Property Abroad
Activists claim that Indonesian "food estates" do not address food and climate issues.

Activists claim that Indonesian "food estates" do not address food and climate issues.

Activists claim that Indonesian "food estates" do not address food and climate issues.

Are Indonesian food homesteads solving the nation's food crisis?
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Activists, indigenous tribes don't think so.While delegates at COP27, the UN climate change conference being held in Egypt, are discussing the climate crisis, activists in Indonesia are determined not to be left out of the conversation.To protest the clearing of customary land in Kalimantan or Indonesian Kalimantan for "food estates" or industrial farming programs, climate activists in Indonesia unfurled a huge banner in Gunung Mas in Central Kalimantan on November 10, reading "Food Estate - Feeding the Climate Crisis."The activists - members of Greenpeace Indonesia, the Indonesian Environment Forum, the Legal Institute in Palangkarai and the NGO Save Our Borneo - say such homesteads exclude indigenous communities from their own land, fail to produce the promised harvests and worsen the climate crisis.With a pandemic developing globally in early 2020, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization has warned that Covid-19 has the potential to disrupt food supply chains and affect global economies as a result.In response to the warning, Indonesian President Joko Widodo, known as Jokowi, launched a counter-versus food homesteading program that has earmarked millions of hectares of land in Kalimantan and Papua for conversion to agricultural plantings.Much of the industrial agroculture

