Property Abroad
House prices in Belgium will fall due to lower demand

House prices in Belgium will fall due to lower demand

Цены на жилье в Бельгии будут падать из-за снижения спроса
the measures taken by regulators to prevent real estate risks. This means that buyers must have higher levels of equity and must pass a more stringent credit check before obtaining a mortgage loan. More home equity among buyers means they have a greater incentive to hold on to a higher home price to preserve their investment.Second, the Belgian real estate market is characterized by a high degree of regulation and taxation. For example, property owners are required to pay property taxes (called "land taxes"), which depend on the assessed value of their property.
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This creates additional costs for owners, which may deter them from selling at a lower price.Finally, the Belgian real estate market also has a well-developed market infrastructure, including real estate agencies, notaries and other professional services that provide transparency and certainty in transactions. It also contributes to the stability of house prices.Overall, although demand for mortgages in Belgium has fallen to a low level, house prices are still holding up well. However, we expect prices to begin to decline in the second half of the year, especially with the potential increase in interest rates and longer sales terms. The Belgian real estate market is characterized by high stability but can be subject to fluctuations during periods of economic uncertainty.
