Property Abroad
Cultural heritage ruler and corner

Cultural heritage ruler and corner

Cultural heritage ruler and corner

At the time of the reorganization or dissolution of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, important aspects of the planned operations and the announced decentralization of cultural heritage administration remain unclear, which the Pro-Évora Group considers necessary to note.

This reorganization involves the integration of the Regional Directorates of Culture (DRC) into the Commission for Coordination and Regional Development (CCDR), the creation of the public institute Patrimonio Cultural IP (with an office in Porto and premises in the Ajuda National Palace in Lisbon) and the public company Museums and Monuments of Portugal EPE (with an office in the same palace), while exceeding the deadlines for the transfer of powers and the transition of employees.

Special'. 'control? We know there will be many.

This reform solves such daily problems? The centralization of services in Porto and Lisbon without creating the structure of a new public institution in the regions (at least a minimum department size) will solve this situation? Will it be possible to prepare conservation works, manage the sites and monuments belonging to this institute from Porto or Lisbon? Do not think that the Coordination and Regional Development Commissions will provide proximity in the regions, because they will not deal with the bulk of the DRC's current powers.

As the reform suggests, it artificially provides for a division between the protection zones of classified buildings (transferred to CCDR management) and the classified buildings themselves (transferred to''buildings, and the person concerned will have to contact the Património Cultural IP, as there are no decentralized services of this institute in their region.

Possible conflicts and connections between CCDR first responders and the municipal officials who elect them may also manifest themselves. Other problems may arise, for example, with the possible transfer of DRC archives outside their region, usually organized by geography.

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Let us imagine a complex where the church is classified and under the patronage of the Património Cultural IP, but not the rest of the monastery, so any intervention in this part would require the municipality or CCDR to go to Lisbon or Porto for documentation - we do not believe that these archives would be separated, making many' impossible'procedures.

The current reform makes the local or regional decentralized interlocutor disappear, contradicting one of its stated goals. If DRCs already do not have enough specialists to perform various tasks, what difficulties will arise with the planned reduction in the Património Cultural IP!? We foresee great difficulties in managing the approximately 600 classified buildings located in the Alentejo, in our region. Does the person in charge of this reform believe that management problems will be solved by changing the institutional model, that resources will increase, that technical capacity will improve, that systems will become more flexible? ...? It seems that we are dealing more with a kind of political-cultural experiment in the field of''conservation, preservation, management and communication of cultural heritage than with sound reform.
