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IBM-Pass Partner invests in upgrades in Singapore, seeks to establish a major office in Asia.

IBM-Pass Partner invests in upgrades in Singapore, seeks to establish a major office in Asia.

ИБМ-Пас Партнер вкладывает средства в обновление в Сингапуре, стремится создать крупный офис в Азии.

ebm-papst, a leading fan and motor manufacturer headquartered in Mulheim-Kenn, Germany, plans to invest around €1 million to expand and modernize its subsidiary in Singapore. Previously a regional office for Southeast Asia, it will now become a key branch office for the entire Asia-Pacific and East Asia.

The ebm-papst Group's strategy includes strengthening its base in the Asia-Pacific and East Asia Region and increasing the flexibility of its supply chain. ebm-papst already has more than 2,000 employees in China and they are increasingly focusing on the Chinese market and local customers. At the end of November, the company held the opening of its new office and warehouse in Singapore, which was attended not only by employees and customers, but also by Dr. Klaus Geisder, CEO of the ebm-papst Group, and Thomas Nernberger, Chief Technical Officer of Air Technology for Asia-Pacific.

"As a technology leader, we want to capitalize on our marketing potential in the Asia-Pacific and East Asia region, so we are applying the concept of 'globalization-localization.' We want to continue to grow our business in Europe, the Americas, and Asia Pacific, including China. Strengthening our presence in Singapore is an important step for us. This country is a leader in digital technology and sustainability, as well as a hub for the entire Asia-Pacific region," said Dr.

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The ebm-papst company continues to invest in expanding its business in China while also planning to increase production in India. In addition, the company has plans to invest in Singapore. As part of the renovation of its Singapore branch office, the fan manufacturer is creating a new workspace for its Asia-Pacific regional leadership, upgrading existing office space and warehouses, and building a future-focused applications lab, including a customer experience center.

ebm-papst is one of the leading companies in the energy-saving products industry and develops optimal and innovative solutions in ventilation and cooling, heating systems, digital technology, electronics and aerodynamics. In fiscal year 2020/2021, the ebm-papst Group achieved revenues of €2.54 billion and employs around 15,000 people in 30 production plants worldwide, including Germany, China and the United States, as well as 50 sales offices. They are leading manufacturers in many areas including ventilation, control and cooling, heating, information technology, mechanical, electronics and medical technical equipment. The company has been committed to developing new technologies for ventilation and cooling for decades. They also actively work to create sustainable and effective solutions that align with the company's strategy on environmental, social and corporate issues.



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