Property Abroad
The future of real estate mediation is being discussed in Lisbon this Friday.

The future of real estate mediation is being discussed in Lisbon this Friday.

Будущее посредничества в сфере недвижимости обсуждается в Лиссабоне в эту пятницу.

The real estate industry is constantly changing, especially the brokerage segment, and needs to adapt to new times and technologies as well as the complexities of the situation. All these challenges will be discussed at the conference "Real Estate Going into the Future!" which will take place this Friday (December 15, 2023) at Art's Business and Hotel Centre, in Lisbon (in the Parque das Nações area), from 14:00 to 18:00. This event is organized by Principal Star Real Estate and the media partner is Idealistic Media Group.

The conference will bring together renowned professionals from the Portuguese and international real estate markets to discuss the trends that will define the industry in the coming years. Artificial intelligence, future technologies, the market, the client or consumer and real estate intermediation itself will be major themes

-Says Luiz Filipe Janeira, CEO of Principal Star, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary in Portugal.

The principal, who was a 2021 board member of the National Association of Realtors (NAR) for Western Europe representation, promises to share with conference co-panelists his visions for the future of the industry, especially focusing on real estate intermediation models, synergies and future collaboration.

"I believe that real estate intermediation is changing rapidly and it is important to be prepared for these changes. Technology is one of the major trends that will define the industry in the coming years. Artificial intelligence, for example, has the potential to automate tasks, improve the efficiency and accuracy of processes, and customize customer interactions.

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However, technology is not everything; human relationships remain important to the success of real estate brokerage. Mediators must be able to build trust with clients and understand their needs

- he comments.

Technology and human relations in symbiosis

According to Luis Filipe Janeira, who will be one of the speakers at the conference, as well as Joao Braz, head of idealista/data Portugal, the future of real estate intermediation depends on the combination of technology and human relations: "Real estate intermediaries must be able to use technology to increase efficiency and productivity, but must also be able to build trusting relationships with clients. "

"I believe collaboration is another important trend that will define the industry in the coming years. Real estate intermediaries must be willing to collaborate with other industry professionals such as lawyers, engineers, architects, etc., enabling them to offer a more comprehensive and personalized service to clients.

- he adds.

The future of real estate intermediation is undeniably bright, and the industry has the potential to grow and develop further if professionals are prepared for the changes that are taking place, according to Principal Star's head. "This conference is a unique opportunity to learn about the trends that will shape the industry in the coming years and prepare for success," concludes Luis Filipe Janeira.
