Property Abroad
'U.S. investors lead the way in real estate deals in Portugal'

'U.S. investors lead the way in real estate deals in Portugal'

Американские инвесторы лидируют в сделках с недвижимостью в Португалии


In 2022, international funds led real estate transactions in Portugal, accounting for more than 85% of the total. Over the last decade, conditions have developed that have led international funds to invest heavily in the Portuguese real estate market. This is why they led the way in real estate transactions in 2022.

At the top of the list are investors from the United States, a country that has been at the center of the financial crisis. Attractive real estate prices in Portugal, combined with the high liquidity of the market, prompted foreign funds to actively invest in real estate in our country.

Recommended real estate
Купить flat в Portugal 530000€

Sale flat in Funchal 577 111,00 $

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126 м²

Купить house в Portugal 2000000€

Sale house in Lagoa 2 177 777,00 $

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Купить house в Portugal 941692£

Sale house in Porto 1 203 273,00 $

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Купить villa в Portugal 2280000€

Sale villa in Sinalunga 2 482 666,00 $

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Купить flat в Portugal 1200000€

Sale flat in Lisbon 1 306 666,00 $

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Купить other properties в Portugal 1330000€

Sale other properties in Lisbon 1 448 222,00 $

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They have invested so much that, according to Nuno Nunes, responsible for capital investments at CBRE,'''real estate funds have a dominant market share in the Portuguese market,'' which, according to the newspaper Jornal de Negócios, is expected to exceed 85% in recent years.

In fact, it is not known exactly how many funds are investing in the Portuguese real estate market, for several reasons, points out the same newspaper: there are many foreign investors (without public data to know); investments are made through complex companies, it is difficult to determine who was responsible for them (whether they are funds or other investment organizations). However, market experts have no doubt that foreigners - whether funds, management companies or other entities - controlled real estate operations in our country in 2022, according to the same publication.

I, in'In particular, American investors are in first place, having invested a billion euros in the market (approximately 37% of the total). The list of the largest investors in the national real estate market is headed by Blackstone, which acquired the Connect portfolio from Novo Banco for 208 million euros and the Bond portfolio from M7 for 125 million. The largest transaction in the history of the Portuguese real estate market, the purchase of the Crow project for 800 million euros, was made by the American fund Davidson Kempner.

