Property Abroad
Main news: Top global markets on Wednesday at 5 AM Eastern Time.

Main news: Top global markets on Wednesday at 5 AM Eastern Time.

Main news: Top global markets on Wednesday at 5 AM Eastern Time.

On April 24, 2024, at 05:15 Eastern Time, the Bank of China stated that increasing liquidity through bond trading is not an urgent task. The People's Bank of China confirmed the view that significant liquidity is unlikely to be provided through bond trading after the Ministry of Finance expressed support for the central bank in resuming such trading.

The Bank of Indonesia has announced an unexpected increase in interest rates in the stock market as the rupiah declines. This is the first rate hike of the year aimed at strengthening the rupiah, which remains at four-year lows against the dollar.

The madness of the Chinese real estate boom was easy to observe, but no one wanted to stop it. Developers, apartment buyers, and Western bankers ignored the warnings, except for two accountants who began to look for "financial anomalies" and "fraud."

German business sentiment continues to improve. Sentiment among German companies improved for the third consecutive month in April, despite an expected slowdown in economic growth earlier this year.

Inflation in Australia remains at a high level. Consumer price inflation in Australia has stayed elevated in the last quarter, highlighting the challenge faced by the country's central bank in bringing inflation back to its target and adding uncertainty regarding the timeline for interest rate cuts.

The popular ARK funds managed by Cathie Wood are rapidly declining.

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Investors have withdrawn a net amount of $2.2 billion from ARK's active funds this year, surpassing the outflow for the entire year of 2023.

Why a 3% drop in gold prices could stimulate a rise to new record highs. Here’s what could bring gold back to record levels.

The global economy is poised for more balanced growth as the U.S. cools down while other countries pick up their pace. Activity in the U.S. private sector declined in April amid signs of acceleration in other major economies, indicating that global growth this year will be more broadly balanced.

New home sales rose at the fastest pace since December 2022. New home sales totaled a 693,000 annual pace in March, up from 637,000 in February.

The Chief Economist of the Bank of England, Pill, stated that a reduction in the key interest rate is still a long way off.

(END) Dow Jones Newswires 04-24-24 0515ET © Dow Jones - 2024.
