Property Abroad
Scammers from France: deception and extortion in Belgrade and Zagreb

Scammers from France: deception and extortion in Belgrade and Zagreb

Unavailable, most likely since people realized it was a scam. Someone has undoubtedly realized it on their own skin, paying money to be the first.

"Always enter into a lease agreement, the law does not provide for a special form of such an agreement, so it does not have to be with a notary, but enter into it in writing for safety, whether you are a tenant or a landlord", says lawyer Aleksandar Radivojevic.

>There are also those who do not own the apartments they advertise. "Always check if someone says they own an apartment, check if it corresponds to the fact and the cadastre. Ask for a contract confirming that the owner has become the owner of the apartment, then you will be sure if you''tenant,' attorney says.

Real estate experts say the safest option is to have the lease notarized. "A lease agreement should be clearly defined, just like a purchase agreement - what are the terms that allow you to live freely in that apartment, behave as a good landlord, not sublet it, be obliged to pay the current fees and the agreed amount of rent. If you fulfill all this as a tenant, the landlord has no grounds to terminate the contract before it expires," says Davorka Tasic, a real estate expert.

Subletting also exists on the market, so you have to be careful here too, says the real estate agency. "If there is no clause in the contract prohibiting subletting, u''you have the opportunity to rent the same apartment at one price and rent it to a third party at a higher price,' says Davorka Tasic.

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1 Bathroom

135 м²

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And it does happen. More often than not, however, it's false advertising. Everything is fine on the photos, but in reality it is a deception.

"False representation of facts, misrepresentation that you are the owner of the apartment or not the owner, is a criminal offense under Article 208 of the Criminal Code. The penalties are quite high, depending on the amount of damage. " says lawyer Radivojevic.

The unlawful acquisition of property benefit is a serious criminal offense. When you are renting or looking for accommodation, caution should never end at the verbal''arrangements, even if you're on friendly, and even familial terms with someone.


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