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Manager S. Cantapong on symptoms, testimonies and confessions

Manager S. Cantapong on symptoms, testimonies and confessions

Менеджер С. Кантапонг о симптомах, свидетельствах и исповеди
Менеджер С. Кантапонг о симптомах, свидетельствах и исповеди

The doctor monitored the condition after S. Kantapong's incident at the Channel 7 event, which happened on May 9. S.'s personal manager recently updated the information, asking for prayers and requesting that S.

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be protected and healed as soon as possible due to Kantapong's kindness and good deeds. He asks that S. become stronger and that only good miracles always happen. He would also like to thank all those sending their well wishes and support and the Dotcom website team who wish S a speedy recovery.
