Property Abroad
"Exposure: Former assistant to Vice President Biden reveals secret messages and money transfers."

"Exposure: Former assistant to Vice President Biden reveals secret messages and money transfers."

"Exposure: Former assistant to Vice President Biden reveals secret messages and money transfers."

The first to report on the FOX channel that a former high-ranking aide to Vice President Biden told Hunter Biden in a WhatsApp message that his business partner, connected to the CCP, was willing to transfer tens of thousands of dollars to help him pay off several bills. This is evidenced by new messages published by the Committee on Ways and Means in the US House of Representatives.

Fran Person

Fran Person, who served as a senior advisor to Biden for a long time and unsuccessfully ran for Congress in 2016, informed Hunter in a WhatsApp message in July 2017 that he and Bo Zhang, Fran's partner with connections to top Chinese Communist Party officials, "want to help" him. Hunter was in the middle of a divorce and listed his bills for the month, saying, "100 thousand will be enough for me until next month."

“I am grateful for everything that [Bo] has agreed to, but I feel very uncomfortable starting a partnership this way,” Hunter said. “I am desperately trying to find a way to resolve this without resorting to force.”

“I already talked to Bo about the amount of 37 thousand - he didn’t resist. I will talk to him about 56 thousand and possibly about 100 thousand,” said Person. “It all depends on his liquid assets in the US... I will ask. The only problem is getting large sums out of China (especially now).”

The next day, Hunter asked Person whether they had conducted the operation or were in a "hold," to which Person replied, "No hold... he went to the bank this morning. He will get in touch as soon as everything is confirmed."

“He will help you with what you need. He also mentioned that you should go to China at some point this month, just to get away for a week or so... just to relax,” added Person. A letter from the end of August 2017 indicated that Hunter had been booked on a first-class flight to Hong Kong, but it is unclear if this is related to a visit to Bo.

FOX News Digital

FOX News Digital was the first to report on a letter from Fran to Hunter, written in 2015, which discusses how influential the Zhang family is in China with their real estate empire and that he is "preparing to take his place in the family dynasty." The letter also mentions that the Zhang family has "great respect and connections in China," and that his father-in-law is the governor of Hainan province.

His father-in-law, Liu Cigu, is a long-time member of the Communist Party of China and has held several leadership positions over the past 15 years or even longer. Liu is also considered a "supporter" of Chinese President Xi Jinping. In December 2013, a Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) declaration filed with the Department of Justice indicated that Zhang is an "foreign principal." The declaration notes his connection to Chinese government official Liu Guoqiang, who served as the vice chairman of the Liaoning Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), which is a "key part" of China's "United Front," according to The Diplomat.

Travel and business deals

At the end of July 2017, Zhang offered his home to Hunter for living. During a message exchange on July 24, 2017, Hunter and Person were deciding whether to meet with Zhang at his house or at the luxurious mansion in McLean, Virginia, which Zhang had rented after his father left office.

“Let’s meet at Bo’s house or, even better, at 626 Chain Bridge - I’ll be the only one there,” Hunter said.

The person apologized for being on a conference call and listed a few meetings he had before Hunter said, "Okay, let's say 1:00 PM at Chain Bridge Rd. I'm planning on that unless I hear otherwise."

“Okay, sounds good. I talked to Bo. He’s ready for anything.

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He said 11 AM, 1 PM, your house, his house - everything is fine,” said Person.

The person also said that Zhang's house is "unreal" and that he "won't be there for long, at least for a couple more years." He added that Hunter should "damn well stay at his house" and that everything is furnished there. It is unclear whether Hunter took up the offer to stay in the mansion in McLean, Virginia, which, according to online records, has six bedrooms and nine bathrooms and was recently sold for over 5 million dollars.

In early August 2017, Hunter wrote to Person: "Okay, I want to talk about Hong Kong and whether Bo intends to contribute 100 or if it's clear - he has already done his part." FOX News Digital could not confirm whether Bo transferred the full $100,000 or if there were any other transfers to Hunter's account.

In another WhatsApp message published by the Committee on Ways and Means, Hunter asked Person in October 2017 to "send me the terms regarding the money you are trying to raise, please, and the bank details for the transfer to Bo." There was no response to this message from Person in the latest batch of messages, but the batch indicates that the message was related to "CEFC" China Energy. One of the previous messages between Person and Hunter showed that Zhang wanted to conduct "due diligence" on Hunter's contact with CEFC. It is unclear whether these messages are related or if Bo was connected to CEFC.

In one of the previous message exchanges, Person told Hunter that he "selfishly wants to work" with him "because he knows what you're capable of, and I want to learn from you. I'm putting myself on the line right now, and I'm a quick learner." He continued: "But I would really enjoy working with you on part of this. I mentioned 500 thousand out of 10 million because I'm going to start with that, and I really need your help. We could do this together. I think it could ease the situation, and you wouldn't feel like you're resorting to something."

Fran Persona's profile

Politico wrote a profile of Person when he left the office of then-Vice President Biden in 2014, highlighting how close he was to Biden and other senior officials in the administration. The article states that Person visited 49 out of the 50 countries Biden traveled to, including China and Serbia. Then-Second Lady Jill Biden said, "Fran was like a son to Joe and me. For eight years, we traveled the country, celebrated holidays together... Fran may leave office, but he will always be part of our family."

Biden recalled Person's work for him, saying: "In an emergency, everyone from the Secret Service to the public relations and policy teams turns to Fran." He added, "People know he has my attention when he wants it."

Less than six months later, in January 2015, Person helped launch Harves Global Entertainment, affiliated with the Chinese Harves Century Group, which has deep ties to the Communist Party of China. Person frequently corresponded with Hunter and his long-term business partner Eric Schwerin, then-president of the now-defunct Rosemont Seneca Partners, about business matters related to Harves Group in 2015 and 2016, and he visited the White House multiple times during that period, including attending a Christmas reception at the White House in December 2015 with Zhang. Person previously told FOX News Digital that his visits to the White House were "personal in nature" and that he "visited old colleagues and friends."

The letters from Schwerin state that Hunter's company has financial interests in several Harves affiliates, including a 5% stake in Harves Amusement Parks and ownership of Harves Sports and Entertainment, which are part of the Harves Group.

Schwerin said that Hunter's company has financial interests in several affiliates of Harves. (Fox News)

As previously reported by FOX News, Person reiterated his earlier statement to Fox News Digital last month that neither Hunter nor his associates ever owned shares in any legal entity or affiliate of Harves, despite several letters from Schwerin to Hunter contradicting this claim. A recent fact-check by the Washington Post also noted that Rosemont Seneca Advisors had "a 5 percent stake in Harves Amusement Parks and ownership of Harves Sports and Entertainment, both located in China."

“Like many similar companies in the entertainment industry affected by the global pandemic, Harves Global Entertainment's operations were suspended,” Person told FOX News Digital in August. “The projects mentioned by Eric Schwerin in that letter never progressed beyond the initial deal stage and were never realized. The legal entity Harves Amusement Parks never existed.”
