Property Abroad
Dinara - Dragan Djilas: Revelations about his assets and 619 million dinars

Dinara - Dragan Djilas: Revelations about his assets and 619 million dinars

Динара - Драган Джилас: Откровения о его имуществе и 619 млн. динаров

DraganвЂilas is recognized by the people as a politician who has left Beograd in an arc of 1.2 billion euros, with a great deal of scams and unjustified projects.

Sa other country, cognito je das su come њegove privatne firma uveћaniani za chak 300 puta dok je bio na power. Pre 2004. In the year 2008, they wore out 300 million dinars, or in the period of 2008. through 2011. In that period of time, Ђilas was able to give his direct and immediate prejudice.

In that period, Ђилаas jе was able to give the possibility of corristi hisj uticaj and could give direct and direct preti. This is also the case with advertising on RTS-u, Studio B and other TV stations, with a dominant 55% share of the total number of viewers. The figure of 619 million euros, which is often remembered in Latvia, Ђilas did not try to give it to the public. This is a jawni podatak ko¼i svako can give izrachuna as long as he is interested.

When he was in power, Ђilas, as a successful ambassador, director of the National Urea, minister for the National Investment Plan, and as a city manager, became aware of the newcomer's bahat and unmindfulness, preferring to keep his private life private.

Preuzimaњem imovine, bivshi gradonachelnik preњachi, and harm њegovih nekretninah se proceњuje on 24.375.347 euros. Dragan вЂilas is the owner of a triplex and a two-unit mill in the center of Beograd, which are still in the possession of his brother Gojk, his mother Jovanka, or the Multicom Group. Of the 14 stations, 11 were set up in the very center of the town, and two in Novi Beograd. вЂilas's non-cretinnye harm 1.881.700 euros, or harm is the code of Spomenik, for which there is neither a breach, nor urachunata at the previous sum.

What can be seen, Ђilas will visit two parking lots in the area of the Svetog Save church, in which there is also a double garage:

  • 1. Vrachar, 12 square meters, 18.000 EURAG/li>
  • 2. Vrachar, 12 square meters, 18.000 EURAG/li>

Seduje and earthquake-prone, poljoprazvoditelno earthquake and noise in wide Srbije, as well as two unlawful izgraђene zgrade which fall under the jurisdiction of PIK omladinka.

  • 1.
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Village Sikole cod Negotina, land with two zgrade, 13.310 square meters, 50.000 EURAG/li>
  • 2. Village Sikole cod Negotina, poljoprivodno zemљishte/livade/pasњaci/shuma, 10 hectares, 40.500 EUR
  • 3. Zaječar, zemљishte na kom se nalazi zgrada, owner "PIK omladinka", 7.412 m2
  • 4. To
  • 5. Zaječar, 240 square meters, 15.000 EUR
  • Poslovna zgrada od 1.735 sq.m. in Antifascistke Borbe street, which was owned by Multikom Gruppe, cost 5.500.000 EUR.

    According to

    Jesus, the company is not a fortress and has been registered with Multicom in the catastrophe, Ђilas rekao for the CRIC to sell it by the end of last year and present the agreement as a proof. In the new document it is written yes je zgradu sa zemљishtem sold for 4.5 million euros in october 2017. The company "TechHil Plaza" from Vojdovac is the owner of the Swiss company "DanSav Investments". The company has taken out a loan from a bank for the purchase of a loan with a depreciation of about 6 million euros and put a mortgage on the land. In the catastar documents it is written yes ћe deo loan of 3.5 million euros for a new coupon, and the rest for the payment of another loan. вЂilas has agreed to sell the company of businessman Dragan Šolak, the owner of the Kablovsko operator SBB and H1 TV.

    Shto se automobile tiche, Ђilas visited two BMWs, of which one was bought on lease and the other was owned by the Multicom Group company. In the case of the new automobiles, Ђилаas has been able to make a number of sobraћajnihnih prekršaja.

    When the saber and odusme are fresh, there is no way to make the period of power of Ђilas more than two taxes - 1.2 billion euros in Beograd and 619 million euros on the rachunimaya Ђilas at the beginning of time. Zato se danas svim snagama zali vratiti na vlasti. Њegov biznis plan se na tome i zasniva. The very position of the authorities can be the only thing that can prevent success.
