Property Abroad
Life in Brazil: where is it safer, how to choose a city, and what do you need to know?

Life in Brazil: where is it safer, how to choose a city, and what do you need to know?

Life in Brazil: where is it safer, how to choose a city, and what do you need to know?
  • How to choose a safe city to live in Brazil? Overview and recommendations.
  • Why we chose Curitiba and what you need to know about life in Brazil?
  • Why does life in Brazil attract with its climate and culture?
  • What are the features of life and expenses in the city of Curitiba?
  • What is the financial situation of families and individuals in today's conditions?
  • How to arrange a mortgage or rent a property in Brazil?
  • How is the healthcare and education system organized in Brazil?


The question of where exactly in Brazil one can feel the safest is of interest to many people. What is the role of fierce competition among developers in the development of this country? And why is knowledge of the English language not the only necessary skill for a comfortable life here? In this detailed review, we will look at the friendliness of the locals, the average income levels, the tax system, and the overall cost of living.

The story of Nadya's family

I will start with the story of Nadya's family, who shared their experience of living in Brazil and the process of finding housing. They have a large family: a mom (37 years old), a dad (42 years old), and four children (one year old, 11, 13, and 15 years old). Nadya works as a UI designer, and her husband is a programmer. In 2022, they began actively planning their move to Brazil.

At that time, Nadezhda was expecting a child, and Brazil became their choice because a child born here automatically receives Brazilian citizenship. This opens up the possibility for the whole family to obtain permanent residency and, subsequently, citizenship upon successfully passing the Portuguese language test at the B1 level.

Parents can apply for citizenship just one year after obtaining permanent residency. If older siblings who are 10 years old or older have lived in the country for 4 years, they can also qualify for citizenship. For children under 10, the application process is significantly simplified: they can submit their documents immediately after receiving permanent residency. Interestingly, grandparents have similar rights as children.

Unlike the situation in Argentina, there is no need to go to court or hire lawyers here, as the entire process is quite transparent and straightforward.

Searching for a suitable city

When Nadya's family moved to Brazil in April 2022, they began a thorough exploration of various cities in the country to choose the most suitable place to live. The main criteria were:

  • security
  • well-developed infrastructure with good public transportation
  • affordable living costs
  • Availability of leisure facilities such as parks, theaters and museums

Daily life

Speaking of everyday life, it is worth noting that many Brazilians resort to insurance in case of robbery and theft. Brazilians are renowned for their ability to enjoy life, and this is evident in their daily habits.

When it comes to expenses for a family with children living in a spacious apartment, the average monthly budget would be approx.three thousand dollars.

Professional areas

As for the professions in demand, the highest salaries can be observed in:

  • doctors
  • teachers
  • programmers
  • engineers

However, it should be taken into account that interest rates on mortgage loans directly depend on the borrower's credit history, which often affects the choice of housing. Renters also face high requirements from real estate agencies. For citizens with incomes below450 dollarstax rates may not exist at all.

Language and cultural differences

The need to learn Portuguese in order to communicate comfortably with the locals cannot be underestimated. It is also important to consider the differences between Brazil and the United Arab Emirates, which is worth keeping in mind when planning a move.

Thus, this in-depth study of life in Brazil offers many aspects to consider for those who are seriously considering a move to this South American country.

Choosing Curitiba to live in

We chose to live in Curitiba, a city of about three million people, which is famous for its attention to ecology in South America. This decision turned out to be a good one for us.

We had already explored Brazil a bit, but our time in São Paulo, where we stayed for a week, made a strong impression on us. The city amazed us with the number of vagrants, the giant traffic jams, and the stark contrasts between wealth and poverty, from posh neighborhoods to slums.

Living in Argentina: Personal experience

Regarding life in Argentina, I would like to share my personal experience, which includes aspects such as price levels, job opportunities, and the pros and cons of living in this corner of the world.

Crime rates and insurance

One important aspect of local life is the prevalence of insurance against theft and robbery. Let me start with something that saddens me: the crime rate in Brazil is generally an order of magnitude higher than in Russia.

It is important to choose a city to live in carefully, as crime rates can vary widely:

  • Differences can be as much as 10-15 times from one city to another.
  • The southern regions of Brazil are known for their calmer atmosphere, which gives them a European charm.
  • Northern parts of the country face much higher crime rates.

City neighborhoods and safety

You should also pay special attention to the neighborhood where you are going to live, as the differences in security can be quite significant. The central areas of most Brazilian metropolitan areas are often the most dysfunctional, where you can quickly lose your phone, as criminals are sometimes very determined.

For example, in our residential complex, there hasn't been a single case of theft in three decades. Sometimes we even leave our doors unlocked, even though they are as light as interior doors. Meanwhile, in the city center, I always keep a close eye on my mobile phone when I need to send a message or make a call, trying to position myself so that I can see my surroundings.

Justice and laws

The justice system in Brazil is significantly different from that in Russia. Even those who are behind bars for serious crimes are sometimes allowed to go on visits with relatives, equipped with GPS bracelets that can be easily removed, allowing them to escape.Robbers who steal mobile phones sometimes spend only a few days behind bars.This is one of the main problems faced by the local population, as the laws here are quite lenient towards offenders. Therefore, theft insurance is a common practice.

Adaptation to life and shopping

Moreover, it wasn't easy for us to adapt to the fact that, although there are grocery delivery apps, we can't always find all the items we need in one place due to our specific preferences. For example, it took us some time to figure out where to order good natural bread.

We often buy cottage cheese and grains at specialty stores because they are not available in large supermarkets. Fish at the markets is much fresher and reasonably priced, so we visit the markets every two weeks for our shopping.

This causes certain inconveniences, as if we have returned to the early 2000s when all of this was familiar.

Life in Brazil: where is it safer, how to choose a city, and what do you need to know?

Climate and weather

Brazil is a country where the locals know how to enjoy every moment of life, and that's definitely worth noting. First of all, let's talk about the climate. We chose the southern part of the country, where the climate is very similar to Los Angeles, but the sea temperature in summer is much more comfortable here. In winter, the temperature hovers around 18 degrees, while in summer it reaches a pleasant 28.

Our town is just 90 kilometers away from the most beautiful beaches. In our August, which corresponds to February in the Northern Hemisphere, the weather is quite hot, and the temperature currently reaches 25 degrees under the bright sun. Brazil is a vast territory where you can find cities that enjoy summer all year round, with temperatures in both water and air hovering around 30 degrees.

People and culture

An equally important aspect of life here is the people. Brazil is known as a country of immigrants, and our interactions with the locals only confirm this. We have never encountered unfriendly attitudes; on the contrary, Brazilians strive to offer help and support.

They are keen to ask foreigners about their impressions of Brazil and why they chose this country to live in. The locals are happy to share their contact information so that foreigners can reach out to them for help if needed. It's also worth noting that Brazilians are very kind to children, always ready to smile and chat with little ones.

In general, the residents of this country value life: they are not in a hurry, always polite, and calmly wait their turn, whether it's at a clinic or in a store. They are known for their relaxed and kind nature, easily dancing or humming melodies in the street, which is completely normal and doesn't embarrass anyone.

Freedom of self-expression

The third important point isfreedom of self-expressionHere you can say anything without fear of negative consequences. An important point is also the high competition among developers. This, in turn, leads to the creation of various amenities in many residential complexes, such as:

  • pools
  • zones for personal events
  • places for barbecues
  • libraries
  • gyms

Usually, each apartment comes with one or two parking spaces included in the price of the property, which is standard practice rather than something exclusive.

Availability of products and services

The fifth aspect is the availability and high quality of food products, including fruits, vegetables, and meat. The price difference compared to Russia is quite noticeable. There are fixed-price stores where you can find fresh products for about 70 cents per kilogram.

The sixth point is the cost of taxis. The prices for services are slightly lower than in Russia, and there is indeed a wide variety of apps for calling a taxi. However, you cannot register a car of a specific class or order a vehicle with a child seat.


When it comes to infrastructure, it's quite difficult to make a general assessment for the entire country, as Brazil has 17 cities with a population of over a million people, and the total number of residents reaches 200 million. Each of these large cities offers its own unique opportunities and living conditions, making the choice diverse for those who want to enjoy everything that Brazilian life has to offer.

Regarding the city of Curitiba, where we live, I can confidently say that maintaining cleanliness and organizing the surrounding space is of great importance here. Residents actively engage in waste separation and create conditions for cyclists by implementing various bike paths and offering bicycle rental services. Curitiba has over thirty well-maintained parks that are picturesque, as well as numerous museums and theaters, making the cultural life of the population extremely vibrant. Notably, there are 56 square meters of green space per resident, while the standard norm is only 9 square meters.

Traffic jams are a rarity in our city, which makes getting around much easier. Moreover, Curitiba attracts well-known musicians like Paul McCartney and the band Evanescence, which certainly delights music fans. Now, let's take a closer look at the prices and expenses associated with living for a family with children. On average, the total expenses for a family amount to approximately $3000 per month.

Prices for technology and online stores

As for the prices of technology, it is worth noting that imported devices are quite expensive due to significant tariffs, which can reach up to 60%. Therefore, we decided to bring our own computers, and whenever someone from our group travels to Russia, we take this opportunity to order the necessary devices. Locals often go on shopping trips to neighboring Paraguay, where they can find electronics at more attractive prices.

Personally, I prefer to order clothes and shoes through platforms like Aliexpress and Shein, as the selection and quality in the stores in my city do not meet my expectations. Even though out of my seventy online orders, four were subject to additional taxes from the Brazilian government, shopping online still remains more cost-effective compared to traditional stores.

Fuel prices and cost of living

In Brazil, the price of gasoline reaches about $1.20 per liter, but ninety percent of cars run on ethanol, which costs around $0.90. Let's take a closer look at the expenses that residents in Curitiba might expect.

Recommended real estate
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When compared to Rio de Janeiro, you can add 50% to these prices, while in smaller cities in the north of the country, costs can decrease by up to 30%.

Housing rental

  • Decent neighborhood: around $500 for a one-bedroom apartment.
  • Apartments with three or four bedrooms: around $1000.
  • A studio without furniture can be found for $200.

Expenses for food and daily needs

The total monthly expenses for food and daily needs can be approximately $300 per person. If you often prefer dining out at restaurants and consuming alcohol, this amount can double. You can reduce costs by excluding seafood, nuts, and other expensive delicacies from your diet.

Utilities and internet

  • Utilities: from $70 to $350 depending on needs.
  • Internet connection: approximately $20.
  • SIM card with reasonable rates: $10.

A hearty lunch in a regular cafeteria can be purchased for $5-7 per person, while a meal in a cozy café will cost around $10-15.

Medical services

  • Veterinary services: ultrasound examination — $40.
  • Dental services: from $25 to $30 for a filling.
  • Doctor's appointment: from free to $120.
  • The cost of medical childbirth: from $0 to $3500.


Taxi within the city will cost you around $2, while a bus ticket is about $1.3. A bus trip to São Paulo will cost between $20 and $30 and will take approximately eight hours.

Education and childcare

  • Kindergarten or school: from $200 to $800 per month.
  • Nanny services: about $700 or $5 per hour for hourly payment.
  • Cleaning a large apartment: about $40.
  • Portuguese language courses: from $0 to $60 per month.
  • Tickets for the concert: for example, Backstreet Boys — about $140.

Spending the weekend at the beach with a large family, renting accommodation and visiting cafes, will cost between $300-500. Thus, living in Curitiba has its own characteristics and expenses that should definitely be taken into account.

The financial situation of families and individuals

Families with children who have spacious housing can expect monthly expenses of around3,000 dollars.In case they chooseprivate educationthis amount may increase to4000 dollars.

For a young couple living independently, the budget is2000 dollarsIt will be quite comfortable, and for one person, it's enough for a comfortable life.1500 dollars.

Wages and the unemployment rate

Professions such asdoctors,teachers,programmersandengineersThey offer stable incomes, although, in general, the average salary in the region is around700 dollarsUnemployment in the country remains at a fairly high level.

Pensions for elderly citizens vary from250to800 dollarsHowever, such amounts are not always paid out.

Demand for specialists

Qualified specialists, such as:

  • doctors
  • educators
  • scientists
  • programmers
  • engineers

can earn from1500to4000 dollarsdepending on their professionalism. Specialists in the field play an important role.information technologies, as their services are in demand. Despite relatively high local salaries, many are eager to improve their knowledge.Englishto have the opportunity to work remotely for American companies, where the income is twice as high as local earnings.

Opening a business

For those looking to start their own business, there are convenient conditions — you can register a small enterprise with just a few clicks on an online platform. The conditions for doing business are quite attractive:

  • There is an opportunity forself-employedto pay a fixed tax in the area20 dollarsper month.
  • If the annual income exceeds16 thousand dollarsyou will need to register a more formal business structure, for example,individual entrepreneurand pay taxes in the amount of about7.5%.

Housing prices and mortgages

Mortgage interest rates depend on the borrower's credit history. Property prices, both for purchase and rent, vary significantly based on location and specific neighborhoods within the city. For example:

  • The cost of housing inRio de JaneiroIt can be compared to Moscow prices.
  • Curitiba shows prices similar toRostov-on-Don.

In Curitiba for160 thousand dollarsYou can purchase a spacious apartment with an area of180-200 square metersequipped with:

  • four bedrooms,
  • four full bathrooms,
  • two parking spaces,
  • a barbecue area on a large balcony.

This property will have basic renovations, including white walls and tiles or laminate flooring.

Residential complexes usually offer amenities for residents:

  • pool,
  • fitness gym,
  • mini football field,
  • a place for public events.

Suburban areas and their offerings

For those considering suburban housing, for an amount of35-40 thousand dollarsIs it possible to purchase a townhouse of a certain size?120-150 square metersin a quiet area that will have:

  • two parking spaces,
  • two or three bedrooms,
  • a small patch of greenery.

The journey to the city center from such a neighborhood will take about30 minutesFor a similar amount, you can also purchase a compact studio with an area of40 square metersin a developing area of the capital, close to the city center, with one parking space for a car.

Features of credit rating

In the local real estate market, it's important to pay attention to some unique features. Every citizen of the country has their own individual credit rating, which can be tracked online. Having delays in loan payments or utility bills negatively affects this indicator. However, the amount of official income also influences the credit rating.

  • The higher your income, the better your rating.

Mortgage in Brazil

In Brazil, people can take out a mortgage on various types of real estate for up to 30 years. The interest rate and terms depend on your credit history. Speaking for myself, as a new resident of this country with a tax number issued about three years ago, I was able to obtain a mortgage at a rate of 9.5%. It is worth noting that with a long-term mortgage of 15-20 years, the monthly payments can even be slightly higher than rent. Generally, the down payment is around 15-20% of the property's value.

Housing rental

As for renting, the requirements from real estate agencies can be quite strict. We reached out to such companies twice: the first time when we had just arrived in the country, just my husband and I, and we were looking for a one-bedroom apartment; and the second time, six months later, when I brought my older children from Russia and was looking for a four-bedroom place.

We found both apartments on the olx website by setting filters to search for offers from owners. Why did we approach the rental search with such care? The thing is, agencies set serious criteria:

  • It is necessary to confirm your income.
  • I need to find a guarantor or arrange for expensive insurance.
  • and also leave a deposit, which can range from 6 to 12 months' rent payments.

This is because if tenants lose their jobs, they cannot always be evicted quickly, and some unscrupulous individuals may occupy someone else's apartment for years without paying.

The rental process

We successfully rented our first apartment thanks to the fact that both of us speak English. The owner, who worked at a Brazilian bank, offered to show us his bank statements. He reviewed our bank documents from the past year and, after confirming our financial stability, that we work remotely and plan to legalize ourselves in Brazil, signed a six-month contract with us without any further questions.The deposit was for three months.and later it was fully returned. The contract was notarized.

Simplifying rental

We found the second apartment much faster, as by that time all members of our family had permanent residency documents. We opened bank accounts in Brazil and had experience with successful rentals. Moreover, I was already able to speak Portuguese. With the new notarial contract, we once again paid a three-month deposit.

Taxation in Brazil

As for taxation in Brazil, there are regulations in place ratesThis means that if you have a sufficiently low income, you may not have to pay any taxes at all. With an income exceeding $5,500, the effective tax rate will be about 24%. Income up to $450 is tax-free, for income up to $750 the rate will be around 3%, up to $1,500 it will be 11%, and for amounts up to $2,000 it will be approximately 15%. If you have dependents, the tax rates will be even more attractive. The data provided takes into account the exchange rate of 1 dollar to 5 Brazilian reals.

General information about the healthcare system in Brazil

In Brazil, there is both a paid and a free healthcare system, and we had the opportunity to use both forms. When there is a need to receive medical care for free, it's important to be prepared to spend some time waiting in line for an initial visit to a general practitioner.

I gave birth in a public hospital, and I only have positive feelings about the medical staff. The main difference between paid and free childbirth is that paid services provide a private room, while in the free system, you have to share the space with 4-6 other women who are also giving birth, and their support is usually men or mothers.

The cost of childbirth on a paid basis varies from2500 to 4000 dollarsincluding amenities such as the choice of doctor and the option to have a cesarean section without prior medical indications. I didn't need that. My husband had a hernia surgery done privately, and it went well, unlike the free option, which would have required a wait of about six months.

We have also consulted paid dentists several times, and the results have been quite favorable. In the field of pediatrics, both paid and free services are available, but the difference lies in how long you have to wait for an appointment.

The quality of school education in Brazil

As for school education in Brazil, its level is often criticized as insufficient. My daughter is finishing elementary school, and I've noticed that children are not required to write in uppercase letters; printed text is quite acceptable. In mathematics, there is a lag: in fifth grade (which corresponds to sixth grade in Russia), they solve simple problems involving the addition of two-digit numbers.

My son is in the eighth grade (which corresponds to the seventh grade by Russian standards). He does well in history and geography, while math and computer science have proven to be more challenging subjects for him.

  • Wealthy families often prefer to educate their children in private schools.
  • Considering that my children's language proficiency is still insufficient, I don't see a strong reason for private tutoring at this moment.
  • The cost of education in a private school will range for parents from200 to 800 dollars a month.

Perhaps in a year, the children's language skills will improve, and then we will pay attention to individual schools.

Banking system and language

It has become possible for tourists to open a bank account in Brazil, but recently the rules have become stricter. Nevertheless, most banks remain open to residents with a residence permit. In Brazil, you can find both modern banks with convenient mobile applications and more traditional state institutions with outdated systems.

We opened our bank account when we were still tourists. To fully integrate into the life of the country, knowledge of the Portuguese language is essential, as English is often not enough.

The situation with the English language is similar in Russia — only about5% of peopleHe speaks it fluently. About30%Russians understand Spanish. Therefore, for comfortable communication, it makes sense to start learning Portuguese, which, fortunately, can be quite accessible for those who already know English.

It is worth noting that Brazilians are happy to support foreigners who are learning their language — they will definitely praise you for your progress and say that you will quickly master Portuguese. Speaking Portuguese is a great way to gain the sympathy of the local people.


In conclusion to my article about life in Brazil, I want to emphasize that this amazing corner of the earth is filled with contrasts and features that should be considered when making a decision to move. As our experience shows, the safety of living in the country depends on the specific region and area. We chose Curitiba, a city that, in terms of ecology and life in general, turned out to be the perfect place for us. There is an atmosphere of friendliness here, but one should not forget the need to exercise caution and attentiveness, especially in crowded and busy places.

Knowledge of the language

Perhaps one of the most important things I've been able to understand during this time is that knowledgePortuguese languageopens new horizons and simplifies interaction with the locals. Many emigrants underestimate this aspect, believing that knowing English will be enough for a comfortable life. However, reality suggests that by mastering the language of the country, you will be able to:

  • Dive deeper into the culture.
  • Make new friends;
  • Much faster to adapt to new conditions.

Competition among developers

The competition among developers in Brazil certainly has its pros and cons. This leads to:

  • The emergence of higher quality housing;
  • Diversity of offerings in the market;
  • But it can also be oppressive.high pricesand the requirements for tenants.

The income taxes that we don't pay up to a certain earnings level create an illusion of prosperity; however, in the end, it is essential to understand and be aware of how the country's financial system operates.


Ultimately, life in Brazil is not just about the challenges of adaptation, but also about the endless opportunities for growth and self-improvement. We continue to explore this magnificent country and enjoy every moment it offers us. With all the warmth and respect for its culture and people, every minute spent here becomes a gift for us. We look to the future with hope and a firm intention to continue our journey here in Brazil.


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