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Climate change is already affecting your food price

Climate change is already affecting your food price

Изменение климата уже влияет на вашу продовольственную цену

According to a study published by scientists at the Natural History Museum in London, climate change is having a major impact on food products. This is particularly true for cocoa and coffee, as well as cereal crops. The downward trend in the production of these products has been observed worldwide. Increasing temperatures and erratic precipitation are reducing crop yields and crop quality. As a result, many farmers are forced to adapt to new conditions or seek alternative sources of produce.

Climate change is also affecting the production of olive oil, potatoes and other products.

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Shortages of these products will increase their cost in the future. Instead of''completely dependent on imports, people can look for alternative ways of cooking, use local products or find substitutes for expensive products. For example, they can use truffle oil instead of regular butter to make pasta, or a combination of cocoa and coffee to intensify the flavor in baked goods.

In general, climate change is having a major impact on the food industry, and this is already driving up food prices. Therefore, it is worth preparing for some products to become significantly more expensive to buy in the future.



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