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Casa Pia explains: Vasco Fernandez got into a "misunderstanding" with a colleague and showed "low performance".

Casa Pia explains: Vasco Fernandez got into a "misunderstanding" with a colleague and showed "low performance".

Каса Пиа объясняет: Васко Фернандес вступил в «непонимание» с коллегой и показал «низкую производительность».

Filipe Martins has admitted the Geese captain was not punished and left out of the Cup game as a warning to improve the team's conduct.

Philipe Martins said after Cacha Pia's 0-2 win over Rabo de Peix at Azores in the Portuguese Cup:

"Overall, the victory suits us very well, against a team that was very competitive and combative, as we expected, with a good collective organization and good individual qualities. I think that makes it even more appreciative of our victory. Adjusting to a different ball, a different turf and the competitiveness with which opponents faced us led to an open game. Even though we had many more opportunities than Rabu de Paix, they fought to the end.

[On Vasco Fernandez's alleged absence] That's half the truth. There was a conflict between Vasco and Felipe in training, but I can guarantee you that this situation had nothing to do with a disciplinary case. I was absent from practice last week. I was on a course for coaches. I met with Vasco this week and told him, looking him in the eye, that I didn't like his play the last two games. Sports game. I think he could improve leading the team. There's nothing hidden.

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I decided it was only fair to give the other players a chance. Completely false that there is a disciplinary case and that he is suspended. That's not true. He's been practicing all this week and well. I informed him that he would not be called up with the same naturalness as today, if I felt Vasco was useful on the field, he would return to the team. There is no disciplinary case.".

Reaction from Kasha Pia

Kasha Pia also denies "disagreements between Vasco Fernandez and Felipe Cardoso or between them and Filipe Martins" and assures that the central defender has not been "suspended or subjected to a disciplinary procedure".

"Due to the publication of the news about our players Vasco Fernandez, Felipe Cardoso and our coach Filipe Martins, we feel it is necessary to give an explanation to restore the truth. There is no disagreement between Vasco Fernandez and Felipe Cardoso or between them and Filipe Martins. It is important to note that none of those affected were suspended or subjected to a disciplinary procedure, and participation in the training sessions was flawless, with the same diligence and professionalism. We deeply regret that the lack of accuracy in the dissemination of information has led to the spread of lies. The timing of publication, minutes before an important event, also leads us to ask questions about the integrity and purpose of such news. We hope the Record newspaper will also publish this information to restore the truth.".


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