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Why do Russians choose to emigrate to Canada?

Why do Russians choose to emigrate to Canada?

Why do Russians choose to emigrate to Canada?
  • What is the history of Russian migration to Canada?
  • How is the Russian diaspora adapting in Canada and what are the difficulties?
  • How to become a successful immigrant in Canada one day? Myths and reality
  • What makes life in Canada unique and comfortable for its residents?

History of Russian migration to Canada

Throughout its history, Russians have repeatedly sought to relocate to Canada. The first notable movement of Russians occurred between 1898 and 1902 and was associated with the so-called Dukhobors. These peasants, who had abandoned traditional church rituals and were supporters of pacifism, sought a new life outside of Russia. It is interesting to note that a notable bag of funds for their move was raised thanks to Leo Tolstoy, whose ideas echoed their beliefs.

Second stage of migration

With the outbreak of revolutionary events in Russia, the second phase of migration to Canada began to arrive, mainly mortgage workers without higher education or specialized training. These people sought to improve their material situation, while the more educated strata, including intellectuals and nobility, preferred to go to the United States or Western European countries.

The third stage of migration

The third stage of migration covers the post-war years, when many Russians left their homeland in an attempt to escape the consequences of World War II and Stalinist repression. At this time, soldiers who feared returning home for fear of possible persecution also arrived on the Canadian continent. These immigrants quickly tried to adapt to their new life in Canada, often hiding their cultural roots and mistrusting others.

Fourth stage of migration

The fourth and final stage of migration began in the last thirty years and is characterized by a mass influx of educated professionals wishing to integrate into Canadian society. These people settled in large cities, avoiding the creation of unwieldy communities like those in the United States, such as Brighton Beach.

Modern life of Russian emigrants in Canada

Speaking about the contemporary life of Russian emigrants in Canada, it is difficult to give an unambiguous assessment of their well-being. The degree of unity among representatives of the Russian community varies and depends on emigrants' personal aspirations to maintain ties and share experiences.

You can find many resources on the web dedicated to:

  • to Russian theaters,
  • hobby clubs,
  • to the print media,
  • television and other aspects of life in the Russian-speaking diaspora.

Russian community organizations in Canada

The Canadian Russian community includes several large groups such as:

  • Russian Community of Canada,
  • Montreal's Russian community,
  • Ottawa's Russian community,
  • cultural association “Russian Troika”.

These organizations perform many functions such as:

  • providing legal assistance to migrants,
  • organization of Russian language and literature lessons for children,
  • organization of cultural events aimed at preserving and developing Russian culture beyond the homeland.

Andrei Krylov's journey to Canada

Our storyteller is Andrey Krylov, who moved to Canada at the age of ten and is now 26 years old. He currently lives in Calgary.

Active Russian communities

In his opinion, Russian communities in Canada are actively developing, particularly in cities like Saskatoon and Calgary. These communities have clubs dedicated to culture, where various events and activities for children are held.

Russian Humanitarian House

An important element of cultural life is the Russian Humanitarian House in Vancouver, which, according to its representatives, actively works to preserve the Russian language and traditions among emigrants, as well as aims to change the world's perception of Russians. This project is based on the principles of charity.

Grocery stores for Russian speakers

Additionally, Russian emigrants have started opening stores that specialize in products appealing to the Russian-speaking population. However, their goods are also enjoyed by Canadians, making these establishments popular among a wider audience.

Experts' doubts about the diaspora

Despite the successes achieved in the cultural sphere, some experts express doubts that the diaspora has been able to unite into a strong community over a long period of time. They emphasize the insufficient support from both long-term residents in Canada and newcomers.

Chances for permanent residency

Experts note that the highest likelihood of obtaining permanent residency in Canada is for in-demand professionals who have the appropriate education and work experience, and who are in the age group of 35 to 40 years old.

Reasons for choosing Canada

The question often arises about the reasons for Canada's choice, rather than that of its neighboring United States. This situation can be explained by several factors:

  • The process of legal immigrationIt turns out that moving to Canada is more accessible compared to the USA, provided that all requirements are met.
  • Love for natureand the desire to protect it becomes significant for those who choose Canada as their new home.

Government support

It is also worth mentioning the support provided by the government in creating favorable conditions for business and job creation. Canada is known for having one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the world, an attractive policy for investors, and low inflation.

Moreover, the country has one of the lowest crime rates, making it a wonderful place for a peaceful and safe life with family.

Different opinions about a new life

The attitudes of Russian emigrants towards their new country vary. Some feel that they have found stability and safety in Canada and do not think about returning to Russia. For them, Canada has become a symbol of reliability, order, and cleanliness. At the same time, others may feel nostalgia for their homeland and dream of returning to their cultural and historical roots.

This complex situation highlights the diversity of opinions on emigration and adapting to life in another country.

Why do Russians choose to emigrate to Canada?

In recent years, there has been an active discussion among immigrants about life in Canada. Many openly share their disappointment, recalling unmet expectations. Others joyfully talk about their decision to leave the country. However, it is worth considering that success in adaptation is not always a matter of chance. It largely depends on various factors: level of education, knowledge of English, professional experience, and the ability to quickly adapt to new conditions.

Employers and career opportunities

Among Russian-speaking immigrants, there is a belief that most of the available jobs in Canada only require skills for working in a store or supermarket. This can be the first step for those who are proficient in English and have the necessary documents. Undoubtedly, hard work plays a significant role, but it is important to remember that advancing up the career ladder from such an entry-level position can lead to difficulties. Such experience can hold you back and prevent you from exploring new horizons.

Work in the construction industry

It can also be noticed on Russian-speaking forums that the construction industry is one of the main areas where Russian-speaking emigrants find financial opportunities. This is perhaps the only place where one can earn a decent amount in a short time. It is much easier to get such jobs than to secure a position in an office. Access to office positions is often limited to those who have the right connections. It is important to maintain relationships with fellow countrymen, as at the right moment, one of them may become the "key" to a successful career in the desired office.

The importance of education

According to Andrey Krylov, one of the main aspects of successful employment in Canada is obtaining an education. It is important to understand that some diplomas from foreign educational institutions are equivalent to Canadian ones, while others are not.

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For example, a holder of a PhD in physics has a good chance of securing a significant position at a university. The problem is that for a foreigner with a degree in economics, there are significantly fewer employment prospects, even if their diploma has been recognized.

Difficulties in finding employment

The main obstacle for new immigrants is finding their first job.EmployersThey often expect to see experience gained specifically in Canada on a resume.

Prospects in the real estate market

Another productive area where Russian emigrants are achieving success isreal estate marketThis is one of the most profitable fields for immigrants in Canada, which opens up great opportunities for prosperity.


Having analyzed the lives of immigrants in Canada, I realized that this country is full of various opportunities. Despite the challenges that can be overcome, many find their path and build successful careers. However, achieving goals requires support, perseverance, and a willingness to learn, as well as the ability to adapt to new conditions.Canadastill attracts many immigrants, each with their own unique stories, dreams, and hopes for a prosperous future.

Interesting thoughts about life in Canada

Lately, I've been immersed in thoughts about life in Canada. There's an opinion that Canadians try to avoid long waits, preferring private institutions for their children's education and sometimes paying for medical certificates. It seems that locals are inclined to solve problems with money, which in their view sometimes provides additional chances for a successful resolution. Interestingly, Russians feel quite comfortable in this environment. Funny, isn't it?

Corruption at the everyday level

On the other hand, Andrei Krylov's opinion suggests that corruption in Canada may manifest to some extent, but it is not felt in everyday life. There is practically no bribery among officials or law enforcement here. Although news reports occasionally emerge about investigations involving local authorities, such as the recent case of an official who was found with $90,000. Compared to the situation in Russia or the USA, this amount seems insignificant.

Startup visa program

It should be noted that since April 1, 2013, Canada has launched a startup visa program aimed at attracting talented professionals in the field of information technology. The country seeks to gather the best specialists from around the world, which is expected to contribute to economic growth.

Personal experience

Now about my personal experience: my family moved to Canada when I was a child. It would be an understatement to say that this country saved the lives of my loved ones. My father faced a serious life-threatening issue due to a heart problem, and the necessary surgery was unavailable in Russia. Then the situation affected my mother, who needed a complex eye surgery. Throughout all this time, I have already expressed my gratitude to this country.

Environmental support

I admire that Canada has an active environmental protection system and that the authorities strive to preserve nature for future generations. The landscapes here are stunning, although Russia also has its own natural beauties, which often require care and sometimes even neglect.

Canadians and help

Canadians always evoke pleasant emotions in me. I am convinced that if any problem arises, emergency services like the police, firefighters, or paramedics will respond quickly. During my more than ten years in Canada, I have interacted with the police multiple times, and I have always come away with positive impressions.

Taxes in Canada

As for taxes, I can say that they are quite significant, about 30% of my income. However, I understand where my money goes. I am confident that in case of illness, I will receive the necessary medical care, and the roads I see being repaired will indeed be fixed.

The feeling of freedom

In conclusion, I feel freedom in Canada. I live by my own rules, taking care of myself and my loved ones, staying true to myself. This sense of safety and comfort allows me to enjoy my life to the fullest.


In conclusion, I would like to note that the emigration of Russians to Canada, as we have seen, has deep historical roots, going through various stages and changes. Each of these reflects the specific conditions and challenges of its time. Starting with the Doukhobors of the late 19th century, who sought freedom and a better life, to the latest wave of emigration, predominantly consisting of educated members of the intelligentsia, the journey of Russian migrants to this country has been neither easy nor insignificant.

Despite the challenges, many have found their new "self" in Canada, driven by a desire to integrate and contribute to the local community. The existence of active Russian communities, cultural clubs, and organizational structures reflects the commitment to preserving their identity and culture. For example, our hero Andrey Krylov pointed out that cultural initiatives are actively developing in Calgary and Saskatoon, which shows people's desire to come together and help one another.

However, as some experts note, the lack of a unified center and cohesion still remain serious issues for the Russian diaspora in Canada. This raises questions about how to improve interaction between long-time residents and new immigrants in order to create a stronger community that supports one another.

Advantages of Canada for immigrants

  • The ease of emigration.The Canadian immigration system offers simpler conditions for entry.
  • Low crime rate.This creates a safe environment for living and raising children.
  • High quality of life.A multitude of opportunities for education and career growth.

Choosing Canada as a place to live is undoubtedly justified. However, as always, true success depends on the aspirations of its people. It is up to us to strengthen our connections, share experiences, and create conditions for comfortable coexistence.

Ultimately, the answers to questions about the lives of Russians in Canada can vary from person to person. Some are happy to stay here forever, enjoying stability and safety, while others may still regret the loss of their homeland. Taking all these factors into account, it can be said that each emigrant finds their unique path, and it is only our willingness to learn and adapt that determines how we can build a future in this beautiful, yet different country.


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