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Carole Middleton under criticism for her treatment of suppliers and creditors, outrage grows

Carole Middleton under criticism for her treatment of suppliers and creditors, outrage grows

Карол Миддлтон под критикой за обращение с поставщиками и кредиторами, возмущение растет
Карол Миддлтон под критикой за обращение с поставщиками и кредиторами, возмущение растет

I can't forget the story over the weekend about the "malicious poster campaign" in Bucklebury. Carol and Michael Middleton's business, Party Pieces, went bankrupt earlier this year and the remains of PP were sold for pennies. The Middletons have defaulted on more than £2.5 million in payments to creditors, including government loans, bank loans and a host of small businesses that lent specifically to Carol because of her association with the "mother of the future Queen". Carol has left a lot of anger and debt as a result of her financial management.

Someone is putting up posters all over Bucklebury demanding that the Middletons pay their creditors. The Middletons own a £5 million estate in Bucklebury, as well as commercial properties in the area. I just wanted to share information from The Sun's exclusive piece, which includes a few other quotes and an interesting note: Kate Middleton's parents have been the target of a brutal poster campaign following the closure of the family business. Malicious messages have been posted on lampposts and trees in the family's village, where Kate's brother, James, has been seen tearing some of them down. Angry vendors have still not been paid after closing Party Pieces, which was sold by Kate's mother, Carol, 68, and father Michael, 74, shortly before its bankruptcy earlier this year. Some want the couple, who are also parents to Pippa, 40, to pay the debts out of their own pockets. However, locals were outraged by posters put up all over Bucklebury, where the family has lived for decades, as well as in the neighboring village of Yattendon, West Berks. A source said: "Carol and Michael are hugely popular. Everyone is horrified by these posters. It's unfair to do this in their home village, just a few yards from their home. Their son James lives in their neighborhood, as well as Pippa, who recently moved there with her family, so they all face it. They are doing their best to put things right and don't deserve this kind of abuse. "

Carol, a former British Airways flight attendant, is said by a friend to be "desperately sad" that the company is facing a "new management team".

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Friends claim she is trying to make sure creditors get their money. It is assumed that Kate's parents have long since stepped away from the day-to-day running of the firm. However, suppliers have criticized the couple for the "deplorable" way they left unpaid bills before the company's bankruptcy and urged them to pay the debt. The administrator's report makes it clear that creditors, including small businesses supplying balloons, toys and party bags, are unlikely to get their money. Here's what surprises me - in all the analysis and attempts to shut down the shop after the Party Pieces debacle, it was clear that Carol was desperate to say that she handed over control of PP to other people years ago. This was in direct contradiction to suppliers and creditors, who claimed that Carol had personally contacted them in recent years promising that they would be paid eventually. "Suppliers criticize couple for 'deplorable' way of leaving unpaid bills before firm's bankruptcy" - in fact, the Middletons continued to rack up more and more debt because Carol made personal promises to small businesses, suppliers and banks.

"Carol and Michael are hugely popular. Everyone is horrified by these posters." The Middletons consider themselves king and queen of Bucklebury, but their house of cards has collapsed. Bucklebury also has businesses affected by the PP collapse, so no, I don't think the Middletons are really "very popular". I'm guessing the village was pretty entertained. I still find it interesting that Carol was last seen at the coronation - she disappeared for months. She felt humiliated, and she deserved it. Note from CB: Get the Top 10 stories about the Middletons' financial shenanigans by signing up for our newsletter! I only send one email a day on weekday afternoons. Photos provided by Avalon Red.


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