Property Abroad
'House prices are at a high level, the Portuguese are active buyers.'

'House prices are at a high level, the Portuguese are active buyers.'

'statistics (INE), despite a slowdown at the end of the year.

I Portuguese are the main participants in real estate purchases in Portugal in 2022, although foreigners are increasingly active in purchasing residential properties in Portugal (and spending much more money on transactions), with their share of home purchases in Portugal never before as large as it was last year. The latest INE data, published on Wednesday, March 22, leaves no room for doubt: despite all the economic and financial instability, the Portuguese continue to be the most active buyers of real estate in our country, and it is the families living in the national territory that are the main contributors to record sales in 2022''year.

For more information:

Portuguese people bought 157,178 dwellings last year (93.6% of the total number of transactions), which generated a turnover of €28.2 billion (89% of the total). And in 2022, most home purchases by Portuguese people were made in Greater Lisbon, in the north and center of the country, statistics show.

Foreigners were more active in the residential real estate market last year, starting to overtake the Portuguese. While the number of transactions completed by Portuguese grew by just 0.3% in 2022 compared to the previous year, transactions completed by foreigners rose by 20.2% over the period, totaling 10,722 residential units - representing 11.4% of total sales, the highest since the start of keeping''INE statistics. It is also worth noting that the value of residential sales made by foreigners rose by 25% in just one year, to 3.6 billion euros.

These figures show that foreigners tend to buy much more expensive homes than the Portuguese, especially preferring luxury homes. It is buyers living outside the European Union (EU) who buy homes in Portugal at higher prices, paying an average of €406,267 - twice as much as the Portuguese. They are followed by buyers residing in the EU, who on average pay €279,063 per home (+56% compared to the Portuguese). Portuguese on average buy homes for 179,201 euros, INE data for 2022 shows.

This means that both Portuguese and foreigners have contributed''s real estate market development in 2022, which reached historic sales.

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But the data also indicates that the effects of the war in Ukraine, rising interest rates and inflation began to be felt at the end of the year, leading to a decline in the number of transactions and the amount in all fiscal households of buyers (both local and foreign) - the most significant decline was recorded among buyers from outside Europe. One in four homes sold in the Algarve is bought by foreigners.

Of the total number of transactions completed by foreign buyers in 2022 - that is, 10,722 transactions - around 36.9% were for homes located in the Algarve. However, this was the lowest figure since the data series began in 2019. Top 3 preferred regions for''home purchases by foreigners in Portugal include the Lisbon Agglomeration, which accounts for 20.1% of all transactions, and the Central Region (19.4%).

It is therefore in the Algarve residential real estate market where the largest amount of foreign money was spent, with 44.9% of the €3.6 billion spent by buyers with a fiscal address outside the national territory. This is followed by the Lisbon Agglomeration (31.6%) and the Center (8.9%). INE data show that the dynamics of foreigners in the Portuguese residential real estate market is uneven and has different weight in different regions. And it is in the Algarve that the activity of these buyers is felt the most. Buyers with foreign nationality (EU and non-EU) represent 26.2% of the 15,123 homes sold in the Algarve region in 2022''turnover in the residential real estate market in the north.

