Ilia Real Estate Agency

Ilia Real Estate Agency



Do you invest in real estate in Turkey or Northern Cyprus?We work for you as a realtor company of the world class.Our Principles: Safety and Reliability!!• The world-class real estate company is currently operating in Istanbul!• Call us or text us! Our experts will answer all your questions instantly! We provide free consultations!Our services Legal support of transactions Assessment of the facility Assistance in buying, selling real estate Mortgage assistance Sale of new buildings at the prices of the developer Preparation of sales contracts, donation, agreements Recording of documents Settlement organization Privatization of apartments, rooms, plots, houses Rent rooms, apartments, housesReal estate is a company whose professionalism can be trusted and which can be safely recommended. Therefore, it is a proven company if you need to buy property in Turkey, especially in a new project.• We will also help you obtain Turkish citizenship and residence permit without having to come to Turkey.• In addition, we provide VIP service to our customers and accompany them to meet at the airport in a luxury car, place in a hotel and show the property for purchase.• If necessary, write to us and contact our representatives and they will contact you directly.
