Property Abroad
'Buying in Portuguese homes: Anxious buyers and desperate sellers'

'Buying in Portuguese homes: Anxious buyers and desperate sellers'


Купящие в домах Португалии: Тревожные покупатели и отчаянные продавцы

The real estate market is stagnant; a shrinking supply of residential rentals and rising rental costs; social inequality; investor mistrust, which will lead to a decline in new construction.

"There are no benefits, it is purely an ideological package," were some of the comments received from Imovendo's proptech project in last week's survey of property owners and active buyers. The survey received 1,094 responses from 1,500 people surveyed to gauge the mood of home buyers and investors.

"Buyers/investors admitted publicly that in the current economic situation in Portugal, with high interest rates and the expected entry into force of the '\''More Housing'\'' program, they are not'feel comfortable purchasing real estate,' the real estate consultant said in a statement titled "Anxious Buyers and Desperate Sellers".

The main finding is that 83% agree with the president's decision to veto the government's package of bills and believe that if More Housing is enacted, there will be more supply of properties for sale than for rent. With the vetoing of the More Housing program and rising interest rates, if you are a buyer, do you feel comfortable buying real estate?

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"No," answered three-quarters (75.5%) of respondents. What are your expectations if you are a seller? "It will take me longer to sell and I will sell for less," responded 45%, while 8.5% believe they will "sell faster but for'
