Property Abroad
Types of visas for Bali: from short-term to long-term stays

Types of visas for Bali: from short-term to long-term stays

Types of visas for Bali: from short-term to long-term stays
  • Visas for Bali: obtaining and extending | Agency services for convenient and quick processing
  • Features of obtaining a business visa for Indonesia
  • Kitas: long-term visa for staying in Indonesia
  • Investment KITAS: opportunities and requirements
  • Visa application for "Second Home" in Bali
  • “Golden Visa Program in Bali: Privileges and Requirements” “Tightening Immigration Policy in Bali: Cases of Deportation” “Combating Illegal Activities on the Island of Bali”
  • The Governor of Bali addresses the Indonesian government.

When we plan a long-term trip to Bali, there are several options for obtaining a visa.

One of them is the Visa on Arrival (VoA), which can be obtained at the airport, seaport or land border crossing. The visa on arrival is granted for 30 days and can be extended for another 30 days, allowing you to stay in Indonesia for up to 60 days. This visa is used mainly by tourists, but also by people coming for business or transit.

After 60 days, to obtain a visa on arrival again, you need to leave Indonesia for a few days.

Usually, neighboring countries are chosen for this, such as Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), Singapore, or Thailand. To obtain a visa on arrival, you need to have a passport that is valid for at least six months, medical insurance, payment of a fee of $35, a return ticket, confirmation of hotel or other accommodation booking, proof of sufficient funds in your account, and a completed application form.

Starting from 2024, an additional fee of $10 will be added to all these requirements, which will need to be paid by all foreign tourists.

If you wish to extend your visa, you can contact the local immigration office on your own.

This process will require three visits - to apply, provide biometric data and receive the finished permit. However, you can also use the services of an agency, which will cost you about 50 dollars, including the fee and a small commission. At the same time, two visits will be enough for you. This is convenient, as the agency provides services in Russian and will help you to understand all the details.

Not long ago, Indonesia updated its visa-free entry rules.

Indonesia has once again granted visa-free entry for 30 days (without the possibility of extension) to citizens of 159 countries. However, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, and Kazakhs are not included in this list and still need to obtain a VoA or another type of visa.

Processing a business visa for an extended stay

If you plan to stay in Bali for up to six months, there is an option to apply for a business visa. The B211 visa is for single entry, while the D212 visa is for multiple entries. However, holders of these visas are prohibited from conducting business or working for hire. They can only engage in business meetings, consultations, attend conferences, and interviews. Last year, another type of business visa was introduced - B211A, which is suitable for digital nomads working remotely for a foreign company.

Business visa extensions and restrictions

Although this category of people currently does not have legal status in Indonesia, remote workers try not to disclose the source of their income. The B-211 and B211A visas allow them to stay in the country for 6 months, but they need to renew their permit every 2 months through the immigration office. After 6 months, they can apply for a new visa for another six months, but this requires a visa run for one day.

Crossing the border and the possibility of shopping

A popular destination for crossing the border is Kuala Lumpur. Many tourists combine their trip with shopping, as Malaysia offers good prices on goods. You can apply for a business visa on the official website.

The process of obtaining and extending a business visa D212

The D212 visa is issued for one year, but it must be renewed every 60 days through a visaran. You can apply for this visa at the Indonesian consulate in your country or at the immigration office. The cost of applying for a business visa through an agency is between $200 and $400, and the renewal fee is around $150. Requirements also include a return ticket (this is important!) and proof of financial solvency (at least $2000 per person in an account).

Residence permit in Bali and requirements for long-term stay

If you plan to settle on the island for a longer period, you will need to obtain a local equivalent of a residence permit. Strictly speaking, the use of the term residence permit in Bali is not entirely accurate. It is more correct to talk about a long-term stay permit.

Types of visas in Bali: from short-term to long-term stays

Kitas: long-term visa for staying in Indonesia

The most common and long-term visa for staying in Indonesia is the KITAS. It can be a work, investment, family, retirement, or student visa.

Kitas- is one of the most secure ways to stay legally in Indonesia. The KITAS visa is issued for up to 2 years with the possibility of extension and provides the holder not only the right to reside in Bali and travel freely, but also other benefits such as:

  • The ability to register a car, motorcycle, or bicycle in your name
  • Obtaining local driver's license
  • The ability to open an account in a local bank without intermediaries.
  • Land rental
  • Discounts of up to 50% on medical services and attractions

It's important to noteIn Indonesia, medical and educational services are paid even for foreigners with a long-term Kitas visa. Therefore, having insurance in advance is a significant necessity.

Once a person receives a Kitas visa, they become a tax resident of the country, which entails certain obligations.

Issuance of a Kitas work visa

The Kitas work visa is arranged by the foreigner's employer (sponsor). If you have a job offer from an Indonesian company, you can apply for a Kitas visa while still in your home country. This option is preferable as it is more reliable and cost-effective.

However, sometimes a person will first come to Bali on a business visa, look for a job, go through interviews, and then the company offering the job will issue them a Kitas visa. There is no way to change to a Kitas visa from an arrival visa - it is only possible through an intermediate business visa.

To apply for a Kitas work visa, you will need to submit a completed application form, a copy of your passport, your diploma, a resume, and health insurance. It is also advisable to include a recommendation letter from your previous job. The employer will provide information about your expected income level.

Reliable companies that hire foreigners take care of the Kitas visa for their employees. The cost of obtaining the visa is around $2200-2600. Usually, the company covers the expenses, but sometimes a portion of the costs falls on the employee.

Investment KITAS in Indonesia

The investment KITAS is one of the types of residence permits for foreign citizens who invest their funds in foreign companies in Indonesia. This type of KITAS can be issued for one or two years with the possibility of extension.

Requirements for obtaining investment KITAS

To obtain an investment KITAS, a group of investors must invest at least 1 billion rupiah ($66,525) in the shares of a company that must have a minimum authorized capital of 10 billion rupiah ($665,250) and at least 25% paid-up capital. The company can become a sponsor of the investor visa after obtaining the necessary documents, tax number, permits, and investment project protection. However, when choosing partners to establish a company, one should be cautious, as some shell companies may be specifically set up to facilitate KITAS trading. Authorities regularly crack down on such activities and punish offenders.

Work and investment KITAS

It is important to note that the investment KITAS does not grant the right to work. The founder or shareholder of the company can hold the position of director or commissioner, but cannot be employed by the company. Recently, it became known that Indonesian authorities plan to extend the duration of stay for this type of visa, but the requirements for applicants will be tightened.

Other paths to legalization

Becoming a member of an investment company and getting KITAS is not the only way to legalize for many people. The cost of starting a company is about $3500 and the annual cost of maintaining the company, including rent for a virtual office, is about $800. Family members of work and investment KITAS holders can obtain a family KITAS, which is valid for the same period of time as the principal applicant's authorization.

Pension KITAS

A variant of KITAS is the pension KITAS, which is intended for people over 55 years old. It is issued for one year with the possibility of annual renewal for up to five years. After this period, one can apply for KITAP, which is equivalent to permanent residency. To obtain a pension KITAS in Indonesia, it is necessary to ensure financial stability with an income of $18,000 per year, obtain health insurance, and hire a household assistant. This type of visa is available to Russian citizens but is not available to residents of other former Soviet countries.

Visa program "Second Home" in Bali

The cost of obtaining this program is approximately 1000 dollars. In 2022, a new visa program called "Second Home" or Second Home Visa was introduced in Indonesia.

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It is designed for foreign citizens who wish to live in Bali for 5-10 years or more. Currently, this program is still not very popular, but it may become an attractive option for wealthy foreigners looking to legalize their stay in Bali in the future.

Terms and conditions of Second Home Visa

The Second Home Visa is granted for 5 or 10 years with the possibility of extension, provided that the investments are maintained. In addition to the main applicant, family members, including a spouse and children under 18, also receive residency permits.

To obtain a "Second Home" visa, a foreigner must purchase real estate worth at least 2 billion rupiah (140,000 dollars) or deposit this amount into an Indonesian bank account. It is important to note that the property acquired under the program must be purchased under Hak Pakai terms, which grants the buyer exclusive rights to use the property. Only a small portion of the properties available on the market, about 25%, meet this criterion. Most real estate is sold under long-term lease agreements.

If you're interested in details about buying a villa in Indonesia, read our article.

Limitations and features of the program

The Second Home Visa is considered to be analogous to the Indonesian Digital Nomad Visa that the Indonesian government talked about last year. However, the financial conditions of this program are quite strict compared to similar programs in other countries. The requirements usually boil down to proof of monthly income in the form of a salary from a foreign company and rent, rather than the purchase of expensive real estate. Unsurprisingly, this new program may cause frustration among remote workers who like to live in Bali.

The cost of obtaining this visa starts at 3000 dollars. It is important to note that the Second Home Visa does not grant the right to engage in business activities or work for hire in Indonesia. However, it is possible to conduct business negotiations, but hiring employees is prohibited.

Alternative visa program "Golden Visa"

The Indonesian government continues to create new visa programs. One of them is the "Golden Visa," which is set to launch soon after the bill is approved by the relevant agencies and signed by the president. To obtain a "Golden Visa" for 5 or 10 years, individuals must invest at least $350,000 in government bonds.

The "golden visa" program on the island of Bali

A program that allows foreign companies to obtain the opportunity to work and reside in Bali offers unique privileges. However, to take advantage of this program, foreign companies need to invest at least $50 million in developing the island's economy. Despite the high entry threshold, the "golden visas" give their holders the freedom of choice: they can reside permanently in Bali, run a business, own assets and engage in other activities.

Tightening of immigration policy

However, recently there have been frequent cases of deportation of foreigners in Bali, indicating a tightening of the country's immigration policy. In the first half of 2023, 163 foreigners were deported for various offenses, including disrespect for Balinese culture. Recent cases include the deportation of a girl from Denmark who was caught naked on a motorcycle, and a Russian tourist who was expelled from the country due to a nude photo taken near a sacred tree. In April, there was also an incident where a guest from Germany was arrested after she appeared naked on stage at a temple during a dance performance.

Combating illegal activities

The authorities are becoming increasingly strict regarding the illegal work of foreigners on the island. Many come to Bali with limited financial resources, rent inexpensive housing, and engage in illegal services for their compatriots or dubious business activities. Previously, the authorities turned a blind eye to such activities, but now they are cracking down on violations more rigorously. A specialized group of law enforcement officers monitors guests' personal messages on social media and accepts complaints from local residents through a hotline. Operations involving cryptocurrencies, which are banned in Indonesia, are particularly targeted, and individuals renting out motorcycles without official permission are being deported back to their home countries.

The Governor of Bali addresses the Indonesian government.

The administration of Bali has expressed many claims to Russians and Ukrainians. The governor of the island Koster asked the Indonesian government to tighten the visa regime for Russian and Ukrainian citizens.

However, his initiative has not yet been implemented. One can understand the Indonesians, considering that some tourists go too far in their behavior. However, deportations, which are sometimes disproportionate to the violations, affect those who do not truly deserve punishment.

Bali is a place for the wealthy.

It is worth noting that Bali is adopting a new policy regarding foreigners. Representatives of the Indonesian government state that they want the island to become a place for the wealthy, rather than the poor. Legislative innovations in the fields of hospitality and immigration are being implemented in this direction.

Participation of the Balinese authorities

Despite the information about finding and punishing violators, the lives of ordinary tourists and immigrants in Bali are calm. They say that Indonesians are friendly, calm and patient. They are very careful about their traditions, and if a guest respects them, the relationship is favorable.

In Bali, assistance is provided to wealthy foreigners who have serious plans for investment or starting a business. It is relatively easy to obtain a KITAS work visa for professionals in IT, medicine, and real estate specialists with experience. Providing services as a self-employed individual or sole proprietor is quite difficult; this is the prerogative of locals.

I need a suitable program for digital nomads.

Despite the fact that Bali is always among the top destinations for digital nomads, there is currently no adequate program for this category of people. The Second Home Visa program for real estate investors, including wealthy digital nomads or individuals with passive income, may become popular.

Strengthening control and adherence to deadlines

Control of foreigners in Bali has intensified. Now is not the time for unplanned visits and "improvisation". If you have a visa or long-stay permit, you should keep a close eye on the expiration dates of these documents and arrange for extensions in advance. Bali is known to have many holidays and it may turn out that there are fewer working days than you anticipated.


I decided to share my own thoughts and conclusions regarding visas for Bali. In this article, I have detailed the various types of visas and opportunities for foreigners wishing to settle on this beautiful island. We discussed the visa on arrival, business visa, long-term stay permit, and even the newest "Second Home" program. With each level of stay, the opportunities and privileges expand, but so do the requirements and costs. As for the deportation of foreigners, the Balinese authorities are trying to tighten control and suppress illegal activities and disruptive behavior. Although sometimes such measures can be unfair and affect the wrong people. So, when choosing a visa for Bali, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the rules, requirements, and to respect local traditions. Be prepared for the fact that the visa application process can be complicated and may require some financial investment, but for those who genuinely wish to settle in Bali, it is worth it. Overall, visas for Bali offer various opportunities for foreigners, but they also require compliance with rules and obligations. Keep in mind that the authorities aim to attract quality tourists, investors, and long-term residents, so it is important to be attentive and maintain a positive attitude to make your experience in Bali as enjoyable and successful as possible.


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