Property Abroad
'Foreign buyers are still looking for real estate loans.'

'Foreign buyers are still looking for real estate loans.'

Иностранные покупатели все еще ищут кредиты на недвижимость.


Which countries are showing the most interest in obtaining mortgages in Portugal? Buyers from the UK and Brazil are the ones most interested in financing their homes in Portugal. However, it is North Americans who have more purchasing power and choose to buy homes at higher prices.

Discerning the country of residence of non-residents seeking a home loan in Portugal, it is clear that the greatest interest is among those residing in Europe. The highest percentage of applications to idealista/créditohabitação in the summer of 2023 came from the UK (18% of the total), followed by Brazil (15%), Switzerland (12%) and France (9%).

"Buyers from'''The United States stands out with an average income per household of 8,534 euros,' the report indicates. Among all the source countries analyzed, US citizens have the greatest purchasing power and intention to purchase more expensive homes (average 313,288 euros).

Recommended real estate
Купить house в Portugal 2450000€

Sale house in Lagos 2 667 777,00 $

4 Bedrooms

4 Bathrooms

263 м²

Купить shop в Portugal 1200231£

Sale shop in Lisbon 1 533 628,00 $

4 Bedrooms

176 м²

Купить villa в France 6500000€

Sale villa in Grima 7 077 777,00 $

7 Bedrooms

6 Bathrooms

450 м²

Купить house в Portugal 399000€

Sale house in Lagoa 434 466,00 $

2 Bedrooms

2 Bathrooms

66 м²

Купить flat в Portugal 433418£

Sale flat in Funchal 553 811,00 $

3 Bedrooms

107.8 м²

Купить house в Portugal 765000€

Sale house in Lagoa 833 000,00 $

3 Bedrooms

3 Bathrooms

129 м²

In addition, they also submit requests for higher value bank financing (average 242,532 euros).

Non-residents from Switzerland have the second highest purchasing power (average €7,161), seeking to buy a home for €204,992 with an average financing of €153,055. Next are families living in the Netherlands, with an income of €6077. Despite having less purchasing power, these families from the Netherlands are looking for the second highest financing (in''average €191,495) to buy houses at an average cost of €268,924.

On the other hand, citizens of France, Brazil and Belgium borrow less money to buy a house, especially because they are looking for properties at lower prices as they have the lowest income compared to other non-residents (around €4,000).

Those living in the UK, Belgium and the US request a higher percentage of financing (between 77% and 79% of the value of the house). The lowest loan interest rate is requested by those living in France (68% of the total amount). Regarding the average age of families, those living in France use a home loan to buy a house in Portugal later (47 years old) and in Ireland earlier (39 years old).

