Property Abroad
Sale of apartments in Serbia decreased by 13 % , demand for loans fell, Georgiev: prices are not falling

Sale of apartments in Serbia decreased by 13 % , demand for loans fell, Georgiev: prices are not falling

Продажа квартир в Сербии уменьшилась на 13%, спрос на кредиты упал, Георгиев: цены не падают

Trzhishte nekretnina u Srbija, prema assessed by Nenad Ђorђeviћa, the chairman of the Administrative Board of the "Cluster of Nekretnina", belezhi pad prometa u odnosu na pre yearina dana. Merchants are more likely to buy stanovu at the ready, and the sale of stanovu at the old town and Novograd is close to the end of the year.

In the other quarter of the last year, the promet is pao for about 13 odsto u odnosu on the true period of the last year. Ovaj pad je postdica izrazitog rasta i promet and price in the other and third quarters of the last year, which led to stagnation in the other three quarters of the last year, he izjavio je za tanjug.

Talking about the types of old and new plants to be sold and bought, Ђorђeviћ it is recommended to give the old and new plants in the market. When there are buyers in the market, they are the ones who have paid for them.

Udeo credit bathing in Srbija has been perpetuated for a long time, and the last two years it has increased in the past two years. Chak and in recent times, the credit merchants generated about 15 percent of spending for non-cretninam, while for the old age the percentage was about 30 percent. Ove godyne, zabeležen je znacajan pad udeka ovih kupaca u ukupnom brojuu kupaca, kojie nije prelazio sedam odsto, istakao je sagovanik Tanjuga.

The main reason for the ovaj pad is the growth of the Euribor, because they who are the owners of stambene credits indexed in Eurim are paying for the veћe rate, and they who are the owners of the loan are paying for the loan to be great and not to lose the loan to them. Meђutim, очекује се да ће са са смањивањем инфлације у евроzone и код нас, еурибор кориговати надоле, that would mean да ће се оn another half of the next year to lead ћаti spendњати for stambenim creditim у односу на тренутну, изјавио је Ђорђевић.

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Without regard to the fact that it is a good idea to get a good price for the coupon, it is not a good idea to check it out for more time, but it is not possible to know how much time it will cost, and it is a good idea to get a good price. Zbog svega toga, odnima koju kodjaju sprawlaju novetsem koju nameravaju u put at nekretnina, no need to add a coupon, and it is Ђorђeviћ.

They do not advise you to add the coupon to the special persons who need it, but if you buy from a credit, you should have in mind that it is not just the loan, but also the loan's rate, but also the rate of payment. Iako je nivo kirija pao krajem 2022. year in the same year in the previous summer and summer, they are also significant in the same way as in 2020. и 2021. of the year, when the pala zbog zbog coronet. The situation is such that it would be better to pay for the loan of the rape, he estimated.
