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'Farrah Fossett didn't want to be next to O'\'Neill in the funeral ceremony - and their son didn't go to the funeral.'

'Farrah Fossett didn't want to be next to O'\'Neill in the funeral ceremony - and their son didn't go to the funeral.'


Фарра Фоссетт не хотела быть рядом с О'Нилом в похоронной церемонии - и их сын не пошел на похороны.

Three of Ryan O'\''Neal's four children were missing from the star's modest memorial service and funeral at the age of 82, as well as his longtime sweetheart Farrah Fawcett, and one of his sons says he wasn't even invited to the ceremony.

"I wasn't even invited by wire," Griffin O'\''Neal told the Post. "I am the hated son who told the truth. Dark times in this family. Love means never saying sorry, and Ryan has never said that to anyone. "

50-year-old Griffin, the younger brother of actress Tatum O'\'Neal, Ryan's two children with first wife Joanna Moore, says he drove 3,200 kilometers from his current home in Houston, Texas, last week, only to be told that the memorial service would only be at the''the week after Christmas. Then it was held on Saturday.

Ryan O'\''Neal died Dec. 8 of congestive heart failure.

He also battled leukemia and prostate cancer. Patrick O'\''Neal, a 56-year-old LA sports commentator who recently befriended his father, organized the service, which was attended by only about 25 people, including Patrick's mother, actress Leigh Taylor-Young, 78, Ryan's second wife.

Griffin said he hasn't spoken to his father in 17 years - after the two dealt with a fight at Ryan's Malibu mansion in 2007. Griffin allegedly swung a mantelpiece at his father, and Ryan aimed a gun at him. Griffin also said that neither Tatum nor their half-brother Redmond, 38, who is in custody at a state hospital in''California, were not seen at the event.

Griffin, who had a career as an actor decades ago, has had a drug problem himself, as well as a stigma with the law - including a stint in jail in 2011 for colliding with another car while drunk. He claims to be sober now.

Redmond wore armbands to his mother's bedside as she was dying and also wore armbands to Fawcett's funeral. Tatum did not return a call from the Post, and Redmond's guardian, Mela Murphy, Farrah Fawcett's former hairdresser, threatened a lawsuit against the Post reporter before saying she could not comment and hung up.

Redmond, who was once called a "poor, stupid boy" by his father in an interview with Vanity Fair, is now in''s Patton Psychiatric Hospital in San Bernardino, where he was sent in 2019 after being deemed unfit to stand trial on attempted murder and drug charges.

While Redmond was previously considered the primary heir to his father's estimated $30 million fortune, including a five-million-dollar Malibu beachfront home that Ryan bought in 1976 for $151,000 and an Andy Warhol portrait of Farr that he fought over, two sources familiar with the situation say the will has likely been changed and Patrick will become the primary heir.

"I wish them all the best," Griffin O'\'Neal said. "But Ryan wasn't the easiest dad. He was stubborn. In all these years, he never once reached out." Ryan''has always had issues with all of his children. Tatum had a hostile relationship with him for about 20 years before trying to reconcile - to some extent - after Fawcett died of anal cancer in 2009 - and starred together in a violent and explicit 2011 reality show called "Ryan & Tatum: O'\''Neals" on Oprah Winfrey's OWN television network. Tatum starred with her father in the 1973 movie "Moon Paper" and won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, but she had serious drug problems for many years. She briefly lost custody of her three children with tennis player John McEnroe because of it. Drug poisoning caused Tatum to suffer a stroke in 2020, but she has been reunited with her father twice since, including visiting him in Malibu''s guts, they say she never wanted to be buried in Los Angeles. She wanted, two of her friends told The Post, to be cremated like her mother Pauline. She wanted their ashes returned to their native Texas. "She never wanted a funeral or a memorial where people could look at her," said Greg Lott, her University of Texas student who left with the call. "Ryan created this narrative like it was a great love story, and he (Ryan and his lawyers) took control of her life in the end by putting her to sleep and forging documents. "

Although Ryan and Farrah were one of Hollywood's most powerful couples in the 1980s and 1990s, their golden charm was long lost at the time of her death, they say. Lott and others say O'\''Neal, whose'''s temper and violence overshadowed his long acting career, manipulated his relationship with Fawcett in the last years of her life, especially when she passed away, to give the impression that they shared a love adventure for the ages, a saga echoing the plot of his most famous film, 1970's Love Story.

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O'\''Neal even lied about having a colostomy, in part to preserve his own reputation as the golden girl lover of the 1980s, whose 1976 swimsuit poster is one of the most famous in history, according to Craig Nevius, Farrah's friend and producer of the 2005 reality show "Chasing Farrah" and the 2009 documentary about her battle with cancer, "Farrah's Story. "

"He has denied millions of people suffering from the stigma of colostomy use,'''from them finding out that Farrah also had it,' Nevius told The Post." "His ego couldn't handle someone finding out. He wanted to preserve her image as the perfect poster girl. "

Nevius also said O'\''Neal and his team took advantage of Fawcett when her illness worsened, isolating her in her condo on Wilshire Boulevard and convincing her to sign documents that were not in her best interest. "I don't think he had the right to decide that she was going to be buried and then he was with her - but that's clearly what he did," Nevius said. "It was so strange to see her name at the top of that big tombstone and nothing at all at the bottom. My guess is that his name will be up there soon with the words 'Love Story' on it." O'\''Neil also fought Nevius over the movie 'History'. 'Farrah', eventually taking it away from him and reshooting most of the footage to make sure he was prominent in it. Nevius said O'\''Neil also threatened him, saying: "I'm going to kill you with Farrah, and then I'm going to kill you in real life. "

Nevius and others say Farrah didn't have the same feelings for Ryan after she caught him in infidelity at his Malibu home with actress Leslie Stefanson in 1997 and broke up with him. "Despite what was said, they weren't really together in the last years of her life," Nevius told The Post. "He was like an ex-husband. He was there for her. She was basically attached to him because of her son. "

Alana Stewart, 78, Rod's ex-wife and Farrah's friend for many years, strongly denied the allegations in''O'\'Neal's address that he took advantage of Farrah or made their relationship more than it was. "He and Farrah genuinely loved each other," Stewart told The Post. "She died in his arms, and she was there for him when he had blood cancer. I saw their love as this big love story. Of course, it had its dark moments. He could be testy. But Ryan could also be the kindest, most generous, funny guy in the world.".

Stewart dismissed "incredulity" as "people who never really knew Ryan".

Patrick, the only one of the late Hollywood star's children from the day before yesterday with whom he had normal interactions in recent years, sounded a lot like his stubborn father when he warned the world "not to talk shit" about him. "If you choose to talk''shit about me dad, even though you have no idea what you are talking about, you will be challenged to a duel. If you go down that path, I recommend you take a good look at yourself in the mirror first," Patrick, a longtime sports commentator who is currently the play-by-play commentator for the Los Angeles Angels, wrote on Instagram.

And as promised, a couple days later, Patrick sounded off on a CBS reporter who aired a lewd piece about Ryan, which Patrick found offensive. [...]

