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BBK Art Research Fellowships of the Museum of Fine Arts Bilbao

BBK Art Research Fellowships of the Museum of Fine Arts Bilbao

ББК стипендии художественных исследований Музея изящных искусств Бильбао
The BBK Foundation Bank and the Museum of Fine Arts in Bilbao announce a call for two scholarships that aim to support research into the museum's collections and studies of Vasquez art.

The conditions of the BBK - Museum of Fine Arts in Bilbao scholarships:

1. Candidacy.

The scholarships are open to all persons born or residing in any country of the European Union and who have provided the necessary documents.

2. Deadlines

Fellowships are awarded for a maximum period of one year with the possibility of extension if the study requires it.

3. Funding

A monthly payment of €1000 is established, which will be''to be made each quarter after approval of progress, in accordance with clause 9.6 of these terms and conditions by BBK Stock Bank and the Museum of Fine Arts in Bilbao.

4. Documentation

The following original documents or officially certified copies must be submitted:

  • The completed application form attached to these terms and conditions.
  • Applicant's CV.
  • Description of the proposed research including project description, objectives, methodology and timeline (maximum length of 1000 words). The absence of this document will be grounds for exclusion, without possibility of correction, from the submission deadline.
  • Letter from a person professionally affiliated with the university or institution,''engaged in research, culture or museum, with the exception of employees of the Museum of Fine Arts in Bilbao, consistent with custody of the project.
  • Academic dossier and an official bachelor's or master's degree in art history, geography and history, humanities or visual arts. Not only academic achievements as required for the scholarship, but also other additional higher education, as well as participation in activities related to the proposed research and knowledge of the official languages of the Basque country will be evaluated.
5. Submission of applications

The required documents must be submitted by November 24, 2023 at the Museum of Fine Arts in''Bilbao (in person at the Museum's offices, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.; by e-mail to [email protected]; or by mail to: Museum of Fine Arts Bilbao, Archives, Museo Plaza, 2, 48009 Bilbao).

All applications submitted after the deadline or meeting the requirements specified in paragraph 4 of these conditions will be rejected.

All applications submitted after the deadline or that do not comply with the requirements specified in paragraph 4 of these conditions will be rejected.

The final list of accepted and rejected applications will be published on the museum's website (here) on November 30.

Rejected applications will have 10 working days, beginning the day after the decision is published, to submit missing documents.

6. Assessment and Decision

6.1 An Examination and Evaluation Commission will be established to conduct a final evaluation and''choice and will report on the proposed decision to award the scholarships.

The Commission will be chaired by the Director of the Museum, Miguel Sugaza Miranda, or a person to whom he delegates authority, and will be composed of Miriam Alzuri Milanes, Javier Novo González and José Luis Merino Gorospe, with Mikel Urizar Bernaola as secretary.

The committee will evaluate the accepted applications with a maximum score of 60, taking into account the following steps:

  • First stage: merit assessment (up to 30 points).
    • Academic merit (up to 5 points): doctoral degree, postgraduate education, publications, seminars or courses.
    • Professional achievements (up to 5 points): practice in museum, educational and cultural institutions, professional'. 'experience.
    • Project (up to 20 points): the interest of the proposed topic in relation to the needs and interests of the museum (up to 10 points); the clarity and rigor of the presentation of arguments, goals and resources; and the timetable for the work (up to 10 points).
  • To progress to the second stage, a minimum of 15 points must be achieved in the first stage.
  • Second stage: interview (up to 30 points). Consideration will be given to the defense of the CV, relevance to the research trajectory, motivation, defense of the project, ability of compression and structuring, and knowledge of the proposed topic.

6.2 The Commission may invite applicants for any clarifications during the selection process.

6.3 The Commission will announce its decision on December 20, 2023, which will be communicated by email and published on the website''museum (here).


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Indivisibility and incompatibility of scholarships

7.1 Scholarships are indivisible and are awarded to individuals participating individually.

7.2 They are incompatible with concurrent participation in any other scholarship.

8. Copyright of works

8.1 Copyright in works belongs to their authors, but they may not publish or exhibit them without the permission of the BBK Stock Bank and the Museum of Fine Arts in Bilbao.

8.2 The publication or exhibition of works must be accompanied by a mention of the scholarship.

8.3 The BBK Foundation Bank and the Bilbao Museum of Fine Arts reserve the right to publish works of any nature, in whole or in part, in advance''having advised the authors of the exercise of such right. They also retain the right to make works available to the public in the libraries of their respective buildings.

9. Duties of Fellows

9.1 Comply with all rules set forth in this announcement.

9.2 Notify in writing upon official notification of acceptance of the scholarship (in person at the museum offices, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.; by e-mail to [email protected]; or by mail to the Bilbao Museum of Fine Arts, Archives, Museo Plaza, 2, 48009 Bilbao.

9.3 Begin use of the Fellowship as of January 1, 2024, with no previous commitments or current or future projects interfering with the smooth implementation'

9.4 Perform work strictly in accordance with the submitted project.

9.4 Perform the work strictly in accordance with the submitted project.

9.5 Provide BBK Stock Bank and the Bilbao Museum of Fine Arts with notes, interim results and results of work already completed at any time.

9.6 Every three months from the start of the Fellowship, provide the Museum of Fine Arts Bilbao with a sufficient progressive statement or report in duplicate on the work completed in the relevant quarter. Failure to submit such a report will result in an automatic suspension of the upcoming payments established in paragraph 3. The Museum may summon persons who have received the stipend to obtain clarification of the work.

9.7 Po'. 'At the end of the fellowship, the last quarterly report will be replaced by a final paper typed on a double-spaced typewriter, numbered consecutively, and stapled.

10. Incidents

10.1 The BBK Stock Bank and the Museum of Fine Arts in Bilbao may resolve, without the possibility of appeal, any incidents arising from the execution of this announcement and in the course of work.

10.2 The Study and Evaluation Commission may declare invalid, in whole or in part, the awarding of these scholarships.

Further information: Mikel Urizar, Head of Archives and Documentation, tel. 94 439 60 60, [email protected]. See here our list of the most recently published applications in the categories 'Fine Arts,''audiovisual and photography'! Or you can go to the main page of our Applications section.


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