuan. Some choose to seek treatment abroad due to trust issues. In large cities, there are experienced specialists, while the situation is different in smaller ones. Chinese people, although loud, are not necessarily dirty. In my university, people have a certain status.

Adaptation and Understanding of Local Culture

Life in China is a unique experience for everyone. Adapting to and understanding the local culture is essential when moving here. Each city has its own characteristics, making them one-of-a-kind. Communication helps to understand local traditions.

Market Study and Respect for Traditions

Expenses for foreigners and locals differ. Studying the real estate and job market is important. Life and work are different from what one is used to. Adaptation and respect for traditions help with integration.

Cultural characteristics of China

China is considered one of the most cultured and well-mannered countries among others, and this is well-deserved! Visiting the local market, I felt that the culture and manners here are at a high level. The youth exhibit more Western influences in their behavior, which adds a modern touch to the country.

Changes in traditions

It's interesting that in China, some traditions are changing. At weddings, more and more couples are opting for white wedding dresses and black suits for grooms, moving away from the traditional red.

Revitalization of local culture

Despite the influence of Western culture, there is a clear revival of national culture in China. Local festivals are celebrated with great enthusiasm, and residents wear traditional costumes and dance.

Photos of foreigners

One of the unusual traits is the locals' love for photographing light-skinned foreigners. Even when I was in Moscow, I encountered this phenomenon!

Mores and cultural differences

Despite the differences in mentality, I really like China. The country is amazing and fascinating. Every day you get more and more accustomed to the peculiarities of local life. The only thing that still remains is the suddenness of events.

Equality around the world

I no longer notice a significant difference in mentalities. People everywhere are, in the end, very similar to each other.


Looking back on four years of living in China fills me with pride and satisfaction from the decisions I made. Moving to a country with such a unique culture was a challenge that not only broadened my professional horizons but also allowed me to immerse myself in new aspects of life.

The overwhelming majority of the experience was positive, although the impressions of the document protection for working in China raise some concerns. Despite some difficulties with the processing of various documents and a temporary separation from my native language, I am proud that I was able to overcome all the challenges.

Given the current situation about getting a job in China, I advise everyone to find out current information from consulates and potential employers, as well as to take advantage of the help of specialized firms. of specialized firms. And while mastering the Chinese language is a significant challenge, it is one that can be overcome, whether through courses or online learning. through courses or online learning can be the key to more effective interaction with the world around you. with the world around you.

My experience has shown me that despite all the challenges I faced, my time in China has been a unique and valuable phase in my life that helped me better understand the world and myself. Facing the future with an open mind, I remain ready for the new challenges and opportunities that China and the world as a whole present to me.


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