Property Abroad
Israel's 'invasion' of property owners: Airbnb in Thessaloniki is desperate for redemption

Israel's 'invasion' of property owners: Airbnb in Thessaloniki is desperate for redemption

Израильское "вторжение" владельцев недвижимости: Airbnb в Салониках отчаянно выкупают

Israelis are scouring the Greek real estate market for homes. They are actively exploring the possibility of renting accommodation in Thessaloniki to house families for the duration of the conflict with Gaza. The Israeli community in Thessaloniki is also included in this initiative and is ready to help in any way it can. Many of them are willing to pay any amount to secure a place to live, and they are not shy about signing two or three month leases.

The top of the list of popular accommodations are apartments offered by platforms like Airbnb. While Thessaloniki is in the spotlight because of its historical connections, demand is also high for Athens, especially for the southern suburbs and areas outside the city.

Recommended real estate
Арендовать villa в Greece 38500€

Rent villa in Mykonos 41 250,00 $

8 Bedrooms

9 Bathrooms

520 м²

Купить house в Greece 1220054£

Sale house in Beaulieu-sur Mer 1 554 116,00 $

5 Bedrooms

5 Bathrooms

370 м²

Купить flat в Greece 138733£

Sale flat in Athens 176 719,00 $

2 Bedrooms

75 м²

Купить flat в Greece 610069£

Sale flat in Athens 777 111,00 $

2 Bedrooms

1 Bathroom

150 м²

Купить flat в Greece 85791£

Sale flat in Athens 109 281,00 $

4 Bedrooms

1 Bathroom

127 м²

Купить flat в Greece 2950000€

Sale flat in Athens 3 160 714,00 $

3 Bedrooms

4 Bathrooms

265 м²

Last week a real estate agent brokered a deal to rent two villas on Saronid for more than six months, hoping to establish basic stability by then.

There is also a lot of interest in the Golden Visa program. Israelis often contact real estate agencies in different cities in Greece (not only in Athens and Thessaloniki, but also in Rhodes and Chania) with the intention of buying real estate worth more than 250,000 euros, in order to have the right to permanent residence and free movement in Europe. This is a revival in Greece's real estate market, which remains the focus of international investors as new properties become the focus of demand. The Greek real estate market remains stable and is one of the most affordable in Europe in terms of cost per square meter.

Source: OT
