Property Abroad
Man arrested in connection with real estate explosion

Man arrested in connection with real estate explosion

A store owned by O.O. (E-46), in Haspolata yesterday at about 09:30 hours, one submachine gun was seized and O.O. was arrested.

A fight broke out between P.U.C. (E-23) and C.J.F.T. in Gazimagus around 19:00 yesterday, during which P.U.C. attacked C.J.F.T. with a knife, injuring D.L.B., who tried to separate the two and sustained injuries on his right arm. After treatment at the Gazimagus State Hospital, D.L.B. was discharged and P.U.C. was arrested.

In Bogazkoye, D.M.D. (E-19) was searched by officers of the Drug and Contraband Prevention Office yesterday around 6:30 p.m. after he was seen looking suspicious and as a result of the search, approximately 20 grams of a drug suspected to be marijuana (skunk) was seized.

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D.M.D. was arrested.

A man has been arrested in Lefkosh,''who had issued a traffic ticket in the name of another person. According to the police press office, a police officer stopped the driver of a K.T.G. car (E-31) on Cemal Gursel Street at 8:30 p.m. on Sept. 9 during a traffic check. The driver was fined for driving without documents, but he claimed that he forgot his driver's license and presented another person's data to the police, committing forgery. K.T.G. was arrested.

In Güzelürt yesterday, M.M. (E-31) broke into a house through the bathroom window and stole 1,000 Turkish Liras inside. After receiving information about the incident, police identified and detained the suspect.

A fire that broke out at about 3:30pm yesterday in one of the fields in Akowa due to unknown causes, approximately 53 acres of the field''burnt out. The fire was extinguished by firefighters and the investigation is ongoing.




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