Property Abroad
Thursday: Pachelbel's salmon in the headlines.

Thursday: Pachelbel's salmon in the headlines.

Thursday: Pachelbel's salmon in the headlines.

On Thursday in the headlines: Pachelbel's Salmon. Since October 7, Israeli attacks on Gaza have claimed the lives of at least 32,490 Palestinians, and another 74,889 have been injured. / Al Jazeera

Following the American reporters, the artistic editor of The Wall Street Journal, Ivan Gershkovich, has been detained in Russia. Other journalists are sharing their experiences of the arrest.

A Kremlin representative stated that negotiations for the release of Gershkovich "should be conducted in complete silence." / Reuters

The head of the firm, Sam Bankman-Fried, received 25 years in prison for conspiracy and fraud. / The Verge

The first nuclear power plant in the U.S. has opened in Michigan after a complete shutdown. / Semafor

The original name Wi-Fi does not mean "wireless fidelity"; it was coined by the same marketing company that came up with "Prozac." / Gizmodo

Why do the same businesses open one after another in African cities? Because it creates an informal social system. / The Conversation

A quarter of Paris residents live in public housing. "An aggressive policy aimed at retaining the middle and lower-income population and small businesses in the heart of the city." / The New York Times [+]

Hotels are refusing room service and offering simple ways to get takeout food. / The Wall Street Journal [+]

"The higher the density of the threads, the stronger the fabric is." One of the reasons to buy expensive sheets? In case of necessity, they can help you escape. / The Art of Manliness

An overview of contemporary artists reviving Impressionism. / artsy

Academician Toni Morrison sends rejection letters when he was a book editor. "It's just not interesting enough." / The Los Angeles Review of Books

Also see: Publishers are sticking fake Vincent van Gogh paintings on book covers. Donald Judd is suing Kim Kardashian for "false advertising." / The Art Newspaper, dezeen

The stage of the championship in the book tournament starts today, April 7th. Field Notes, The ToB

Today's Friday headlines: Nobel refusals. Hello. Due to the work required to create the Book Tournament, we have decided to take a week off and get some sleep. See you on April 8th. / The Wall Street Journal

With Evan Gershkovich from The Wall Street Journal, who has been detained in Russia for a year, other journalists explain how they managed to survive imprisonment.

The Kremlin spokesperson says that negotiations for the release of Gershkovich "should be conducted in complete silence." / Reuters

Bankman-Fried faces 25 years in prison for conspiracy and fraud. / The Verge

In Michigan, the first nuclear power plant in the U.S. will reopen after a complete shutdown. / Semafor

It turns out that Wi-Fi is not an abbreviation for "wireless fidelity" - the name was created by the same marketing company that came up with "Prozac." / Gizmodo

Why do similar businesses open next to each other in African cities? Because it creates an informal community system. / The Conversation

A quarter of Paris residents live in public housing — this is "an aggressive company that helps middle- and low-income residents and small businesses stay in the heart of the city." / The New York Times [+]

Hotel rooms have stopped serving their guests and offering ways to receive ordered food. / The Wall Street Journal [+]

“The increase in three-ply means an increase in the strength of the threads.” Another reason to invest in expensive sheets: in case you need to make a quick escape. / The Art of Manliness

An overview of contemporary artists reviving Impressionism. / artsy

A review of rejection letters written by Toni Morrison when she was an editor.

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"Just not interesting enough." / The Los Angeles Review of Books

See also: Publishers are placing fake Van Gogh paintings on the covers of their books. The Donald Judd Foundation is suing Kim Kardashian for "false endorsement." / The Art Newspaper, dezeen

The final round of the Book Tournament will take place today, starting from April 8th, featuring Field Notes, and we will find out who takes the victory! / Field Notes, The ToB

Headlines on Thursday: Nobel Rejections Hello. Due to the work required to create the Book Tournament, we have decided to take a week off and get some sleep. See you on April 8th. / The Wall Street Journal

With Evan Gershkovich from The Wall Street Journal, who has been detained in Russia for a year, other journalists explain how they managed to survive imprisonment.

The Kremlin spokesperson says that negotiations for the release of Gershkovich "should be conducted in complete silence." / Reuters

Sam Bankman-Fried is sentenced to 25 years in prison for conspiracy and fraud. / The Verge

In Michigan, the first nuclear power plant in the U.S. will reopen after a complete shutdown. / Semafor

It turns out that Wi-Fi is not an abbreviation for "wireless fidelity" - the name was created by the same marketing company that came up with "Prozac." / Gizmodo

Why do similar businesses open next to each other in African cities? Because it creates an informal community system. / The Conversation

A quarter of Paris residents live in public housing — this is an "aggressive effort aimed at preserving middle and low-income residents and small business owners in the heart of the city." / The New York Times [+]

Hotel owners in California can hire a "tenant hunter" to fill their homes with unbearable living conditions for people on their property. / CBS News

The Arabic word "shahid," which translates to "martyr," is the most frequently corrected word on Facebook.

It seems that people are not swearing any more often than before, but they are likely just swearing differently than they used to. / Vox

Richard Serra, known for his monumental steel artworks, has passed away from pneumonia at the age of 85.

Since February of this year, instructions on how to send letters to the fan of the "Mona Lisa" have been published on paper.

Anna Kornbluh: We have lost the future, and instead of playing with the past, our dominant aesthetic style amplifies the present. / Jacobin

Joanna Kavenna: I've always loved salmon because salmon jumps, and no one knows why. / The Paris Review

Headlines today - Nobel Rejections Hello. Due to the work being done this month for the Book Tournament, we will take a week off and have a break. See you on April 8th. / The Wall Street Journal

Other journalists are explaining to Ivan Gershkovich, the Wall Street Journal reporter who has been detained in Russia for a year, how they managed to survive their arrests.

A Kremlin representative states that negotiations for the release of Gershkovich "must be conducted in complete secrecy." / Reuters

Due to conspiracy and fraud, Sam Bankman-Fried was sentenced to 25 years in prison. / Verg

The oil power plant in the state of Michigan will be the first to resume operations after a complete shutdown. / SemaFor

"'Wi-Fi' turned out not to be an abbreviation for 'wireless fidelity' — it's a name created by the same marketing company that came up with 'Prozac.' / Gizmodo

He says that even though it may not be obvious, people swear just as much as they usually do. It's just that "they swear differently than before." / Vox

The Arabic word "shahid," which translates to "martyr," is most responsible for the removal of content on Facebook. / the rest of the world

The www-Facebook has the largest share of removed content, syllable by syllable. Police officer Ivan Gershkovitch from the Wall Street Journal is now being held in Russia for eleven days, while other journalists explain how they dealt with arrests. / Reuters A spokesperson for the Kremlin says that negotiations for an agreement on the release of the detainee "must be conducted quietly." / Reuters Sam Bankman-Fried receives 25 years in prison for conspiracy and fraud. / the Verge A nuclear power plant in Michigan will be the first in the USA to reopen after a complete shutdown. / Semafor "WLAN" is not an abbreviation for "wireless prosperity." The name was invented by the same marketing company that also came up with "Prozac." / Gizmodo It seems that people do not swear more than before, but they probably do not swear the same way anymore. Instead, "they swear differently than before." / Vox The Arabic word "shahid," which means "martyr," causes more content deletions on Facebook than any other word. / Rest of the World That's it..

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