Property Abroad
Healthcare in the USA: Advantages and Disadvantages of the Medical System

Healthcare in the USA: Advantages and Disadvantages of the Medical System

Healthcare in the USA: Advantages and Disadvantages of the Medical System
  • The healthcare system in the USA: pros and cons for immigrants
  • Why is health insurance important in the USA?
  • What are the main aspects of the American healthcare system?

Overview of the healthcare system in the USA

America is famous for its many distinguished Nobel laureates in the field of medicine and has a reputation as one of the most progressive countries in the field of health care. In this article, we will look at both the pros and cons of medicine in the United States, and analyze whether it is worth seeking medical services in this country.

Health insurance for immigrants

One of the key topics among immigrants is health insurance in the United States. Many newcomers wonder, "Do I need to get health insurance considering the high costs and that I feel healthy?" Unlike newcomers, locals perceive this question less acutely, as having insurance has become a norm for them.

In fact, the lack of insurance can lead to significant expenses for medical services, while insurance, although it can be costly, can greatly reduce the financial burden in case of need.

Ways to obtain health insurance

There are several ways to get health insurance, which may depend on your income and living situation:

  • You can purchase the policy on your own.
  • Some of the expenses can be covered by government agencies.
  • In some cases, the government is willing to fully cover the cost of health insurance.
  • Employers often partially or fully fund their employees' health insurance.

Types of health insurance

In the USA, there are two main types of health insurance:

  • HMOThis type of insurance is characterized by a low cost but has its limitations. The policy allows access to medical services only within a specific network and requires that all consultations go through a single primary care physician. In an emergency situation, such as calling an ambulance, you can go to other medical facilities.
  • PPO (Preferred Provider Organization): This policy offers more options for receiving services from various specialists, but its cost is significantly higher. It is also important to consider that visiting specialists outside the network may be more expensive for you.

Insurance rates and coverage levels

Insurance rates depend on the level of coverage of the services offered by the chosen company. The following coverage levels are established for different plans:

  • Platinum: covering 90% of the costs.
  • GoldCoverage of 80% of expenses.
  • SilverCoverage of 70% of expenses.
  • BronzeCoverage of 60% of expenses.

There is also a basic plan for emergencies, which is only suitable for people under 30 or those who are facing financial difficulties. The cost of such a policy starts at around $160 per month.

Additional services and assistance for those in need

It is important to remember that some medical services are covered separately and are not covered. These may include:

  • Dental services.
  • Eye surgeries.
  • Psychiatric help.

There are special support programs in the US for financially vulnerable groups or retirees that can help ease their financial burdens.


Thus, although the cost of health insurance in the United States is very high, the system has its advantages, which allow you to receive quality services if you have a policy. And before deciding to travel to America for medical services, it is important to thoroughly research all the nuances and aspects of this system.

Fines for lack of health insurance

In the United States, the penalty for not having health insurance is about $100 per year. The majority of medical services in this country are provided by private institutions, while only 20% of patient health is supported by government entities.

Advantages of having health insurance

To fully understand the peculiarities of how medicine functions in the USA and to assess the advantages of having insurance, let's look at a few specific cases.

  • An appointment with a specialty doctor will cost the patient approximately $150.
  • People without health insurance are responsible for the full cost of treatment, while insured citizens cover only about 20% of such bills.
  • Insured patients gain access to medical services as a priority, which significantly simplifies the process of receiving assistance.

Cost of medical services

When it comes to conducting small medical tests, such as fluorography or an ECG, their cost can reach up to 700 dollars. However, for patients with health insurance, this amount is reduced to about 250 dollars.

As for the simplest operations, their cost can range from 25 thousand dollars, but if you have insurance will have to pay only 2.5 thousand.

Home doctor services

The services of home doctors range from $20 to $25 per hour, making them affordable for most citizens.

Dental services

Dental services are charged separately and are not included in the standard medical expenses package, and their cost is quite high. For example, placing a filling without complex procedures costs about 250 dollars.

Due to this, many Americans prefer to plan their trips abroad to receive dental care, as prices in neighboring countries are significantly lower.

Ambulance services and their costs

If you need to call an ambulance at 911, keep in mind that while the service responds quickly, the cost of the services provided can vary — from $400 to $1,300 depending on the region and the nature of the assistance given.

As a result, patients are billed for medical and preventive services in separate invoices after receiving medical care.

Acquisition of medications

As for purchasing medications in the USA, most of them, including antibiotics and blood pressure medications, are available only by prescription and are covered by active insurance plans.

At the same time, some over-the-counter medicines, such as anti-allergy and pain relievers, are also available on the market and can be bought without a doctor's prescription. The medicines are sold both in specialized pharmacies and in ordinary supermarkets.

Specialized pharmacies

In some regions, you can also find so-called "pharmacies for Russians," where familiar medications from the CIS countries are available, which significantly simplifies the process of obtaining necessary drugs.

High cost of medications

Unfortunately, purchasing medications in the USA can be quite expensive. It's also important to remember the restrictions: importing medications from abroad for personal use into the United States is prohibited.

General state of health care

Healthcare in the United States is recognized as one of the best in the world. The government makes significant investments in the development and improvement of this sector.

Quality of medical servicesThe level of technology in medical institutions is impressive, and the healthcare sector continues to actively develop thanks to constant innovations and investments.

Healthcare in the USA: Advantages and Disadvantages of the Medical System

Research and innovations in the field of medicine

In the United States, active research is being conducted in the medical field, advanced technologies are being implemented, and equipment is being modernized, which significantly contributes to the improvement of the healthcare system.

As part of these efforts, new medicines are also being developed and the level of medical services in hospitals and polyclinics is continuously increasing. This cannot but influence the growing interest in medical tourism, which is rapidly becoming more and more popular among foreign patients seeking quality care.

Popular areas of medical services

The most common areas of medical services in the USA include:

  • Treatment of oncological diseases
  • Organ transplantation
  • Orthopedics
  • Gynecology
  • Urology, including obstetrics.

The American healthcare system consists of various institutions that provide a wide range of medical services.

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This includes family practices with general practitioners, local clinics offering preventive and therapeutic services, hospitals and inpatient facilities, emergency response teams, as well as institutions for disease control and prevention.

Types of hospitals in the United States

Hospitals in the USA can be divided into three main categories:

1. State medical institutions

These institutions offer free services to certain groups of citizens, including the elderly, veterans, and recognized disabled individuals, as well as patients with conditions such as tuberculosis and mental disorders. The funding for these institutions comes from the state budget.

2. Private medical institutions

Private institutions operate on a for-profit basis where the shareholders make a profit. These organizations account for approximately 30% of the total number of hospitals in the country.

3. Community hospitals

These hospitals are established at the initiative of communities and account for a significant share—about 70% of all medical institutions. The profits from them are used to improve services and infrastructure, which directly impacts the quality of medical care.

Advantages and disadvantages of American healthcare

American healthcare has both its pros and cons, which sharply contrast with each other.

Positive Aspects:

  • A high level of funding for healthcare organizations, which contributes to the continuous progress and development of the industry.
  • The introduction of innovative technologies and modern equipment allows for attracting highly qualified specialists.
  • The profession of a doctor is considered prestigious, which encourages students to choose a medical education.
  • Creating a respectful relationship between medical staff and patients creates a comfortable atmosphere.

Negative aspects:

  • The high cost of medical services leads to financial difficulties for patients.
  • The need for self-payment for specialist services, as many insurance policies do not cover all expenses.

Thus, the healthcare system in the United States is a complex and multifaceted mechanism that combines both positive and negative elements.


Concluding this study of the health care system in the United States, I have come to the conclusion that the current state of medicine in this country has both pros and cons. On the one hand, the United States has one of the highest degrees of medical technology and research, as evidenced by the many Nobel Prizes in the field of medicine. This gives the impression that patients can expect to receive advanced medical care and the best possible solutions for their health.

However, as I discovered during my studies, high standards of medical services come at a price. America faces serious challenges in terms of access to healthcare. High costs of insurance and medical services often become a barrier for many people, especially those without insurance. Significant differences in the cost of medical services for insured and uninsured patients is an important aspect to consider when making decisions about healthcare in the U.S. In the military-private healthcare system, there seems to be a pull towards commercial profit, which places financial interests at the forefront, sometimes to the detriment of meeting patients' needs.

What should be considered when making a choice?

Weighing the pros and cons, I can confidently say that the choice of country for receiving medical care depends on the individual life circumstances of each person. For those who can afford health insurance and are interested in the latest treatment methods, the USA can be an ideal place. However, it is important to remember the need for careful planning and assessment of all potential expenses to avoid significant financial surprises.


Ultimately, before heading to America for medical assistance, it's worth weighing all the pros and cons, as well as considering alternative options in your own country. Healthcare in the USA undoubtedly attracts attention with its level, but accessibility will remain an important factor influencing the patient's choice. Understanding the nuances of the US healthcare system will help you make an informed decision, which may ultimately be the most important for your health and well-being.


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